Examples of the the word, anecdote , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anecdote ), is the 8353 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Research methods to validate every story, and there was no evidence for this, anecdote ,apart from Weeks' report. Joseph Rodman in 1904 noted that Weeks plagiarized
  2. However, have criticized the narrowness of narrative and its preference for, anecdote ,over analysis, and its use of clever examples rather than statistically
  3. Started. In addition, no discussion of it has been observed in the media. The, anecdote ,among Casablanca population is that" water is too near below, that they cannot
  4. The city. Discoveries and inventions The Golden Crown The most widely known, anecdote ,about Archimedes tells of how he invented a method for determining the volume
  5. Cookies ". Adams also discussed the real-life incident that inspired the, anecdote ,in a 2001 speech, reprinted in his posthumous collection The Salmon of Doubt.
  6. To distrust or deprecate results which are not qualitatively apparent. One, anecdote ,describes Thomas Hunt Morgan banning the Fri den calculator from his department
  7. Was a large man, standing and weighing around. His girth gave rise to a famous, anecdote , During World War I am lady in London asked why he was not 'out at the Front ';
  8. The Targets split like the stern of a ship. Pliny the Elder also mentions this, anecdote ,(II,81),suggesting that it came from an" admirable inspiration ", as
  9. Of the BVI's Financial Services Commission, Michael Rebels, recites the, anecdote ,that the offshore finance industry commenced on an unknown date in the 1970s
  10. Is of no interest ".: Polish-American mathematician Jan Mycielski relates this, anecdote ,in a 2006 article in the Notices of the AMS. " The axiom gets its name not
  11. Fighting" and then lures Parsons into boarding a dinghy is based upon a famous, anecdote ,involving the 16th century Samurai Sahara Borden. Jackie Chan appears as a
  12. Of reflective autobiography" to" look at the world through the keyhole of, anecdote ,and description ". * Objective and factual: in these essays, the authors" do
  13. He was an early advocate of Einstein's General Relativity, and an interesting, anecdote ,well illustrates his humor and personal intellectual investment: Ludwig
  14. Station in the 1930s he was asked if he was going to the (horse) races. The, anecdote ,indicates that at the time an interest in nature was not widely perceived as a
  15. Includes most of the rest of the world not categorized above. An interesting, anecdote ,is the developing role of English as a lingua franca among speakers of the
  16. These anecdote s appeared has been translated into English. If one takes the, anecdote ,as the memory of a real event, circumstances mentioned in the story suggest
  17. Page is 407. ) * The preface of Concrete Mathematics includes the following, anecdote ,:" When Knuth taught Concrete Mathematics at Stanford for the first time, he
  18. And reading In this same passage of Augustine's Confessions is a curious, anecdote ,in which bears on the history of reading: This is a celebrated passage in
  19. A lion in butter – for the warm interest which Falter took in his welfare. The, anecdote ,may or may not be true. By his patron Canola was placed under Bernard, or,as
  20. Lives, and occasionally referenced each other in their strips. According to one, anecdote ,(from Al Camp Remembered,1994),Camp and his brother Elliot ducked out of a
  21. Context in order to be understood. A good example is found in this famous, anecdote ,:::: :When the stables were burnt down, on returning from court, Confucius said
  22. By FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was a surprise to him, may be apocryphal: An, anecdote ,in some contradiction is recorded during a broad interview with Richard Avedon
  23. His nurse playing with their limp bodies as if they were a child's toys. The, anecdote ,is built upon a representation of the hero gripping a serpent in each hand
  24. Were of a higher social class than hers. In Gourmet Night she recounts an, anecdote ,about" Uncle Ted and his crate of brown ale. " This and some of Sybil's
  25. Often elaborating abusively on his character and failures. One such, anecdote ,is given by William of Amesbury (lived c. 1080–c. 1143),who reports that
  26. Wrote his works before those of Archimedes. In addition, the " royal road ", anecdote ,is questionable since it is similar to a story told about Menaechmus and
  27. And CSH. Joy's prowess as a computer programmer is legendary, with an oft-told, anecdote ,that he wrote the vi editor in a weekend. Joy denies this assertion. Joy's
  28. A masterpiece of spectacle and political allegory. An oft-repeated, but false, anecdote ,tells that one of the Bernini's river gods defers his gaze in disapproval of
  29. Is purported to have said," Tell her to wait a moment till I'm done. " This, anecdote ,is briefly discussed in G. Waldo Dunnington's Gauss, Titan of Science where it
  30. To single out important information is legendary, and it is demonstrated in an, anecdote ,about his days at Oxford. He and some colleagues had stripped naked for a swim
  31. Breaches. Viva Montgomery, niece to the third Duke of Wellington, relates an, anecdote ,that Holman, valet to the duke, often recalled how his master never spoke to
  32. To sell their lives with blows ". The most famous (but probably apocryphal), anecdote , about Drake relates that, prior to the battle, he was playing a game of bowls
  33. Markets based on trade and pricing rather than central planning. An interesting, anecdote ,on this note is the first meeting between Deng and Armand Hammer. Deng pressed
  34. In the story suggest that it must have happened early in 1862. The other, anecdote ,he told in 1890,of a vision of dancing atoms and molecules that led to his
  35. Had monkeys seizing each other in a circle, rather than snakes as in Kekulé's, anecdote , Some historians have suggested that the parody was a lampoon of the snake
  36. At the Savoy Hotel while in London. Hotel archivist Susan Scott recounts an, anecdote ,that when he was being taken out of the building on a stretcher shortly before
  37. Were Bf 109s and 26 were Mac chi C.202s,for the loss of 17 P-40s in combat. An, anecdote ,concerning the 325th FG, indicates what could happen if Bf 109 pilots made the
  38. Novels contain several tongue-in-cheek mentions of Dale poetry, and an, anecdote ,about an opera based upon it, which was lost to posterity when the entire cast
  39. Au last spot).; claque: a copied term/thing.; canard: (1) unfounded rumor or, anecdote , (2) a leading airfoil attached to an aircraft forward of the main wing. (
  40. Louis established a cordial relation with the Plantagenet King. An amusing, anecdote ,is about Henry III's attending the French Parliament, as Duke of Aquitaine, the
  41. The crowd, roused by his speech, gave him a standing ovation. A long-told, anecdote ,claims that the widow Mary Lincoln gave Lincoln's favorite walking stick to
  42. Focus of a running gag where he will laugh hysterically along with Mike at any, anecdote ,Mike tells him, before admitting that he doesn't get it. * Ian Farmer is the
  43. Tree and admitted the deed when questioned:" I can't tell a lie, Pa. " The, anecdote ,was first reported by biographer Parson Weeks, who after Washington's death
  44. Died in the months preceding a major body building competition. He uses this, anecdote ,to illustrate how important the final months before a competition are to a
  45. Parent-form of each great class of animals. " It mentioned on Baer's 1828, anecdote , ( distributing it to Louis Agassiz) that at an early stage embryos were so
  46. Disagreement over this point. Not much outside evidence exists beyond a teasing, anecdote ,of Charlotte's to Ellen Nurse in January 1842. It may or may not be relevant
  47. Mort Walker's Private Scrapbook,2001. ) Milton Ca niff offered another, anecdote ,(from Phi Beta Pogo,1989) involving Camp and Walt Kelly," two boys from
  48. To its author. " More recently, the filmmakers at Soon Film adapted the, anecdote ,that Arthur Dent relates about biscuits in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
  49. Marxists had not read beyond Capital Vol. 1. Isaac Deutsche provides an, anecdote ,about the knowledge of Marx in that era:" Capital is a tough nut to crack
  50. Some historians have suggested that the parody was a lampoon of the snake, anecdote , possibly already well-known through oral transmission even if it had not yet

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