Examples of the the word, expiration , in a Sentence Context

The word ( expiration ), is the 8201 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Failed to produce a quorum for its last scheduled session prior to the, expiration ,of its term (February 1995). President Kaye was widely accused of having
  2. As a measure against cheating, where they must be played every 90 days to avoid, expiration , Originally these closed realms served their purpose of preventing cheating, as
  3. Products are exempt from good manufacturing practice requirements related to, expiration ,dating and from finished product testing for identity and strength," and their
  4. United States closed its Naval and Air Force bases in the Philippines after the, expiration ,of their leases in the early 1990s,many of the forces stationed there were
  5. Moratorium did little to ease economic declines. As the moratorium neared its, expiration ,the following year, an attempt to find a permanent solution was made at the
  6. That Charles X gave him a contract to write five new operas a year, and at the, expiration ,of the contract he was to receive a generous pension for life. End of career
  7. Time a peer is expected not to visit the House's meetings until either its, expiration ,or termination, announced at least a month prior to their return. Committees
  8. By independents. Patent royalties to the MPPC ended in September 1913 with the, expiration ,of the last of the patents filed in the mid-1890s at the dawn of commercial
  9. Of the Dominican peso against the dollar, Asian competition following, expiration ,of the quotas of the Multi-Fiber Arrangement, and a government-mandated
  10. The address leases are usually set to long periods and simply renewed upon, expiration , If a modem is turned off and powered up again before the next expiration of
  11. Box, but only the designee may not be replaced, and he is released upon the, expiration ,of the two or five minutes, at which point the ten-minute misconduct begins. In
  12. ccTLD),the domain registries maintain the WHOPS (Registrant, name servers, expiration ,dates, etc.) information. For instance, DENIC, Germany NIC, holds the DE
  13. From the Enchant (~ Bureau of Weights and Measures),including a date of, expiration , to show the weight is correct. All cold drinks in bars and restaurants are
  14. Re-signing with CBS In March 2002,as Letterman's contract with CBS neared, expiration , ABC offered him the time slot for long-running news program Nightlife with Ted
  15. Confidentiality obligations continue indefinitely after termination or, expiration ,of the franchise agreement: :* if the franchisee has paid a deposit to the
  16. Selim announced that he would be retiring as commissioner of baseball upon the, expiration ,of his contract in 2009. Selim earned $14.5 million from MLB over the timespan
  17. The CSC, except for the Committee which continued to be independent until the, expiration ,of the Treaty of Paris in 2002. High Authority The High Authority (the
  18. Ransom money. Statute of limitations In 1976 discussion arose over impending, expiration ,of the statute of limitations on the hijacking. Most published legal analysis
  19. Against the government or its officials. It was enacted July 14, 1798,with an, expiration ,date of March 3,1801 (the day before Adams' presidential term was to end).
  20. 690-hectare property was finally turned over to the Philippines 1991 upon the, expiration ,of the R. P. -U. S. Bases Agreement. Since 1997 it has been in the hands of a
  21. S position can also be lost in several ways. One is by death, another is by, expiration ,of the term of office under various (nearly always republican and/or elective
  22. System, the concessionaire secures finance, bears all business risks and upon, expiration ,of the concession period, transfers the highway to the state of Bosnia and
  23. Upon expiration . If a modem is turned off and powered up again before the next, expiration ,of the address lease, it will most likely receive the same IP address. Address
  24. Away. Discarded food that might have slight imperfections, that is near its, expiration ,date, or that is simply being replaced by newer stock is often thrown away
  25. Primary oscillator. These early applications used analog oscillators. With the, expiration ,of the Stanford University FM patent in 1995,FM synthesis is now part of the
  26. Investment in the apparel sector, which faced Asian competition with the, expiration ,of the Multi-Fiber Agreement in 2005. In anticipation of the declines in the
  27. Edition. The republished book might be banned as Nazi propaganda. Even after, expiration ,of the copyright, the Bavarian government emphasized that" the dissemination
  28. On these, so other companies used Bigsby-style vibrato for many years. With the, expiration ,of the Fender patent on the Stratocaster-style vibrato, various improvements on
  29. In the Gaza Strip, the majority of medical aid delivered are" past their, expiration ,date. " Mount el-Barash, the director of donations in Gaza's health
  30. When there may be no language context and a universal application is desired (, expiration ,dating on export products, for example). In addition, the ISO considers its
  31. Safety of the United States. " It was activated June 25, 1798,with a two year, expiration ,date. #The (officially An Act Respecting Alien Enemies; ch. 66,) authorized
  32. Bankruptcy for a further five years. Bankruptcies can be annulled prior to the, expiration ,of the normal three-year period if all debts are paid out in full. Sometimes a
  33. Is a major theme in Antarctica. Much of the action is catalyzed by the recent, expiration ,of the Antarctic Treaty and the threat of invasion and despoiling of the
  34. The premium adjustments may take months or years beyond the current year's, expiration ,date. The rating formula is guaranteed in the insurance contract. Formula:
  35. Health laws or company policy, they are required to discard food items by the, expiration ,date, because of overstock, being overly ripened, spoiled,cosmetically
  36. Asset at a specific point in time (typically the derivative's associated, expiration ,date) Psychological aspects Studies show that though many people participate
  37. Training School established in 1995. The AOJ program ended in July 2000,upon, expiration ,of a bilateral assistance agreement between the United States and the
  38. On the test track. 2007 workers' strike On February 2,2007,upon the, expiration ,of their union contract, about 2,700 employees at Harley-Davidson Inc. is
  39. Is a growing problem of digital distribution to be overcome in regard to, expiration ,of copyrights, content security, and enforcing copyright. There is higher
  40. Or break or slip due to latex degradation (typically from usage past the, expiration ,date, improper storage, or exposure to oils). The rate of breakage is between
  41. Failed to produce a quorum for its last scheduled session prior to the, expiration ,of its term in February 1995. President Kaye was widely accused of having
  42. Rate despite growing uncertainty of land tenure in the sugar industry. The, expiration ,of leases for sugar cane farmers (along with reduced farm and factory
  43. Copies of themselves (dittos or golems) out of clay. After reaching their, expiration ,date, the Golem's memories can be reintegrated to the original person or not.
  44. Sets of information. For example a food company may indicate a product's, expiration ,date while a clothing manufacturer would choose to send color and size
  45. A perishable product will go bad (similar to the UK Use By date). The term, expiration ,date is more common in the United States (where expiry date is seen mostly on
  46. Road and rail locomotives and steam boats. In the early 19th century after the, expiration ,of Watt's patent, the steam engine underwent many improvements by a host of
  47. In a traffic accident, he was forced to stay in New York past his visa's, expiration ,and was offered citizenship to resolve his status. In the US, Wiesel wrote over
  48. To lead all late-night programming in the Nielsen ratings, the pending, expiration ,of Leno's contract led to speculation about whether he would become a
  49. 26 after Hamas launched rockets into the Israeli town of Depot following the, expiration ,of a six-month ceasefire on December 18. On January 3,2009,Nasser Al-Sane
  50. Editions of the IRC, the " Beijing" model and all subsequent versions, bear an, expiration ,date. Consequently, a new IRC will be issued every three years. The current IRC

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