Examples of the the word, civilized , in a Sentence Context

The word ( civilized ), is the 8192 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Law, contrary to the spirit and aims of the United Nations and condemned by the, civilized ,world," and that" at all periods of history genocide has inflicted great
  2. To non-literate peoples. Some non- civilized people may willingly adapt to, civilized ,behavior. But civilization is also spread by the technical, material and
  3. That medieval prejudice should have found a place in the modern judiciary of a, civilized ,state, New Times hinted darkly of strange Jewish sects with unknown practices.
  4. Lundberg, called boxing an" obscenity" that" should not be sanctioned by any, civilized ,society. " Since then, the British, Canadian and Australian Medical
  5. Of evolution. The poem traces the progression of life from microorganisms to, civilized ,society. His poetry was admired by Wordsworth, although Coleridge was intensely
  6. Precise and does not imply the outdated notion that Europe is the center of the, civilized ,world. " Today, the term remains in the names of
  7. Savage Africans. The theme of darkness lurking beneath the surface of even ", civilized ," persons appears prominently and is explored in the character of Kurtz and
  8. These cousins are a metaphor for the conflict between the lower appetites and, civilized ,behavior in humankind. Theseus, a hero and founder of cities, who happened to
  9. S Stand prepared Choctaws to become U. S. citizens when he or she became ", civilized , " This article would later influence Article 14 in the Treaty of Dancing
  10. To get drunk. In generosity, he gives her all the gifts of his Me, the gifts of, civilized ,life. Next morning, with a hangover, he asks his servant ISIMA for his Me
  11. Were called this in contrast to" barbarian" peoples, while in modern contexts, civilized ,peoples have been contrasted to" primitive" peoples. In modern academic
  12. The" un civilized " hillbilly culture represented by the Competes and the ", civilized ," American culture of the Drys dales. The Competes lived as they always had
  13. First written recitation of the rules and articles of war, adhered to by all, civilized ,nations, the precursor of public international law. Part of the Code follows: "
  14. With the world at large, including nature. He claimed that the average man in a, civilized ,society is less wealthy, in practice, than one in a" savage" society. The
  15. In 1775 the dictionary of AST defined civilization as" the state of being, civilized ,; the act of civilizing ", However,the concepts of civilization and culture are
  16. And wars became increasingly destructive, most markedly towards civilians, and, civilized , peoples decried their horrors, leading to calls for regulation of the acts of
  17. And Islamic nation as a whole. These principles are: 1. True Islam with its, civilized ,achievements and political, economic,social, and legal aspects is our frame of
  18. Dodgers as" bums" ), supporting Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 as ", civilized ,men fighting savages ", saying European colonists had the right to take land
  19. Trials of scythed chariots, the use of chariots in battle was obsolete in, civilized ,nations by the time of the Persian defeat at the hands of Alexander the Great
  20. Beautiful thing is to be in contact with a few fine Jews—a few millennia of a, civilized ,past do mean something after all. " In another letter he writes," In my whole
  21. Seventh Thesis asserted that while such material property is indicative of a, civilized ,state, only the ideal of morality and the universalization of refined value
  22. By barbarism. Sometimes the barbarism comes as an external threat, with a, civilized ,race destroyed in war (e.g.," Polaris" ). Sometimes, an isolated pocket of
  23. Law. Part of the Code follows:" Military necessity, as understood by modern, civilized ,nations, consists in the necessity of those measures which are indispensable
  24. Of the Argonauts. However, most authorities consider Sagittarius to be the, civilized ,Chiron, while Centaurus represents a more uncouth member of the species. The
  25. Then their Old World counterparts. Cultures that may be considered advanced or, civilized ,include: Norte Chico, Cahokia,Zapotec, Toltec,Olmec, Maya,Aztec, Purepecha
  26. Of the" barbarian invasions ", the Alan's and the Huns, as opposed to the, civilized ," Roman" identity of the Holy Roman Empire. The Renaissance revived interest
  27. Implied that because natural selection was apparently no longer working on ", civilized ," people, it was possible for" inferior" strains of people (who would
  28. Violate or deviate from the expected standards of conduct adhered to by all, civilized ,nations. A number of states place emphasis on the principal of territorial
  29. And Thermoforms (, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law) as a mark of the, civilized ,existence of agricultural society. Though Demeter is often described simply as
  30. Our own eyes that such operations were a habit which is prevalent among all, civilized ,people of the west" The fighting concluded in August 1919 and Britain
  31. What he described as" the innumerable foibles and follies to be found in any, civilized ,society, and from the common prejudices and deceitful practices which custom
  32. And rapine, and of arson and murder, which would invoke the interference of, civilized ,Europe. " The Copperheads also saw the Proclamation as an unconstitutional
  33. Prince Ararat to defend his homeland of Tartar against the red tide of the, civilized ,Lunar Empire, and filled out the area of Dragon Pass; the game has undergone
  34. Of labor. Such civilizations are generally urbanized. In classical contexts, civilized ,peoples were called this in contrast to" barbarian" peoples, while in modern
  35. S so-called primitive cultures are in no way antecedent to those we consider, civilized , Many anthropologists use the term" non-literate" to describe these peoples.
  36. Doing execution within a limited range without exact aim. (Now superseded, in, civilized , countries,by other firearms. ) and then satirizes it with application to the
  37. Noted that this usage incorporates the concept of superiority and maturity of ", civilized ," existence, as contrasted to" rudeness ", which is used to denote coarseness
  38. Go down together with Hitler: an end to the war in favor of our allies --, civilized ,countries with democratic traditions -- would have meant a hundred times less
  39. Are attempting to civilize him. Huck appreciates their efforts, but finds, civilized ,life confining. In the beginning of the story, Tom Sawyer appears briefly
  40. And" barbarous" nations and times, and the reason they don't occur in the ", civilized ," societies is such societies aren't awed by what they know to be natural
  41. Accord (e.g.," The Lurking Fear" ). But most often, such stories involve a, civilized ,culture being gradually undermined by a malevolent underclass influenced by
  42. Aims and had every reason to be proud of their progress. Europe was quiet and, civilized , Europe’s success was based on recent painful experience: the horrors of two
  43. When questions regarding which cultures were" primitive" and which were ", civilized ," occupied the minds of not only Marx and Freud, but many others. Colonialism
  44. Or in Libya in the furthest south, it is always beyond the confines of the, civilized ,world. The Amazons exist outside the range of normal human experience. "
  45. For its savage barbarity is probably without parallel in the legislation of any, civilized ,country ". Allen spent much of the summer of 1774 writing a" pamphlet "
  46. Of this point of view, including many European nations, maintain that all, civilized ,nations have certain norms of conduct expected of them, including the
  47. Hunters and gatherers still do) as opposed to toiling at agriculture (being ", civilized ,"). Of course there is much dispute between Judeo-Christian and secular
  48. Believed there was a more or less orderly progression from the primitive to the, civilized , 20th-century anthropologists largely reject the notion that all human
  49. Signaled the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its purpose being to" allow a, civilized ,divorce" between the Soviet Republics. The CIS has developed as a forum by
  50. Production, Clive Barnes in the New York Times called the musical" heady, civilized , sophisticated and enchanting. " He noted that" the real triumph belongs to

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