Examples of the the word, applaud , in a Sentence Context

The word ( applaud ), is the 8349 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2010 that the victim — who is known only as H. S. — had no right to refuse to, applaud ,her attacker because as a cheerleader in uniform, she was an agent of the
  2. Officeholders, members of the Supreme Court or the Joint Chiefs of Staff rarely, applaud ,in order to retain the appearance of political impartiality. In recent years
  3. In treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives; and we are tempted to, applaud ,the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of legions against a
  4. Of expression and information. " And Congressman Bob Good latte said," I, applaud ,Google for its courageous step to stop censoring search results on Google. Cn.
  5. Who attempted to arrange these chronicles in Latin, and whose intention I could, applaud , if his language did not disgust me it would be better to be silent ... "
  6. Thousands of people were unable to get in, so Terry Kath asked those inside to, applaud ,for those standing outside. Carmen Romano de Lòpez Portillo, the wife of Mexico
  7. Tradition for Blackhawks fans to not follow the USA Flag Code, but, applaud , and cheer loudly during the singing of the national anthems. This tradition
  8. Expected of presiding officers of deliberative bodies, as they, too,stand and, applaud ,in response to the remarks of the President with which they agree. For the 2011
  9. Played. At the end of each session, Brahman is said to wake up, cease the game, applaud ,itself, and resume the game all over again. The state of wakefulness and
  10. Chroniclers and also of some modern historians to 'find strong king's to, applaud ,' should not diminish the extent of parliament's ability to restrain the king
  11. To be deluded by applaud ing critics just as he must observe those who do not, applaud , Faulty Towers is a try and there have to be many in comedy. But when the try
  12. In the way he has approached his career as a comic poet, and we are invited to, applaud ,him. The knights then deliver a speech in praise of the older generation, the
  13. On why, he, Beatty,and many others in the audience chose to stand and, applaud ,:: I never discussed it with Warren, but I believe we were both standing for
  14. Portugal, and has produced many renowned musicians. According to tradition, to, applaud , fado in Lisbon you clap your hands, while in Cobra one coughs as if clearing
  15. Of the Advisory Council have remained areas of concern even among those who, applaud ,the church's doctrinal changes. The Church maintains national offices and
  16. And found them balanced and thought-provoking. They were not sensationalist. I, applaud ,Warwick for his lectures. In 2005 Warwick was congratulated for his work in
  17. Sees no need for any high level of intelligence in the rank and file, except to, applaud ,his actions. Indeed, such intelligence from his point of view, by breeding
  18. As" bullying" tactics, while the green and the conservation lobby tend to, applaud ,the U. S. The United States first incorporated the IWC's regime into domestic
  19. At a French struggle for Liberty and not knowing whether to blame or to, applaud , The thing indeed, though I thought I saw something like it in progress for
  20. Dr. George Ashley," It's too bad that Mr. Ashley wasn't blown up" and" I, applaud ,those who took such actions. I think these people have a righteous place in the
  21. The war efforts of Presidents Johnson and Richard Nixon, going so far as to, applaud ,US incursions into Laos and Cambodia. Following the conclusion of the Vietnam
  22. Heir. Augustus' famous last words were," Have I played the part well? Then, applaud ,as I exit"—referring to the play-acting and regal authority that he had put on
  23. That the government will waive customs duty imposed on the car as a measure to, applaud ,his feat. However, the rules at the time stated that the customs duty can be
  24. To in the book The Scarlet Pimpernel briefly. Danton and Robespierre both, applaud ,a guard for his work in catching aristocrats. *In The Tangled Thread, Volume 10
  25. For" The Greening of Planet Earth" from an oil company) stated," We, applaud ,Western Fuels for their willingness to publicize a side of the story that we
  26. Then it had been customary for audiences at symphony or choral concerts to, applaud ,after each movement or section. Wood discouraged this, sometime by gesture and
  27. Solo," she would finally hit the right note, causing the entire orchestra to, applaud , In fact, the actual index-finger playing was done off-stage by a professional
  28. Hugo wrote to him:" Your flours Du MAL shine and dazzle like stars ... I, applaud ,your vigorous spirit with all my might ". Baudelaire did not appeal the
  29. Actions may be legal. For example, a person planted in an audience to laugh and, applaud ,when desired (see claque),or to participate in on-stage activities as a "
  30. Latest trend among visitors of the spot (standing outside the Church) is to, applaud ,loudly during bells' ringing. This is to recognize the unique beauty of the
  31. A group of admirers; in old French, the claque was a group of people paid to, applaud ,or disturb a piece at the theater; in modern French, it means" a slap "; "
  32. Single season record-tying home run in 1998 (" Pardon me while I stand up and, applaud , "). Biography Early life Jack Buck was born in Holyoke, Massachusetts,the
  33. A panel of" stars" who did nothing but heap lavish praise on each other and, applaud ,their pointless profundities. Originally a parody of Sammy Davis, Jr. is
  34. Wish will come true. Once the candles have been blown out, people often will, applaud , and then the cake is usually served—often by the birthday person—and eaten.
  35. Wagner addressed them again, saying that he did not mean that they could not, applaud , After the performance Wagner complained" Now I don't know. Did the audience
  36. Estimated by Schwas Political opinion Opinions are divided between those who, applaud ,that the Robin tax could protect countries from spillovers of financial crises
  37. Carrying out of his coffin from the church, the crowd spontaneously began to, applaud ,and sing Quebec's unofficial national anthem" Gens Du pays ", replacing the
  38. Divided in their reaction, with some including Nick Note, refusing to, applaud , and many others, such as actor Warren Beatty and producer George Stevens, Jr.
  39. Has displayed superior service and dedication to the safety of our citizens. I, applaud ,the efforts of the independent radio operators, and thank you for your selfless
  40. 1,1914. Applause during Parsifal At Bayreuth performances audiences do not, applaud ,at the end of the first act. This tradition is the result of a misunderstanding
  41. Astronauts claiming them as unofficial ambassadors. Rohrabacher stated“ I, applaud ,their efforts and accomplishments over the past fifty years. And I encourage
  42. Car, uses a cell phone, and recounts her mysteries in the first person. Many, applaud ,these changes, arguing that Nancy has not really changed at all others than
  43. Writing, especially by Italian authors, broke from the official French line to, applaud ,the massacre as precisely a brilliant stratagem, deliberately planned from
  44. For instance PKI" pat" becomes papal" slap or clap once" and Pakistani ", applaud ,"; IMO" blink" becomes Eskimo" close eyes firmly ". Australian Aboriginal
  45. Cavendish looks favorably upon it. Cavendish often appeals to the reader to, applaud ,her work, asserting that if it is well received it will actually be somewhat
  46. Letterman's desk; Letterman obliged, as the audience continued to cheer and, applaud , After some moments, Carson departed from the show without having spoken to the
  47. Be a collaborative interruption during the telling. Finally, the group might, applaud ,the tale and move onto another subject or activity. Key Clues that establish
  48. The step? Is it right in such important matters to act capriciously, to, applaud , the one to-day and the other tomorrow? " To reconcile the two parties
  49. November 3,1962. The large crowds not only cheer for their team but will also, applaud ,the visiting team as they leave the field at the end of the game. Nebraska fans
  50. The end," I hold in my hand the last envelope," at which the audience would, applaud ,wildly, prompting Carney to pronounce a comedic" curse" on the audience, such

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