Examples of the the word, pale , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pale ), is the 6611 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By the malt. The most common color is a pale amber produced from using, pale ,malts. Pale lager and pale ale are terms used for beers made from malt dried
  2. Of lead. Owing to its strong radioactivity, actinium glows in the dark with a, pale ,blue light, which originates from the surrounding air ionized by the energetic
  3. 40–47 in) tall and weighs from 4 to 6.2 kg (8.8-13.6 lbs). This crane is, pale ,blue-gray in color with a white crown, a pink bill, and long, dark gray
  4. Pale Ale is a beer which uses a top-fermenting yeast and predominantly, pale ,malt. It is one of the world's major beer styles.; Stout and porter are
  5. Tennessee. Seeing Johnston slumping in his saddle and his face turning deathly, pale , Harris asked:" General, are you wounded? " Johnston glanced down at his leg
  6. Soda); tea and coffee are equally important. Quizzes is the national brand of, pale ,lager, named after the town of Quizzes, Buenos Aires, where it was first
  7. Seen in modern cattle, such as lyre-shaped horns set at a forward angle,a, pale ,stripe down the spine, and sexual dimorphism of coat color. Males were black
  8. Down the spine, and sexual dimorphism of coat color. Males were black with a, pale ,eel stripe or pinching down the spine, while females and calves were reddish (
  9. As hops. The waters of Burton in England contain gypsum, which benefits making, pale ,ale to such a degree that brewers of pale ales will add gypsum to the local
  10. Pilaster Ur quell, Bitburger, and Heineken brands of beer are typical examples of, pale ,lager, as are the American brands Budweiser, Coors,and Miller. Dark beers are
  11. Veḷiru (भेलिरु) or vicar (भिलर्) –" to become pale ," in reference to the, pale ,semiprecious gemstone beryl. The original source is probably the Sanskrit word
  12. Physiologically distinct from aurochs. The Heck brothers' aurochs also have a, pale ,yellow dorsal stripe, instead of white. Nomenclature The words" aurochs ","
  13. Are frequently described as dressed in white or gray, often having long, pale ,hair which they brush with a silver comb, a detail scholar Patricia Light
  14. Quite rufous, recalling North American Red-tailed Hawk. The upper wings have, pale ,primary patches, and the primary flight feathers are also pale r when viewed
  15. Of standard lager (5 %) contains 2.5 units. *'Super-strength' or strong, pale ,lager may contain as much as two units per half pint. *One liter of typical
  16. In a beer but cooler temperatures are more refreshing. Most drinkers prefer, pale ,lager to be served chilled, a low- or medium-strength pale ale to be served
  17. Color Beer color is determined by the malt. The most common color is a, pale ,amber produced from using pale malts. Pale lager and pale ale are terms used
  18. But the eyes retain their usual color. Some heuristic animals are white or, pale ,because of chromatophore (pigment cell) defects, and do not lack melanin. *
  19. And by the 1870s,was spread in those countries that concentrated on brewing, pale ,lager. Chilling beer makes it more refreshing, though below the chilling starts
  20. Is often referred to as Pentosan stone or agate. Greek agate is a name given to, pale ,white to tan colored agate found in Sicily back to 400 B. C. The Greeks used it
  21. Common color is a pale amber produced from using pale malts. Pale lager and, pale ,ale are terms used for beers made from malt dried with coke. Coke was first
  22. Fuel-to-air mixtures of 15–25 % air. When mixed with oxygen, it burns with a, pale ,yellowish-green flame. At high temperature and in the presence of a suitable
  23. The fight or flight response). External signs of anxiety may include, pale ,skin, sweating,trembling, and pupillary dilation. Someone who has anxiety
  24. The Great usually commanded from 23,000 to 50,000 in battle. Both figures, pale ,in comparison to the armies that would be fielded in the early 19th century
  25. In Aristophanes' comedy, the Thesmophoriazousae, in which Marathon appears as a, pale , clean shaven young man, dressed in women's clothes. Regrettably, it is hard to
  26. Pale Valeria (वेलुरिय),velar (भेलिरु) or vicar (भिलर्) –" to become, pale ," in reference to the pale semiprecious gemstone beryl. The original source is
  27. Expelled by or removed from the whale, the fatty precursor of ambergris is, pale ,white (sometimes streaked with black),soft, with a strong fecal
  28. Contain gypsum, which benefits making pale ale to such a degree that brewers of, pale ,ales will add gypsum to the local water in a process known as Burtonisation.;
  29. Brands Budweiser, Coors,and Miller. Dark beers are usually brewed from a, pale ,malt or lager malt base with a small proportion of darker malt added to achieve
  30. To the risk of tunnel collapse. Treatment The Vienna amber factories, which use, pale ,amber to manufacture pipes and other smoking tools, turn it on a lathe and
  31. Used for roasting malt in 1642,but it was not until around 1703 that the term, pale ,ale was used. In terms of sales volume, most of today's beer is based on the
  32. Bricks" formed from concrete are usually termed blocks, and are typically, pale ,grey. They are made from a dry, small aggregate concrete which is
  33. Britain from almost pure white to black, but is usually shades of brown, with a, pale ,'necklace' of feathers. Systematic The Common Buzzard was first described by
  34. Air. It crystallizes in body centered cubic lattices. It burns with a green to, pale ,green flame, resulting from emission at 524.2 and 513.7 nm. It's simple
  35. With potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and an acidic substance, they will form a, pale ,brown cloud of bromine gas.: 6 Br – + 2 MnO4 – + 8 H+ → 3 Br2 + 2 MnO2 + 4 H2O
  36. Most drinkers prefer pale lager to be served chilled, a low- or medium-strength, pale ,ale to be served cool, while a strong barley wine or imperial stout to be
  37. The apocryphal. Lines 35 and 36 express this best:: Thou hast conquered, O, pale , Galilean; the world has grown gray from thy breath;: We have drunken of things
  38. 3–5 inches long, with a serrated margin and a petiole. The flowers are white or, pale ,pink, diameter with five petals, produced singly or in pairs before the leaves
  39. Contain gypsum, which benefits making pale ale to such a degree that brewers of, pale ,ales will add gypsum to the local water in a process known as Burtonisation.;
  40. In 1842 in the town of Wilson in the present-day Czech Republic. The modern, pale ,lager is light in color with a noticeable carbonation (fizzy bubbles) and a
  41. Can be increased to around 20 % by re-pitching with champagne yeast,The, pale ,lagers that most consumers are familiar with fall in the range of 4–6 %, with a
  42. Ale was used. In terms of sales volume, most of today's beer is based on the, pale ,lager brewed in 1842 in the town of Wilson in the present-day Czech Republic.
  43. Scale for serving temperatures: well chilled () for" light" beers (, pale ,lagers); chilled () for Berliner Waste and other wheat beers; lightly
  44. And have a buff throat and brow without the black border. Both genders have, pale ,legs and feet. Taxonomy Subspecies There are twenty-one recognized subspecies
  45. Labeling. The CPC464's multicolored keyboard has been quietened to a gray and, pale ,blue color scheme on the CPC664. The back of the CPC664 main unit features the
  46. The waters of Burton in England contain gypsum, which benefits making, pale ,ale to such a degree that brewers of pale ales will add gypsum to the local
  47. Lives. Cultural challenges can be expected to be vastly higher in areas where, pale ,skin and light hair stand out more from the ethnic majority's average
  48. With the color" amber ", amber itself can range from a whitish color through a, pale ,lemon yellow, to brown and almost black. Other more uncommon colors include red
  49. Is the largest member of the proposed clade Afroinsectiphilia. The aardvark is, pale ,yellowish-gray in color and often stained reddish-brown by soil. The aardvark
  50. And see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. " (6:5-6) ###Fourth Seal: A, pale ,horse appears, whose rider is Death, and Hades follows him. Death was granted a

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