Examples of the the word, sleeping , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sleeping ), is the 6607 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Such as express and telegraph as being quite profitable. Others such as, sleeping ,and dining cars were kept in order to provide better control over the quality
  2. Three times when he arrives. Pseudos comes up with a plan to slip Philip a, sleeping ,potion that will render her unconscious. He will then tell Locus that she has
  3. Steals Hysterium's book of potions and has Hero read him the recipe for the, sleeping ,potion; the only ingredient he lacks is" mare's sweat," and Pseudos goes
  4. Little for a seven-day journey to the West. They rode in Colonist cars that had, sleeping ,facilities and a small kitchen at one end of the car. Children were not allowed
  5. For an ambush patrol to remain covert and alert if sentry rosters, shelter, sleeping , sanitary arrangements, food and water, have to be considered; so this should
  6. And to Ivan to him it-feels-like-playing" ): Transl.:" I feel like, sleeping , and Ivan feels like playing. ": На нас ни е студено, а на вас ви е топло.: (
  7. Again, who does? " Declared returns to his apartment to find Rachael alive and, sleeping ,in his bed; as they leave Declared finds an origami unicorn, a calling card left
  8. Minister Pierre Trudeau famously said that being America's neighbor" is like, sleeping ,with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered the beast, if one
  9. A mass of drawings, and I had nearly five dollars in my pocket. People were, sleeping ,in alleys then, willing to work at anything. " There he met Ham Fisher, who
  10. Built, cash crops were promoted, mobile health services were formed to combat, sleeping ,sickness, and Protestant missions established stations in different parts of
  11. A, and typhoid fever; vector borne diseases, malaria,African trypanosomiasis (, sleeping ,sickness); respiratory disease: meningococcal meningitis, and schistosomiasis
  12. By the verandah, is the large statue of dead Buddha. The Buddhist calls this, sleeping ,figure the Buddha in parinirvana. Temptation of Buddha: On the same wall
  13. Way, by climbing in through the kitchen window, to find Muddy Waters' band, sleeping ,on the kitchen floor. Although Cyril Davies left the group in 1963,Blues
  14. And arseno-benzol),tropical malaria (quinine and Arsenal arsenic), sleeping , sickness,treated at that time with atoll, leprosy (chaulmoogra oil),fevers
  15. Ish-bosheth lost the main prop of his tottering cause by accusing Abner of, sleeping ,with Rizal (cf. 2 Samuel 3:7),one of Saul's concubines, an alliance which
  16. Most obvious aspect of the behavior of any animal is the daily cycle between, sleeping ,and waking. Arousal and alertness are also modulated on a finer timescale
  17. Relative to the outside of the flock. This may allow the eye opposite the, sleeping ,hemisphere to remain vigilant for predators by viewing the outer margins of the
  18. As a telegrapher and by the 1860s had investments in railroads, railroad, sleeping , cars,bridges and oil derricks. He built further wealth as a bond salesman
  19. Of the second and third conjugations: (" he had ", Sp., Cat. ), ( " he was, sleeping ,", Sp., Cat. ). *High Aragonite dialects (alto dragons),along with some
  20. Bread rations and water. Curfew was two or three hours later, the prisoners, sleeping ,in long rows of wooden bunks, lying in and on their clothes and shoes to
  21. To," caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing,hearing, eating, sleeping , walking, standing,lifting, bending,speaking, breathing,learning, reading
  22. One second-class coach, two immigrant sleepers, two first-class coaches, two, sleeping , cars and a diner (several dining cars were used throughout the journey, as
  23. Road in Belfast, he imagined that the Cave hill resembled the shape of a, sleeping ,giant safeguarding the city. The shape of the giant's nose, known locally as
  24. Ama can be tagged onto a sentence to express surprise: AMA toy SPI! –" he's, sleeping , " Vocative particles Bulgarian has several abstract particles which are used
  25. Shall sleep in beds with sheets" when the pigs are discovered to have been, sleeping ,in the old farmhouse. " No animal shall drink alcohol" is changed to" No
  26. So much that" he would do without his cloak rather than disturb one that was, sleeping ,on it ". Freya—the goddess of love, beauty,and fertility in Norse
  27. To the threshing floor at night and tells her to" uncover the feet" of the, sleeping ,Boat. Ruth does so; Boat awakes and asks," Who are you? " Ruth identifies
  28. Between Woodruff's company and that of George M Pullman, the inventor of a, sleeping ,car for first class travel which facilitated business travel at distances over.
  29. Sites are often chosen with regard to thermoregulation and safety. Many, sleeping ,birds bend their heads over their backs and tuck their bills in their back
  30. It may be necessary to camp in the cave. This necessitates the caver carrying, sleeping ,and cooking equipment. Safety Caves can be dangerous places; hypothermia
  31. The CPR decided from the very beginning that it would operate its own, sleeping ,cars, unlike railways in the United States that depended upon independent
  32. While riding a Greyhound Canada bus. According to witnesses, McLean was, sleeping ,with his headphones on when the man sitting next to him, Vince Weighing Li
  33. In the past. It can also be affected in ways which include changes in, sleeping ,patterns,nail-biting and increased motor tension, such as foot tapping. While
  34. Cow tipping or cow pushing is the purported activity of sneaking up on a, sleeping , upright cow and pushing it over for fun. As cattle do not sleep standing up
  35. As little as 3 or 4 hours of sleep per night, while others can go days without, sleeping , A person may exhibit pressured speech, with thoughts experienced as racing.
  36. From nearby farms, were also arrested. In Poland a homeless man was found, sleeping ,half-naked on January 28, 2011,in Caisson. His blood had an alcohol level of
  37. Herself from a bridge to her death after witnessing her husband James Haggard, sleeping ,with Lillian Rear den and after being beaten for showing James his code of death
  38. Operations as it could. This translated into keeping express, telegraph, sleeping , car and other lines of business for themselves, creating separate departments
  39. Fever, filariasis,leishmaniasis, malaria,meningitis, schistosomiasis,and, sleeping ,sickness. The HIV/AIDS seroprevalence rate is estimated at 5.4 % for those aged
  40. Particularly alcohol or other depressants, cocaine or other stimulants, or, sleeping , pills. Their behavior may become aggressive, intolerant,or intrusive. People
  41. Disappointed" at Lincoln seems failure to realize that" the country was, sleeping ,on a volcano" and that the South was preparing for war. Donald concludes that
  42. With Scott. A few years later, he received a few shares in T. T. Woodruff's, sleeping ,car company, as a reward for holding shares that Woodruff had given to Scott
  43. Line and its daily requirements---the refectory for eating, the dormitory for, sleeping , the common room for social intercourse, the chapter-house for religious and
  44. After, Napoleon and Squealer indulge in the vices of humans (drinking alcohol, sleeping ,in beds, trading ). Squealer is employed to alter the Seven Commandments to
  45. Recognize each other after long periods of separation. They can often be found, sleeping ,on top of each other for warmth and companionship. History Bred by the Tuareg
  46. Was carried out with the help of local people and patients. Drug advances for, sleeping ,sickness included Germanic and tryparsamide. Dr. Trees conducted experiments
  47. Visitors. One of his most famous films, Sleep,monitors poet John Giorno, sleeping ,for six hours. The 35-minute film Blow Job is one continuous shot of the face
  48. Accepting supplication. After four years he decided to declare himself king, sleeping ,with his father's concubines, then raised a revolt at Hebron, the former
  49. S illness was either a 24-hour flu, as Borman thought, or a reaction to the, sleeping ,pill. Researchers now believe that he was suffering from space adaptation
  50. Upanishads) always lay open on his table, and he invariably studied it before, sleeping ,at night. He called the opening up of Sanskrit literature" the greatest gift

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