Examples of the the word, clot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clot ), is the 8208 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are accompanied by extreme pain. Some stigmatic' wounds do not appear to, clot , and stay fresh and uninfected. The blood from the wounds is said, in some
  2. And microangiopathy. In macroangiopathy, atherosclerosis and a resultant blood, clot ,forms on the large blood vessels, sticks to the vessel walls, and blocks the
  3. Collapsed. He had suffered a stroke and was taken to the hospital. A blood, clot ,that had made his arm feel tired had moved to his neck and cut off blood flow
  4. Children and adolescents under 16 are Kawasaki disease and prevention of blood, clot ,formation. Aspirin is also used in the treatment of pericarditis, coronary
  5. To clot : Blood sample mixed with citric acid and put in a micrometer.: Delayed, clot ,formation indicates a deficiency. Unfortunately insensitive to mild deficiency
  6. Taken up by blood platelets, which store it. When the platelets bind to a, clot , they disgorge serotonin, where it serves as a vasoconstriction and helps to
  7. Affected regions. Abalone are also severe hemophiliacs as their fluids will not, clot ,in the case of a laceration or puncture wound. Polydorus polytheists are known
  8. Occlusion of the blood vessel by atherosclerotic plaque, by an embolized blood, clot ,or a foreign body leads to downstream ischemia (insufficient blood supply)
  9. Of major arteries in the head and neck) or from a thrombus (i.e. a blood, clot ,) in the heart because of atrial fibrillation. In a TIA, the blockage period is
  10. Steroids. Health problems In 2002,Ventura was hospitalized for a severe blood, clot ,in his lungs, the same kind of injury that ended his wrestling career. Religion
  11. Had been born in Poland). Gary was prescribed medication to dissolve the, clot , Gary attended four different high schools but dropped out of every one, never
  12. 50 cm of his large intestine that had become necrotic, probably due a blood, clot ,and the subsequent lack of blood flow. On 22 February, he underwent an
  13. Used long-term, at low doses, to help prevent heart attacks, strokes,and blood, clot ,formation in people at high risk of developing blood clot s. It has also been
  14. As well as how blood clot s. In it, Malpighi described how the form of a blood, clot ,differed in the right vs. the left sides of the heart. The use of the
  15. At the French Hospital of Hanoi on Wednesday, December 6 to remove the blood, clot ,that had formed. By the evening of Tuesday, December 12,he was in stable but
  16. Shape, allowing it to bind to fibrin and other blood components to form the, clot ,matrix and stop blood loss. Attachment of cell to the ECM Integrity couple the
  17. Worlds of the system, it could scarcely help to be the densest and richest, clot ,of humanity the Race had ever seen. " A Praetorian day lasted 1.08 Galactic
  18. In the mother's womb as a drop of semen for forty days, then it becomes a, clot ,for the same period, then it becomes a blob of flesh for the same period. Then
  19. With a heart murmur may develop blood clot s that travel through arteries. If a, clot ,is large enough to block one or both femoral arteries, there may be hind leg
  20. Humans using 45 mg per day of vitamin K2 (as MK4) showed no increase in blood, clot ,risk. Even doses in rats as high as 250 mg/kg body weight did not alter the
  21. As a potential strategy for drug-induced bone loss. Showed no increase blood, clot ,risk. Even doses in rats as high as 250 mg/kg body weight did not alter the
  22. Angioplasty with or without stent insertion) or with thrombosis (", clot ,buster" medication),whichever is available. In the absence of ST-segment
  23. Instead studies found that they act by reducing the tendency of the blood to, clot , In practice, each individual's autonomic nervous system responds to and
  24. Is the yellow watery part of blood that is left after blood has been allowed to, clot ,and all blood cells have been removed. This is most easily done by
  25. An often difficult decision in a stable patient with minimal evidence of blood, clot ,on ultrasound. Surgeons use laparoscopy or laparotomy to gain access to the
  26. Deep vein thrombosis Deep-vein thrombosis is a condition in which a blood, clot ,forms in a deep vein, which can lead to pulmonary embolism and chronic venous
  27. Interment. Inside the building, he delivered a moving tribute to her. A blood, clot ,resulting from his heart condition had formed in his upper heart, broken off
  28. Which the flow of blood is interrupted, often because of vessel blockage by a, clot ,or plaque. Both kill tissue and can cause considerable damage, including death.
  29. One of the plaques gets weakened, develops a tear, and forms an adherent blood, clot ,that either obstructs blood flow or floats further down the blood vessel
  30. Blood vessel endothelium and cannot activate clot ting to allow formation of a, clot ,during tissue injury. As it is impossible to predict what dose of warfarin will
  31. And work schedule. Hubble died of cerebral thrombosis (a spontaneous blood, clot ,in his brain) on September 28, 1953,in San Marino, California. No funeral was
  32. Antidote. A patient who has suffered a myocardial infarction due to a blood, clot ,in the left coronary artery has a lower chance of survival. A study of survival
  33. Of Adam in the EU'ran where it tells how humankind was made from clay and" a, clot ,of (menstrual?) blood ". Against Enki's wish the Gods decide to slay King
  34. Thrombocytes) responsible for attachment to fibrin within a developing blood, clot , This molecule dramatically increases its binding affinity for
  35. Vessels, but his liver, destroyed by years of drinking, would not let his blood, clot , Kerouac finally died at 5:15 am the following morning,21 October 1969,having
  36. Are used by neurosurgeons. Techniques such as angioplasty, stenting, clot , retrieval,embolization, and diagnostic angiography are utilized. Conditions
  37. Flow of blood through the body. The decrease of blood flow through stenosis or, clot ,formation impairs the flow of oxygen to cells and biological tissues (called
  38. That it be free of clot s or other particulate matter, as even the smallest, clot ,can disrupt sample flow and block or clog the sample tips within the spray
  39. Since warfarin, which was originally used as a rat poison, decreases blood, clot ,risk by interrupting the vitamin K-dependent clot ting factors, taking vitamin K
  40. This fibrin creates a mesh onto which red blood cells collect and, clot , which then stops more blood from leaving the body and also helps to prevent
  41. To pump seventy pints of new blood into his body, but the blood failed to, clot , and after three days his mother took the decision to have his life support
  42. Just as they become hypermobile, fibrinolysin from the prostate dissolves the, clot , allowing the sperm to progress optimally. The spermatozoon is characterized by
  43. Factors prevent fibrin formation, which is necessary to maintain the blood, clot , A hemophiliac does not bleed more intensely than a person without it, but can
  44. Takes 20ā€“30 minutes. In this time, fibrinogen from the seminal vesicles forms a, clot , securing and protecting the sperm. Just as they become hypermobile
  45. Appearance ....: A moment, a twinkling of an eye and nothing remains ā€“ but a, clot ,of mud, of cold mud, of dead mud cast into black space, rolling around an
  46. K in any amount interferes with the actions of warfarin and can increase blood, clot ,risk. Exercise: Multiple studies have shown that aerobics,weight-bearing, and
  47. Linked to a variety of adverse developments such as arterial microinjuries and, clot ,formation (i.e. heart disease) and exaggerated cell division (i.e. cancer
  48. Blood circulation, increase the breakdown of fibrin, a compound involved in, clot ,and scar formation, and,in addition, may reduce blood pressure. Evidently,nāˆ’3
  49. And heart rate increases, which have potential to cause a heart attack, blood, clot , or stroke. Chills or cold flashes with goose bumps (" cold turkey" )
  50. Of assessment Prothrombin time test:: Measures the time required for blood to, clot ,: Blood sample mixed with citric acid and put in a micrometer.: Delayed clot

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