Examples of the the word, theoretically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( theoretically ), is the 8348 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sees is now headed by its own bishop and not the cardinal bishop himself, theoretically , a cardinal could now occupy any rank within the Sacred College without
  2. Described to date, which in turn are a tiny fraction of such compounds that are, theoretically ,possible under standard conditions. Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in
  3. Claude Shannon proved, using information theory considerations, that any, theoretically ,unbreakable cipher must have keys which are at least as long as the plaintext
  4. And there were Jain monarchs, military commanders, and soldiers. Though, theoretically , all life forms are said to deserve full protection from all kinds of injury
  5. Perform a semi-classical calculation of black hole entropy, this situation is, theoretically ,unsatisfying. In statistical mechanics, entropy is understood as counting the
  6. Alternative to animal rennet. While providing comparable quality, they are, theoretically ,also less expensive. About 85 million tons of wheat flour is used every year to
  7. Laography),in the form of" a science of the interior ", although, theoretically , weak; but the connotation of the field deeply changed after World War II, when
  8. Intelligence (CTI) focuses on composing and deciphering messages that could, theoretically ,be understood by another technological civilization. Communication attempts by
  9. Programming. Nonetheless, like any Turing-complete language, brainfuck is, theoretically ,capable of computing any computable function or simulating any other
  10. Credited with a putout). The rule works this way because a smart fielder can, theoretically ,purposely bobble the ball and run with it at the same time towards the infield
  11. Or France, decided it. Therefore, West African CFA coins and banknotes are, theoretically ,not accepted in countries using Central African CFA francs, and vice versa.
  12. Capture. The spying program would later be revamped in order to make it, theoretically ,legal. In February 2005,U. S. officials claim the CIA was growing
  13. Can include spaces for write-in candidates as well. ) All four ballots are, theoretically ,equivalent. The more structured ballots may aid voters in offering clear votes
  14. More emotional than men. The emotional excess associated with sensibility also, theoretically ,produced an ethic of compassion: those with sensibility could easily sympathize
  15. Any given time can put limitations on what can be achieved experimentally and, theoretically ,so it may take considerable time for theory to be refined. One of the earliest
  16. Printer. Access to ROM memory occurred at 2 MHz regardless of graphics mode so, theoretically ,programs released on ROM could run at least twice as fast as those released on
  17. In the world. Safeguard protected only the main fields of US ICBMs from attack, theoretically ,ensuring that an attack could be responded to with a US launch, enforcing the
  18. XOR-encode pointers before and after they are used. Because the attacker (, theoretically ,) does not know what value will be used to encode/decode the pointer, he cannot
  19. However, the problem can in principle be solved perfectly. Examples of such a, theoretically ,perfect system include the Lundberg lens and the Maxwell fish-eye. Practical
  20. Against other currencies, they are in principle separate currencies. They could, theoretically ,have different values from any moment if one of the two CFA monetary
  21. 41 through 82 are apparently stable (except technetium and promethium) but, theoretically ,unstable, or radioactive. The half-lives of elements 41 through 82 are so long
  22. To know how much of a particular resource (such as time or storage) is, theoretically ,required for a given algorithm. Methods have been developed for the analysis of
  23. Organs, and the meridians which extend through the organ systems. These are all, theoretically ,interconnected: each gang organ is paired with an FM organ, which are nourished
  24. Perimeter. Boards aligned on the eastern and western coasts of North America, theoretically ,would launch and would destroy enemy bombers before the bombers could drop
  25. A high colloid osmotic pressure in the blood, and therefore, they should, theoretically ,preferentially increase the intravascular volume, whereas other types of volume
  26. Or the ancient rule of Lenten fasting and abstinence. As such, it can, at least, theoretically , change at any time, though it still must be obeyed by Catholics in good
  27. http://catpad.net/michael/apl example). In nearly all versions of APL, it is, theoretically ,possible to express any computable function in one expression, that is, in one
  28. Are decided by direct postal ballot of the membership. Although policies are, theoretically ,set similarly, Australian Democrats parliamentarians generally had
  29. Work on the mathematical theory of cryptography, in which he proved that all, theoretically ,unbreakable ciphers must have the same requirements as the one-time pad. He is
  30. On the shoreline of Dean Channel near Bella Cooley. His expedition, theoretically ,established British sovereignty inland, and a succession of other fur company
  31. The occurrence of bohrium in nature in such minerals as molybdenum is, theoretically ,possible, though highly unlikely. Isotopes A total of eleven isotopes of
  32. Whichever specific rate is used) is generally to lend money or borrow money in, theoretically ,unlimited quantities, until the targeted market rate is sufficiently close to
  33. Are the West African CFA franc and the Central African CFA franc. Although, theoretically ,separate, the two CFA franc currencies are effectively interchangeable. Both
  34. Name hinshaw20051215/> The first atoms (complete with bound electrons) were, theoretically ,created 380,000 years after the Big Bang—an epoch called recombination, when
  35. Became instead a province of the new Federal Republic of Central America, which, theoretically , existed from 1823 to 1839,but which exercised a very loose authority over its
  36. The 850 core words of Basic English are found in Wiktionary's. This core is, theoretically ,enough for everyday life. However, Ogden prescribed that any student should
  37. Efficient design is congruent with the goal of autonomy, and showed that it was, theoretically ,possible. One of the three prototype Domain houses that Fuller produced was
  38. Although rarely occurring, if a runner tags and advances from second base (or, theoretically , from first base) all the way to home and scores (without an intervening
  39. To temperatures of 800 °C. Boron nitride nanotubes Boron nitride nanotubes were, theoretically ,predicted in 1994 and experimentally discovered in 1995. They can be imagined
  40. The 3rd century BCE, and Gary Shoppers, while acknowledging that Chronicles, theoretically ,could be written anywhere between 500 and 250 BCE, tends to see it as probably
  41. Included philosophy about science. In 1903, he arranged them, from more to less, theoretically ,basic, thus: # Science of Discovery. ## Mathematics. ##
  42. Or the current is said to be an" analog" of the sound. An analog signal has a, theoretically ,infinite resolution. In practice an analog signal is subject to noise and a
  43. Neighbours, which would effectively turn the line into a long battery forming a, theoretically ,impregnable barrier. A second inner line of four frigates was positioned
  44. Of the theory of wave optics. Fresnel studied the behavior of light both, theoretically ,and experimentally. He is perhaps best known as the inventor of the Fresnel
  45. And reintroduced on numerous occasions., universal military conscription is, theoretically ,mandatory in the People's Republic of China. However, the People's Liberation
  46. Which are either 160 pixels wide or 320 pixels wide. While the 320 pixel modes, theoretically ,enable the 7800 to create games at higher resolution than the 256 pixel wide
  47. By vaccines; for example an update Influenza vaccine is needed each year. While, theoretically ,promising, anti-staphylococcal vaccines have shown limited efficacy, because of
  48. 19,matching Aristarchus's figure. Although Ptolemy's procedure is, theoretically ,workable, it is very sensitive to small changes in the data, so much so that
  49. Macedonia, but Alexander repelled the invaders. Philip marched on Melissa (, theoretically ,acting on the request of the Amphicytonic League),captured the mercenaries
  50. Advantage of being shallow and relatively easy to mine. Recycling Aluminum is, theoretically ,100 % recyclable without any loss of its natural qualities. According to the

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