Examples of the the word, printing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( printing ), is the 3436 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Saw much interplay between the styles of calligraphy and painting. Woodblock, printing ,became important in Japan after the 17th century. The western Age of
  2. See Figure 1). In addition to state-induced monetary expansion via, printing ,of paper money, the Austrian School also maintains that the effects of
  3. Normal UND pathological Anatomic UND Histologic DES Grossing. Separate, printing ,of Handful her Psychiatry. Leipzig,1927–1928 * Was Learn. In: Handful
  4. On the front cover and given to Geraldine State, was used for a facsimile, printing ,in 1987 and the original was auctioned in May 2006 for US $35,000 by Doyle New
  5. With both" Carriage Return" and" Linefeed ". The first returns the, printing ,carriage to the beginning of the line and the second advances to the next line
  6. In Syracuse, New York. Designed to improve manufacturing process control in a, printing ,plant, his invention controlled not only temperature but also humidity. The low
  7. LT lacks the ability to create, visualize and render 3D models as well as 3D, printing , * Network Licensing: AutoCAD LT cannot be used on multiple machines over a
  8. Through ACS DMA port, used ST's memory and processor to build pages for, printing ,* SLM605 - Laser printer, connected through ACS DMA port, smaller than SLM805
  9. 1980s),face painting, airbrushing,water color techniques, and fabric screen, printing , In physics, angular momentum, moment of momentum, or rotational momentum is a
  10. Was set up in Constantinople, operated by Ibrahim Muteferrika (while the, printing ,press had been introduced to Constantinople in 1480,all works published before
  11. cc APIs; entr yid x-1622; viewed 2754V. TIF). Notes Aldine Press was the, printing ,office started by ALUs Mantis in 1494 in Venice, from which were issued the
  12. Medieval book culture emerged. Before the invention and adoption of the, printing ,press, almost all books were copied by hand, which made books expensive and
  13. Coated fine papers and special fine papers are common paper grades. Wood block, printing ,In woodblock printing , a relief image of an entire page was carved into blocks
  14. Then replacements put into the empty space. As video terminals began to replace, printing ,ones, the value of the" rub out" character was lost. DEC systems, for example
  15. Typeball with all the special APL characters on it. This was used on paper, printing ,terminal workstations using the Selectric typewriter and type ball mechanism
  16. Handset up to the speaker and transmitting the appropriate tones. Fax and, printing ,support is also built in at the operating system level, although it requires
  17. Have been manufactured and used for lino block printing (acrylic block, printing ,ink produced by Derived since the early 1980s),face painting, airbrushing
  18. Computer Product),because it was specialized in producing computer assisted, printing ,of sheet music. The director of the company was interested in Microprocessor
  19. And universities, offices of the state, the shops of merchants and booksellers, printing ,houses, theaters,libraries, studies,and closets. The texts for his course
  20. Edition, does not appear in the 1962 typical edition. To judge by the Marietta, printing ,of 1952,which omits the numeral" II" and the word" Papal ", the correction
  21. Her and his sister Marina to Moscow, where she worked as a proofreader at a, printing ,press. In 1939,Tchaikovsky enrolled at the Moscow School № 554. During the war
  22. Of these characters was the Teletype Model 33 ASR series, which was a, printing ,terminal with an available paper tape reader/punch option. Paper tape was a
  23. Of crops by Confederate armies. The standard of living fell even as large-scale, printing ,of paper money caused inflation and distrust of the currency. By 1864 the
  24. At the end of this article). Modern technology (the internet and cheaper home, printing ,) has also influenced board games via the phenomenon of print-and-play board
  25. The writer's love-life. With the rise of education, cheap newspapers and cheap, printing , modern concepts of fame and celebrity began to develop, and the beneficiaries
  26. Friend Andreas Slander to a professorship in 1549. Albert also paid for the, printing ,of the Astronomical" Protonic Tables" compiled by Erasmus Reinhold and the
  27. IEEE 802.11 standards) have some similar applications: setting up networks, printing , or transferring files. Wi-Fi is intended as a replacement for cabling for
  28. Editions) *1528 Alasdair Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier (first, printing ,) Collections The most nearly complete collection of Aldine editions ever
  29. Bubonic plague. *1391 – Jews are massacred in Palma de Mallorca. *1456 – The, printing ,of the Gutenberg Bible is completed. *1561 – Willem of Orange marries duchess
  30. Free internet access, complimentary T-Mobile hotspot access, and complimentary, printing ,is available at most locations, as are shower facilities. The first Flagship
  31. Spaced and create flat areas of color. Dots of this type, used in halftone, printing , were originally used in comic strips and newspapers to reproduce color.
  32. Special fine papers are common paper grades. Wood block printing In woodblock, printing , a relief image of an entire page was carved into blocks of wood, inked,and
  33. The artist. Specialist acrylics have been manufactured and used for lino block, printing ,(acrylic block printing ink produced by Derived since the early 1980s),face
  34. Clubs, founded by William Barclay Turnbull in 1834 in Scott's honor, for, printing , and publishing historical works connected with his writings. Its publications
  35. The first Greek-language version of the New Testament to be printed by the, printing ,press. The Texts Receptor, in turn, was used for the New Testament found in
  36. Employ a wide-variety of linguistic devices to bypass regulatory laws (e.g., printing ,English words in bold and French translations in fine print to deal with the
  37. Cultivated patron of literature and art, and it was in his time that the first, printing ,press authorized to use the Arabic or Turkish languages was set up in
  38. S Polish minority. Lukashenko has closed the country's main Polish newspaper, printing ,a bogus paper instead with the same name and size that praises his incumbent
  39. To carry out a specified task, such as calculating employees' paychecks or, printing ,students' report cards. Thus, an algorithm can be considered to be any
  40. Of the original Academy members, supervised the design of the award trophy by, printing ,the design on a scroll. In need of a model for his statuette Gibbons was
  41. In bullets and lead shot, cable sheathing, type metal (e.g. for Linotype, printing ,machines),solder – some" lead-free" solders contain 5 % Sb, in pewter, and
  42. Element. Over time, with the universal use of high-quality graphic display, printing ,devices and Unicode support, the APL character font problem has largely been
  43. Staff. It also maintains service centers which coordinate activities such as, printing ,literature, responding to public inquiries, and organizing conferences. They
  44. Peoples such as Assyrians have preserved their traditions with schools, printing ,presses and now with electronic media. The Neo-Aramaic languages are now
  45. On only publishing articles regarding the government. The government allowed a, printing ,and publishing company, Brunei Press SDN BHD, to form in 1953. It continues to
  46. Completely different from the set of the same title published as Opus 9. The, printing ,was probably delayed, forcing Vivaldi to gather an improvised collection for
  47. Of the customers. As education became an apparent need and reading, as well as, printing , developed advertising expanded to include handbills. In the 17th century
  48. S traditional industry, most importantly cotton manufacturing, bleaching and, printing , have been phased out. The town was redeveloped in the 1970s with a new town
  49. The European acceptance of the numerals was accelerated by the invention of the, printing ,press, and they became widely known during the 15th century. Early evidence of
  50. Books and newspapers, which became increasingly affordable with advances in the, printing ,press; and medicines, which were increasingly sought after as disease ravaged

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