Examples of the the word, ne , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ne ), is the 6608 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Correlatives. Ordinarily, only o ne ne gative word is allowed per clause:: Mi, ne , faris ion AJN. I didn't do anything. Two ne gatives within a clause cancel each
  2. Is ambiguity between ne gating the verb alo ne and ne gating the clause):: mi, ne , iris 'I didn't go ': mi né iris, mi events 'I didn't go, I came back ': né
  3. Its initial data, estimates that about 34 % of stars host at least o ne pla ne t., ne , = the average number of pla ne ts (satellites may sometimes be just as
  4. Words can be used to alter the emphasis of a sentence – e.g. while" push, no,né, tryabva" and" push, a né Arabia" both mean" I smoke, but I shouldn't "
  5. Uses, in many cases they are specific. For example, ami is used for a choice –, ne , tova, ami Nova –" not this o ne , but that o ne " ( comp. Spanish sing),while
  6. Second feels more like a judgement (" ... but I oughtn't" ). Similarly, az, ne , iskam, ama toy ska and AZ né Islam, a toy ska both mean" I don't want to
  7. Je m'appeal: my name is …; JE m'en four:" I don't give a damn/a fuck. "; JE, ne , regrette rain:" I regret nothing" ( from the title of a popular song sung by
  8. In the Japa ne se fashion of aligning with the polarity of the question:: Cu vi, ne , iris? (Did you not go? ): — Ne, mi né iris (No, I didn't go); — Yes, mi
  9. For a variety of organizations, but not for the king himself. Arcadia Weiss (, ne , Zorrilla, b. 1790) the artist's maid, younger by 35 years, and distant
  10. Describunto: caliber else promi ne nt: mores popular reg unto: prob rum in Senate, ne , relinquunto. " This can be translated roughly as:" The Censors are to
  11. The polarity of the question:: Cu vi né iris? (Did you not go? ): — Ne, mi,né, iris (No, I didn't go); — Yes, mi iris (Yes, I went): — Gust, mi né iris
  12. The word it ne gates, with the default position being before the verb:: Mi, ne , skribis ton (I didn't write that): Ne mi scribes ton (It wasn't me who
  13. But I oughtn't" ). Similarly, az né Islam, ama toy ska and AZ, ne , iskam, a toy ska both mean" I don't want to, but he does ", however the
  14. La Republican n'a pas begin de savants NI de chemists; LE course de la justice, ne , peut Eyre suspend. " (" The Republic ne eds ne ither scientists nor chemists;
  15. Pardonu all NI Nixon sundown, : Kiel Anna NI pardons all EIAJ ŝuldantoj.: Key, ne , konduku NIN en Benton, : used Liberia NIN de la Malo ne .: (Car Via Estes la
  16. Cette Terry m'Stouffer, je vows conjure de free over Mon corps pour Que JE, ne , sois pas entered if. " (" As this earth will suffocate me, I implore you to
  17. Use these words, and some can be used alo ne as interjections: *the, ama, ne , ( lit. " Yes, but no" ) – means" you're wrong to think so ". *AMA can be
  18. A much lesser role than it does in English. For example, the ne gative particle, ne , ge ne rally comes before the element being ne gated; ne gating the verb has the
  19. Mi assigns (I was born). Negatives A statement is made ne gative by using, ne , or o ne of the ne gative ( ne vi-) correlatives. Ordinarily, only o ne ne gative
  20. The A-level Out of the Past, described by scholar Robert Otto son as" the,né, plus ultra of forties film noir ". Movies with budgets a step-up the ladder
  21. A clause cancel each other out, with the result being a positive sentence.: Mi, ne , faris region. Mi JA Paris ion. It is not the case that I did nothing. I did do
  22. Faris ion. It is not the case that I did nothing. I did do something. The word, ne , comes before the word it ne gates, with the default position being before the
  23. 1924,he published an autobiography, Unless the seed dies (French: Si leg rain, ne , meurt). After 1925,he began to demand more huma ne conditions for criminals.
  24. Prior to the nasalization in the second usage. Yet, it is pronounced Dhaka., ne , in the first and had. Ka ne in the second. However, this specific allophony can
  25. Emphasis of a sentence – e.g. while" push, no né Arabia" and" push,a, ne , tryabva" both mean" I smoke, but I shouldn't ", the first sounds more like a
  26. Any categoryand which must ge ne rally precede the words they modify, such as, ne , ( not),Anna (also),our (only),EC (even). The part-of-speech endings
  27. Last native speaker of Cornish. Notwithstanding her reported last words," Me, ne , vidn vessel Ow ne d! " (" I will not speak English! "),she spoke at least
  28. It wasn't that I wrote) The latter will frequently be reordered as, ne , tion mi scribes depending on the flow of information. Questions" WH "
  29. Unheard of.; (pl. bureau): office. Also means" desk" in French. C; CA, ne , fait rain:" that doesn't matter "; rendered as San fairy Ann in British World
  30. What?) Yes/no questions are marked with the conjunction Cu (whether):: Mi, ne , scias, ĉu LI Venus (I don't know whether he'll come): Cu LI Venus? (Will
  31. né iris 'I didn't go ': mi né iris, mi events 'I didn't go, I came back ':, ne , mi iris 'it wasn't me who went ': me iris né all la batik used heaven 'I went
  32. Write that): Ne mi scribes ton (It wasn't me who wrote that): Mi scribes, ne , tion (It wasn't that I wrote) The latter will frequently be reordered
  33. Not to the shop but home '. However, when the entire clause is ne gated,the,né, may be left till last:: me iris né 'I went not '. The noun phrase Within a noun
  34. Per year in our galaxy: FP = the fraction of those stars that have pla ne ts:, ne , = the average number of pla ne ts that can potentially support life per star that
  35. The cheetah is the fastest of the animals. ": :La below Haas felon, sed ill, ne , taŭgas POR Kari.:::" Bees have fur, but they're no good for petting. ": For
  36. When the entire clause is ne gated, the né may be left till last:: me iris, ne ,'I went not '. The noun phrase Within a noun phrase, either the order
  37. Language consistently does not distinguish between" be" and" become "; thus, ne , means both" be" and" become ", and parka means" good "," be good ", and "
  38. Nothing" ( from the title of a popular song sung by Edith Piaf:" Non, je, ne , regrette rain" ). Also, the phrase the UK's then Chancellor of the Exchequer
  39. Or punctuation/intonation disambiguate:: Homo, mi Estes. Angelo, mi Estes, ne , 'A man/human I am. An angel I am not. ') Ge ne rally, if a characteristic of
  40. Cu LI Venus? (Will he come?) Such questions can be answered yes (yes) or, ne , ( no) in the European fashion of aligning with the polarity of the answer, or
  41. Of the other. Values based on the above estimates, : R* 7/year, fp 0.5,né,2,fl 0.33,phi 0.01,FC 0.01,and L = 10000 years result in: N 7 × 0.5 × 2 ×
  42. I didn't go, I came back ': né mi iris 'it wasn't me who went ': me iris, ne , al la batik used heaven 'I went not to the shop but home '. However, when the
  43. The verb alo ne and ne gating the clause):: mi né iris 'I didn't go ': mi, ne , iris,mi events 'I didn't go, I came back ': né mi iris 'it wasn't me who
  44. Mi né iris (No, I didn't go); — Yes, mi iris (Yes, I went): — Gust, mi,né, iris (Correct, I didn't go); — August, mi iris (Incorrect, I did go)
  45. Indicates that pla ne tary systems may be common for stars like the Sun),né, The number of Earth-like worlds per pla ne tary system, fl The fraction of those
  46. Small, and quite possibly limited to Earth alo ne ; in this case, the estimate of, ne , would be infinitesimal. Fl = the fraction of the above that actually go on to
  47. 1925 (translated as The Counterfeiters – 1927) * Si leg rain, ne , meurt – 1926 (translated as If It Dies) Algorithms for calculating variance
  48. A Paris element UN instant pour Lew copper la Pete, mais la France portrait, ne , pas en produce o ne outre parallel en un since. " (" It took them only an
  49. As CE" at" ) must come before their related nouns. Similarly, the ne gative, ne ," not" and conjunctions such as key" and" and KE" that" must precede the
  50. Charged. Under this onslaught they too broke. Retort" La Garden must, elle, ne , se rend pas! " (" The Guard dies, it does not surrender! "). Capture of

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