Examples of the the word, issuance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( issuance ), is the 8203 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of free blacks: 91.2 % and 49.7 %, respectively,in 1860. Drafting and, issuance ,of the proclamation Lincoln first discussed the proclamation with his cabinet
  2. Of Puerto Rico enacted a new law (Law 191 of 2009) aimed at strengthening the, issuance ,and usage of birth certificates to combat fraud and protect the identity and
  3. Of fraud, the sworn in ceremony took place in late January 2011. After the, issuance ,of computerized ID cards for the first time, which is a $101 million project
  4. A two-part tariff. The card issuer requests or requires customers seeking the, issuance ,of a loyalty card to provide a usually minimal amount of identifying or
  5. This is often done in advance of the update of reporting databases and/or the, issuance ,of official documents. Notes The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) or
  6. There are three main ways for Chilean firms to raise funds abroad: bank loans, issuance ,of bonds, and the selling of stocks on U. S. markets through American
  7. Currently solely by Columbia Helicopters. Currently, the company is seeking FAA, issuance ,of a Production Certificate to produce parts with eventual issuance of a PC to
  8. Covered by loans from France and the Netherlands, loans from Americans, and, issuance , of an increasing amount of paper money (which became" not worth a continental
  9. Using former slaves in the military was official government policy after the, issuance ,of the Emancipation Proclamation. At first, Lincoln was reluctant to fully
  10. The SEC charged Falwell's church with" fraud and deceit" in the, issuance ,of $6.5 million in unsecured church bonds. The church won a 1973 federal court
  11. It was replaced by the Antoninus in the middle of the 3rd century. The last, issuance ,for this coin seems to be bronze coins issued by Aurelia between 270 and 275
  12. The transit of German troops, followed five weeks thereafter by Hitler's, issuance ,of a secret directive" to take up the Russian problem, to think about war
  13. Industry position. In 1945 Laban became a publicly traded company with the, issuance ,of 900,000 shares. John and Hugh Laban, grandsons of founder John K. Laban
  14. Disappear as they expected. Tucker thought that unregulated banking and money, issuance ,would cause increases in the money supply so that interest rates would drop to
  15. Procedures for prior informed consent and mutually agreed terms *Provide for, issuance ,of a permit or equivalent when access is granted *Create conditions to promote
  16. Of different exchange rates to recognize the most profitable places of, issuance ,and settlement for a bill of exchange (" ". ) ACF Florentina, who initiated
  17. Must be met before an operator is allowed to start operation: one for the, issuance ,of a license and another for the maintenance of service quality. In 2006
  18. Enormous pressure on central bank reserves, mitigated only slightly with the, issuance ,of new Euro bonds over the past 2 years. The central bank has maintained a
  19. And the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. National conditions on passport, issuance ,Pakistan requires a Muslim citizen who applies for a passport to subscribe to
  20. TARGET2 Securities). Furthermore, it has the exclusive right to authorize the, issuance ,of euro banknotes. Member states can issue euro coins but the amount must be
  21. Open conflict in the Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861,just two days after, issuance ,of the charter. After years of delay caused by wartime funding and staffing
  22. Seeking FAA issuance of a Production Certificate to produce parts with eventual, issuance ,of a PC to produce aircraft. Variants US versions Total U. S. H-46 production
  23. Chemical weapons. " The United States was the only member who voted against the, issuance ,of this statement. A mission to the region in 1988 found evidence of the use of
  24. Indications on runways, and the like. Some jurisdictions restrict the, issuance ,of pilot credentials to persons who suffer from color blindness for this reason
  25. Structure might be affected and the control of the buyer modified. If the, issuance ,of shares is necessary, shareholders of the acquiring company might prevent
  26. Election. The City and County's financing of the investment through the, issuance ,and delivery of Bonds was delayed for two years, when Mayor Henry P. Coon, and
  27. On the other hand, in a pure stock for stock transaction (financed from the, issuance ,of new shares),the company might show lower profitability ratios (e.g. ROA
  28. Warnings and safety information added to the package inserts together with the, issuance ,of" Dear Doctor Letters" concerning the recent addition of Black Box Warnings
  29. Must therefore be carefully weighed before policy implementation. Currency, issuance ,In similarity with commercial banks, central banks hold assets (foreign
  30. Israel complies with UN Security Council Resolution 425 after 22 years of it, issuance , which calls on Israel to completely withdraw from Lebanon. Israel withdraws
  31. Of a chronicle detailing the rise of Alfred's kingdom and house; and the, issuance ,of a law code that presented the West Saxons as a new people of Israel and
  32. Fermi and Szilard applied for a patent on reactors on 19 December 1944. Its, issuance ,was delayed for 10 years because of wartime secrecy. " World's first nuclear
  33. Are planned to replace them; on November 1,2001,the US Navy announced the, issuance ,of a revised Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Future Surface Combatant
  34. Has wide power in defining and restricting their jurisdiction, the act forbids, issuance ,of injunctions to sustain anti-union contracts of employment, to prevent
  35. And Gold standard Rothbard believed the monopoly power of government over the, issuance ,and distribution of money was inherently destructive and unethical. The belief
  36. The parties to this litigation as caretaker Prime Minister, ... to direct the, issuance ,of writs for an election ..." On 10 April 2009 President Lilo suspended the
  37. It traces the continuity between God's gift of Law to Moses to Alfred's own, issuance ,of law to the West Saxon people. By doing so, it links the holy past to the
  38. Institution, the groundbreaking for the Washington Monument, and the, issuance ,of the first postage stamps in the United States. He promised to serve only one
  39. All Puerto Rico-issued birth certificates, effective,2010,and mandated the, issuance ,of new, more secure birth certificates effective that date. The law was in
  40. Rafael Angel Calderon) were investigated on corruption charges related to the, issuance ,of government contracts, and several of the legal proceeding are still open.
  41. To San Francisco Bay. Financing. Sec. 11 of the Act also provided that the, issuance ,of bonds" shall be treble the number per mile" ( to $48,000) for tracked
  42. Empress Suiko's reign include the official recognition of Buddhism by the, issuance ,of the Flourishing Three Treasures Edict in 594. Seiko was also one of the
  43. Visa requirements for holders of diplomatic passports and the facilitation of, issuance ,of entry visas to holders of official passports; * an agreement on program of
  44. Enjoys favorable borrowing terms. Hungary's sovereign foreign currency debt, issuance ,carries investment-grade ratings from all major credit-rating agencies
  45. In the assembly that perform the following functions: examination and, issuance ,of reports and statements on projects and proposals of law, on resolutions and
  46. With: * Identification of required expenditure of a public sector entity * Debt, issuance ,(municipal bonds) for public works projects Financial risk management
  47. There are three main ways for Chilean firms to raise funds abroad: bank loans, issuance ,of bonds, and the selling of stocks on U. S. markets through American
  48. Of both faith and good works for salvation, the existence of purgatory and the, issuance ,(but not the sale) of indulgences, etc. In other words, all Protestant
  49. It ended in a United Nations (UN) mandated ceasefire and the subsequent, issuance ,of the Tashkent Declaration. India–Oman relations are foreign relations between
  50. Matthew Parker's ordination was dismissed as an invention long before the, issuance ,of Apostolic Curve. Timothy Du fort, writing in The Tablet in 1982,argued

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