Examples of the the word, pod , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pod ), is the 8197 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cocoa pod in the Encyclopedia Britannica. Dean made a rough sketch of the, pod ,and returned to the plant to show Root. He explained to Root how he could
  2. F-35A or in an external pod with 220 rounds for the F-35B and F-35C. The gun, pod ,for the B and C variants will have stealth features. This pod could be used for
  3. Is novel in that it uses a mostly stock aircraft with a modified landing gear ", pod ," that carries the engine for road propulsion. The wings fold along the side
  4. Until 1919. Others have attributed inspiration for the design not to the cocoa, pod , but to a Victorian hooped dress. In 1944,Associate Justice Roger J. Tray nor
  5. To show Root. He explained to Root how he could transform the shape of the, pod ,into a bottle. Root gave Dean his approval. Chapman Root approved the prototype
  6. Carry Phoenix or Sparrow missiles, assorted bombs, or the TARPS reconnaissance, pod , and increases fuel capacity and room for equipment. And can be automatically
  7. An internal laser designator and infrared sensors, equivalent to the Sniper XR, pod ,carried by the F-16,but built in to reduce radar cross-section. The variant
  8. Striped atmospheric probe on the nose and the move of the weather radar into a, pod ,above the forward fuselage). This aircraft, named Snoopy, was withdrawn in
  9. And a laser target designator, the decision was made to only use the targeting, pod , The Tomcat's LANTERN pod was altered and improved over the baseline
  10. Over the pump, and a full check on the pump’s status and activity. *tubeless, pod ,: The Omnicom is attached directly to the skin by its infusion set, eliminating
  11. Of the dedicated RA-5C Vigilante and RF-8G Crusaders from the fleet. A large, pod ,called the Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS) was developed
  12. Circle hands-free walk. People will walk at the edge of the CN Tower's main, pod ,above the 360 Restaurant (356 meters/1168ft (116 stories) ) on a 5ft/1.8 m
  13. Coca or kola. Instead, Dean was inspired by a picture of the gourd-shaped cocoa, pod ,in the Encyclopedia Britannica. Dean made a rough sketch of the pod and
  14. Name, Theobroma, means " food of the gods ". The fruit, called a cacao, pod , is ovoid,15–30 cm (or 6–12 in) long and 8–10 cm (3–4 in) wide, ripening
  15. A gun, but experience in Vietnam led to the addition of a gun. An external gun, pod ,was tried and later the M61 Vulcan was integrated internally on the F-4E. F-X
  16. Propulsion. The wings fold along the side, and the main landing gear and engine, pod ,slide aft in driving configuration to compensate for the rearward center of
  17. Whales in common language. A group of dolphins is called a" school" or a ", pod ,". Male dolphins are called" bulls ", females " cows" and young dolphins are
  18. According to observations in several regions, all male and female killer whale, pod ,members participate in the care of the young. Killer Whales and Pilot whales
  19. The decision was made to only use the targeting pod . The Tomcat's LANTERN, pod ,was altered and improved over the baseline configuration, such as a Global
  20. From" nearing," mug being flour made from Were, a seed from a long seed, pod , Nearing is often used in sauces in Southern Mali. Most French loan words are
  21. In design. Like the AV-8B Harrier II, the B’s guns will be carried in a ventral, pod , Whereas the F-35A is stressed to 9 g, the F-35B is stressed to 7 g. The F-35B
  22. Feed on other marine mammals. One common feeding method is herding, where a, pod ,squeezes a school of fish into a small volume, known as a bait ball. Individual
  23. S chin near the forward bomb bay. Following accelerated testing, the Sniper, pod ,was fielded in summer 2008. Future precision munitions include the GBU-39 Small
  24. December 2002 due to cost overruns and schedule slips. The Sniper XR targeting, pod ,is being integrated on the B-1 fleet. The pod is mounted on an external
  25. Alaska's Kenai Fjords region. Eleven members (about half) of one resident, pod ,disappeared in the following year. By 2009,scientists estimated the AT1
  26. A Dale on the bridge of Davos' ship reports that the Emperor's escape, pod ,is being launched, and a white light is seen speeding away from the ship moments
  27. System (GPS-INS) capability to allow an F-14 to accurately locate itself. The, pod ,was carried on the right wing glove pylon. And guided Labs using a new hand
  28. And resulted in poor performance. The Sopwith L. R. T. Try. similarly added a, pod ,on the top wing with no better luck. An alternative was to build a" pusher "
  29. Cannon is mounted internally with 182 rounds for the F-35A or in an external, pod ,with 220 rounds for the F-35B and F-35C. The gun pod for the B and C variants
  30. Although LANTERN is traditionally a two- pod system, an AN/AAQ-13 navigation, pod ,with terrain-following radar and a wide-angle FLIR, along with an/AAQ-14
  31. In an add-on fashion. Israel will be able to fit its own external jamming, pod ,and plans to install its own air-to-air missiles and guided bombs in the F-35’s
  32. On gas appliances anywhere in the tower (including the restaurant in the main, pod ,), * an elevator that can be used during a fire as it runs up the outside of
  33. Around). *Instrumental: ZA (behind),red (in front of),meze (between), pod , ( e) (below),s (e) (with),NAD (e) (above). Many of the above
  34. Two 37 mm (1.46 in) Flak 18 guns, each one in a self-contained under-wing gun, pod , as the Bordkanone BK 3.7,after achieving success against Soviet tanks with
  35. Radar and a wide-angle FLIR, along with an/AAQ-14 targeting, pod ,with a steerable FLIR and a laser target designator, the decision was made to
  36. To replace him with a spare unit. " After this, Bowman decides to go out in a, pod ,and retrieve the antenna, which is moving away from the ship. Athena will not
  37. Of position is expressed, prepositions of place such as NAD, mezi, na and, pod ,are used with the accusative case. The second factor affecting noun declension
  38. 4 by 9 (the squares of the first three positive integers). He takes a space, pod ,to investigate. In the film, he is greeted by arguably the most surreal
  39. Set of sensors also comprised an infrared sensor under the nose in a" chin, pod ,": it was AN/ALR-23 with indium nationwide detectors, cooled by a
  40. Litt:" Eat-all," because some peas can be cooked and eaten with their, pod , ); manqué: unfulfilled; failed; Mardi Gras: Fat Tuesday, the last day of
  41. F-35C. The gun pod for the B and C variants will have stealth features. This, pod ,could be used for different equipment in the future, such as electronic warfare
  42. Sidewalk, in which thrill-seekers can walk on and around the roof of the main, pod ,of the tower at, which is directly above the 360 Restaurant. The Sky Pod is the
  43. Added the Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTERN), pod , system and began performing precision strike missions. The F-14 was retired
  44. It is important to harvest the pod s when they are fully ripe because if the, pod ,is unripe, the beans will have a low cocoa butter content, or there will be
  45. In their track dedicated to their deceased member titled" Hosting" from RST, pod ,Triglavom OST and in documentary Victory Under The Sun. Tieback also used
  46. Royal Aircraft Factory B. E.9 added a second crewman ahead of the engine in a, pod ,but this was both hazardous to the second crewman and resulted in poor
  47. The World Trade Center in a glider, and locates the plane wreckage and escape, pod , Snake tracks the President's life-monitor bracelet signal to the basement of
  48. Jealous Husband" (" Чужая жена и муж под кроватью" " Chechnya Zheng i much, pod ,Croat'you ",1848) *"A Weak Heart" (" Слабое сердце" " Labor serve "
  49. Slips. The Sniper XR targeting pod is being integrated on the B-1 fleet. The, pod ,is mounted on an external hard point at the aircraft's chin near the forward
  50. Onto Manhattan, but the President (Donald Presence) makes it to an escape, pod ,and survives. The inmates quickly find him and take him hostage, cutting off

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