Examples of the the word, testimonial , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Whole years on sidelines. After retirement He played in the Demerit Albertina, testimonial ,at the San Sir in March 2006,and headed in a goal before being substituted
  2. Punishment. If all six factors are present, then Miranda applies and any, testimonial ,evidence that was the product of custodial interrogation is subject to
  3. In 1982, he performed a concert before West Bromwich Albion player John Wile's, testimonial ,game at the Hawthorns, and it is often reported by various sources that Clapton
  4. Orthodox Protestant political ideals and had the same political strategy, as, testimonial , parties. They cooperated in municipalities, both in municipal executives, where
  5. Must be present: # Evidence must have been gathered. # The evidence must be, testimonial , # The evidence must have been obtained while the suspect was in custody. # The
  6. The team received a banquet and a" champion bat ... this rather remarkable, testimonial ,was twenty-seven feet long and nine inches (229 mm) in diameter ". The
  7. Go to 3; If“ No ”, Miranda does not apply. # Did the government agents obtain, testimonial ,evidence as a result of the interrogation? If“ Yes” go to 4; If“ No ”
  8. While the SGP consistently rejected female suffrage. The RPF, GPV and SGP were, testimonial ,parties, which chose to voice their concerns about government policy, while
  9. Party with conservative policies: government is only to serve God. It is a, testimonial ,party. Only in 2006 and after heavy political pressure were women allowed to be
  10. The banner being displayed from 19 April 2006 until 11 May 2006,the day of his, testimonial ,match. The banner could be seen across the city and as far away as Gates head
  11. Provide knowledge even if we don't have independent reasons to believe their, testimonial ,reports. Intercession of the Saints In his book Confessions, Augustine wrote of
  12. Which were not just religious, became too much for Khan. According to Khan's, testimonial ,at the inquest for her death, it was Diana herself, not Khan, who ended their
  13. And its ethnic dimension, increased with the 1983 publication of the ", testimonial ," account I, Rigoberta Manchu; Rigoberto Manchu was later awarded the 1992
  14. And down in response to the question" did you kill the victim" the conduct is, testimonial , it is the same as saying" yes I did" and Miranda would apply. Third, the
  15. Across 2005. A recent report by Credit Suisse on Pakistan's stock market is a, testimonial ,to its strong fundamentals, estimating Pakistan’s relative return on equities
  16. The proceeds of another match that had been arranged to support Grace's own, testimonial ,fund. After the same thing happened to Edgar Willsher's benefit match, Grace
  17. Be true, and vice versa (see: Argument from ignorance) * Over-reliance on, testimonial , anecdotal evidence, or personal experience. This evidence may be useful for
  18. Musicians were greatly curtailed. Seychelles was left unemployed. He requested a, testimonial ,from Berlin, who wrote one for him, describing Seychelles as a 'perfect and
  19. Superstars George Best and Denis Law, and Best refused to play in Charlton's, testimonial ,match against Celtic, saying that" to do so would be hypocritical ". Charlton
  20. Of his Miranda rights is of no importance. Second, Miranda applies only to “, testimonial ,” evidence as that term is defined under the Fifth Amendment. The Miranda rule
  21. A decree was issued requiring public sacrifice, a formality equivalent to a, testimonial ,of allegiance to the Emperor and the established order. Delius authorized
  22. Public figure, etc.) of the individual giving the statement is exploited. The, testimonial ,places the official sanction of a respected person or authority on a propaganda
  23. First match at Arsenal's new ground, the Emirates Stadium. On 22 July 2006,a, testimonial ,was played in his honor at the new stadium, with Arsenal playing his old club
  24. Fifth and sixth amendment rights to counsel are identical. The statements and, testimonial ,information is subject to suppression. Derivative evidence is not subject to
  25. To Cork and he had also consulted on brewing at Dropped Though there was no, testimonial ,from Arthur Guinness, there were connections. A deed of 1780 has Purser’s son
  26. Supreme Court increased the scope of the Confrontation Clause by ruling that ", testimonial ," out-of-court statements are inadmissible if the accused did not have the
  27. Code formally recognized legal customs that were part of the Danelaw. The, testimonial ,concept can also be traced to Normandy before 1066,when a jury of nobles was
  28. The Monks of Medmenham (better known as The Hellfire Club). The one direct, testimonial ,comes from John Wilkes, a member who never got into the chapter-room of the
  29. Substituted early in the first half. On 22 July 2006,he also returned for the, testimonial ,to celebrate the 11-year Arsenal career of Dennis Bergamo, in what was the
  30. Self-incrimination clause. On the other hand, certain non-verbal conduct may be, testimonial , For example, if the suspect nodded his head up and down in response to the
  31. Then the iconic local landmark, the Angel of the North. Shearer was awarded a, testimonial ,match by the club, against Scottish-side Celtic. All proceeds of the match went
  32. Crosby, Lina Randell, Philip Bliss, Ira D. Sanka, and others who produced, testimonial ,music for revivals, camp meetings, and evangelistic crusades. The tune style or
  33. In America considers" Amazing Grace" an excellent example of Newton's, testimonial ,style afforded by the use of this perspective. Several of Newton's hymns were
  34. 1971,in Moscow, he played his last match for Dynamo Moscow. LEV Ya shin’s FIFA, testimonial ,match was held at the Lenin Stadium in Moscow with 100,000 fans attending and a
  35. Oslo was then named). In 1868,Franz Liszt, who had not yet met Grieg, wrote a, testimonial ,for him to the Norwegian Ministry of Education, which led to Grieg's obtaining
  36. Madrid for around £19 million. 1999 testimonial On 11 October 1999,a special, testimonial ,match was played in honor of Ferguson's contribution to the team. Manchester
  37. Of his Miranda rights is of no importance. Second, Miranda applies only to ", testimonial ," evidence as that term is defined under the Fifth Amendment. The Miranda rule
  38. Self-incrimination clause. On the other hand, certain non-verbal conduct may be, testimonial , For example, if the suspect nodded his head up and down in response to the
  39. Uses parliament to express its principles. Therefore, the party is called a, testimonial ,party. In controversial discussions in the Dutch House of Representatives (
  40. Must be present: # evidence must have been gathered # the evidence must be, testimonial ,# the evidence must have been obtained while the suspect was in custody # the
  41. Accuser is unavailable at trial. In Davis v. Washington, the Court ruled that ", testimonial ," refers to any statement that an objectively reasonable person in the
  42. With the more conservative Reformed Political Party, which,unlike the CU, is a, testimonial ,party. Primarily a Protestant party, the CU bases its policies on the Bible
  43. Right to counsel. Specifically, the Messiah rule applies to the use of, testimonial ,evidence in criminal proceedings deliberately elicited by the police from a
  44. Assume first describes a plain near the Master river in Homer. In early Greek, testimonial ,Asia indicated central-western Anatolia. In Greek mythology Asia was a Titan
  45. Down in response to the question" did you commit the crime" the conduct is, testimonial , it is the same as saying" yes I did" and Miranda would apply. Third, the
  46. Ideals and its refusal to cooperate in any cabinet, the party is called a, testimonial ,party. Party history Foundation The SGP was founded on April 24, 1918,by
  47. By legal rights groups as deceptive. The Miranda rule applies to the use of, testimonial ,evidence in criminal proceedings that is the product of custodial police
  48. And goalkeeper David de Gea from Atlético Madrid for around £19 million. 1999, testimonial , On 11 October 1999,a special testimonial match was played in honor of
  49. Was for dealing with an" ongoing emergency ", then any such statement was not, testimonial ,and so the Confrontation Clause would not require the person making that
  50. With the Celtic fans, and when he returned in August 1978 to play in Stein's, testimonial , he was booed by a large element of the Celtic supporters. Liverpool The

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