Examples of the the word, compassionate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compassionate ), is the 8193 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Name" Men jailed for stealing Auschwitz camp sign failed to return after, compassionate ,/IN"> leave"/> It has been announced that the sign will not be returned to its old
  2. His actual policy program is debatable. It has also been suggested that the ", compassionate ,conservatism" espoused by President Bush during his 2000 presidential campaign
  3. Nietzsche, explained,in the §133 of his The Dawn, that in such cases, compassionate ,impulses arise out of the projection of our identity unto the object of our
  4. Throughout the empire. All his inscriptions have the imperial touch and show, compassionate ,loving. He addressed his people as his" children ". These inscriptions
  5. To Jewish law edited by Elliot Doff *an introduction to Judaism as a, compassionate , mindful practice by Jonathan P. Slater *an introduction to Must as a
  6. Prostate cancer, was released in August 2009 by the Scottish Executive on, compassionate ,grounds. The extent and severity of al-Meghrahi's cancer have since come into
  7. Family-oriented activities, charitable work and other activities that are, compassionate ,in nature are encouraged. Much of Friday might be spent in preparation for the
  8. Bishops, and preachers urged the Christian community to be as, compassionate ,as their God was, reiterating that creation was for all of humanity. They also
  9. English,i.e. to be good-spleened (εὔσπλαγχνος) means to be good-hearted or, compassionate , In English the word spleen was customary during the period of the 18th century
  10. Behaviour. The characters were also morally ambiguous by appearing generously, compassionate , or nakedly and brutally self-serving, as the situation demanded. Some critics
  11. Project used to provide, critics of psychiatry contend, a more humane and, compassionate ,alternative to coercive psychiatry. The Siberia houses closed in 1983 in the
  12. By actress Michele Amman); a former ON prime-time anchor, known for her, compassionate ,interviewing skills and her" great hair ". Horton has received three Gracie
  13. Sincerity. Jardine's tough exterior and candid letters to agents masked his, compassionate ,nature, never exacting punishment when due. An elderly and longtime Portuguese
  14. To raise awareness about the cruelty of factory farming and to promote the, compassionate ,treatment of farm animals. She is also a co-founder of Broadway Barks, an
  15. They were fined £2,300 each. Name "/IN"> telegraph"/> Two of them were granted, compassionate ,leave, but in April the three did not report to the prison to serve their
  16. When Biden had just been elected to the Senate. He called Byrd" a tough, compassionate , and outspoken leader and dedicated above all else to making life better for
  17. Contestants in their ability to sing. Abdul won praise as a sympathetic and, compassionate ,judge. She seemed especially kind compared to fellow judge Simon Cowell, who
  18. How a personal traumatic abortion experience hardened her resolve to provide, compassionate ,care to women who decide to have an abortion. As Auckland crisscrosses the West
  19. Of Michigan property, which does not fall under the City's progressive and, compassionate ,ticketing program. Ann Arbor has a major scene for college sports, notably at
  20. Lights Out" rumor, street gang members would drive without headlights until a, compassionate ,motorist responded with the traditional flashing of headlights, whereupon a new
  21. Without" Faith" ( Emu nah),meaning to trust that God always supports, compassionate ,actions even when God seems hidden. Ultimately, it is necessary to show
  22. Albert Armitage, a merchant officer, was offered the chance to go home on, compassionate ,grounds, but chose to interpret the offer as a personal slight, and refused.
  23. Songs like" The Street R Death row" and" Last Word ". He also showed his, compassionate ,side with the anthem" Keep Ya Head Up ", while simultaneously putting his
  24. Shunned socially. As badly as he has treated his stepson, Barry proves to be a, compassionate ,and doting father to Bryan, with whom he now spends all his time. He cannot
  25. Submarines, and airplanes. Gustavus Adolphus is portrayed as a tough, yet, compassionate , king with tolerant tendencies toward religion and the rights of the people to
  26. For the Archbishop (1927),the legend of Kit Carson is explored, first as, compassionate ,friend to the natives, later as" misguided" soldier. William Saroyan's
  27. In Japan and China. He is known for aiding those who are lost. His greatest, compassionate ,vow is: If I do not go to the hell to help the suffering beings there, who else
  28. To starve to death. Though Bodhidharma wanted to save him and brought forth a, compassionate ,mind toward him, the emperor failed to recognize him, so there was nothing
  29. Faiths. The award was presented by Rabbi Arthur Schneider who praised Brown's ", compassionate ,leadership in dealing with the challenging issues facing humanity, his
  30. Leo XIII, De Serum Nov arum (On the Condition of Labor),calling for a new, compassionate ,interpretation of capitalism. At the turn of the century, G. K. Chesterton and
  31. Terminal cancer, Megrahi dropped the appeal and on August 20, 2009,was granted, compassionate ,release from jail and repatriated to Libya. In an interview with the Wall
  32. Self-centred, seeking ), the Mother as giving birth (interrelated, compassionate ,nurturing, creating ), and the Crone as death and renewal (holistic, remote
  33. Acquires the ability to see visions of those in need, she becomes a more, compassionate ,and heroic character. In the fourth season of Angel, she appears to take on a
  34. Including in the use of contraception. John Paul quoted Humane Vitae as a, compassionate ,encyclical," Christ has come not to judge the world but to save it, and while
  35. 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103,is released by the Scottish government on, compassionate ,grounds as he has terminal prostate cancer. He returns to his native Libya.
  36. Initially irascible and slightly sinister Doctor quickly mellowed into a more, compassionate ,figure. It was eventually revealed that he had been on the run from his own
  37. Christian Science" stating that she" ... named it Christian, because it is, compassionate , helpful, and spiritual. " (ibid). ) Not knowing how it had occurred, she
  38. Interpretation, there is the irony that only by changing their hearts to be, compassionate ,can the characters fixed to the tree move on and cease to have to wait for
  39. Or goal if they value it greatly and are deeply committed to it. Similarly, compassionate ,outreach and volunteer workers' " love" of their cause may sometimes be borne
  40. Be described as" glory" and reflects a deep yearning in every human soul for, compassionate ,understanding from one's fellows. More recently Peck remarked that building a
  41. System up to one million dollars. If a prisoner qualifies, a state will allow, compassionate ,early release to avoid high costs associated with organ transplants. A South
  42. By studying the natural world, he argued, people would learn how to become more, compassionate , happy, and prosperous. Priestley strongly suggested that there is no mind-body
  43. Holy Days. He struggled throughout his life with the feeling that a kind and, compassionate ,God would never support the great suffering he saw around him, especially the
  44. Centre" conforming strongly to the ideals of Christian democracy and, compassionate ,centrism and is often seen as being moderate on social issues but conservative
  45. And said" Don McLean: his work, like the man himself, is very deep and very, compassionate , His pop anthem 'American Pie' is a cultural phenomenon ". In 2007,the
  46. In the crimes but" muddy" as to his having heard anything. An application for, compassionate ,release, based on her health status, was denied in July 2008,Atkins died of
  47. One son, Wesley,with her late husband, Jack Crusher. Crusher is intelligent, compassionate , caring, and strong-willed; she also has a sense of justice and will stand up
  48. Thought and feeling of compassion and love is viewed as Guanine. A merciful, compassionate , loving individual is said to be Guanine. A meditative or contemplative state
  49. Ralph Clark to stage a production of The Recruiting Officer. He is shown as, compassionate ,and just, but receives little support from his fellow officers. Phillip is
  50. Gastric problems from him, saying," Since he has shown compassion, let us be, compassionate ,with him ". Rabbi Judah Hands also said," One who is ignorant of the Torah

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