Examples of the the word, degrade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( degrade ), is the 8198 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Been utterly exhausted, he hoped that there was no one in" Ireland who will so, degrade ,himself as to ask the aid of a subscription from England ". Mitchel wrote in
  2. The power to subdue, to crush, to exploit, the power to enslave, to outrage, to, degrade , " She also argued that capitalism dehumanized workers," turning the producer
  3. Future time, is not assured, even under the assumption that the discs will not, degrade ,at all. ) The polycarbonate disc contains a spiral groove, called the "
  4. EMP (whether from offensive or defensive nuclear warheads) which could, degrade ,defensive radar systems. When this proved infeasible for economic reasons, a
  5. Acidity of rain. For example, corrugated iron sheet roofing will start to, degrade ,within a few years despite the protective action of the zinc coating. Marine
  6. Of images, noise from weak signals, and many other potential problems which, degrade ,the quality of the image and sound, although the program material may still be
  7. Are worn by work due to friction, fit and surface finish of an object may, degrade ,until it no longer functions properly. Applications Friction is an important
  8. Deteriorate tooth enamel and lead to gingivitis. Chronic intranasal usage can, degrade ,the cartilage separating the nostrils (the septum NASA),leading eventually
  9. Whole soul so uplifted, that,did not the abuses of this new condition often, degrade ,him below that which he left, he would be bound to bless continually the happy
  10. Regions typically incur significant adverse soil erosion and frequently, degrade ,into. Disregard or ignorance of intrinsic value, lack of ascribed value, lax
  11. Run wild. Feral pigs, foxes,cats and rabbits are also imported animals that, degrade ,the environment, so time and money is spent eradicating them in an attempt to
  12. Surgery in the following two to eight years as his valve would progressively, degrade , Schwarzenegger apparently opted against a mechanical valve, the only permanent
  13. No longer flow smoothly through blood vessels, having a tendency to clog or, degrade , causing the medical problems associated with this disease. Some genes are
  14. Don't Ask Don't Tell. Donnelly has argued that allowing gays to serve would, degrade ,the quality of service. Number of discharges Since the policy was introduced in
  15. Conditions, adipocytes store fat derived from the diet and liver metabolism or, degrade ,stored fat to supply fatty acids and glycerol to the circulation. These
  16. Here, a set of subunits form a hollow barrel containing proteases that, degrade ,cytosol proteins. Since these would be damaging if they mixed freely with the
  17. Other metals—indium, antimony,and tellurium. In CD-R media, the dye itself can, degrade , causing data to become unreadable. As well as degradation of the dye, failure
  18. Of decades. AZO is the most resistant dye against UV rays and begins to, degrade ,only after the third or fourth week of direct sunlight exposure. More modern
  19. Or both). Using more than one codec or encoding scheme successively can also, degrade ,quality significantly. The decreasing cost of storage capacity and network
  20. A signal; noise, periods of silence, and other forms of signal corruption often, degrade ,quality. How much information can one hope to communicate over a noisy (or
  21. Interrupts provide low overhead and good latency at low offered load, but, degrade , significantly at high interrupt rate unless care is taken to prevent several
  22. Domains written too densely together to a weakly magnetizable material will, degrade ,over time due to physical rotation of one or more domains to cancel out these
  23. CO2 quantities in the atmosphere: this is because the CO2 released when they, degrade ,can be reabsorbed by crops grown to replace them: this makes them close to
  24. Enzymes, and toxic, so that few organisms other than Basidiomycota fungi can, degrade ,it. It can not be oxidized in an atmosphere of less than 5 % oxygen. It can
  25. Application of processing (encoding and decoding) on lossy codecs will, degrade ,the quality of the resulting data such that it is no longer identifiable (
  26. Taken orally. They work by blocking the action of PDE5,which causes camp to, degrade ,.; Alprostadil in combination with the permeation enhancer DD AIP has
  27. Have some impact on GPS devices. There is some concern that this will seriously, degrade ,the GPS signal for many consumer uses. Aviation Week magazine reports that the
  28. Through proteolytic cleavage. The active effector campuses then proteolytically, degrade ,a host of intracellular proteins to carry out the cell death program.
  29. Utero). * A particular high respect for humanity and repugnance for those who, degrade ,any human. Sometimes (as in One Door Away from Heaven) taking a critical
  30. Systems become more complex, effects such as non-linearity and noise ultimately, degrade ,analog resolution to such an extent that the performance of digital systems may
  31. Disability. To support these users, web authors can try to create pages which, degrade ,gracefully on user agents (browsers) which do not support the page's
  32. Prevent the filter from degrading before use, but the protective abilities also, degrade ,as the filter ages or if it is exposed to moisture and heat. Very old unused
  33. A long history of vocal citizen resistance to development projects perceived to, degrade ,the environment, or to threaten the natural and cultural landscapes. According
  34. Though having a capacity to express glycogen synthase, lack capacity to, degrade ,it. They seem not to have glycogen phosphorylate, which is present in
  35. Report, found that as the PVC in artificial Christmas trees aged it began to, degrade , A professional study on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of both real and
  36. Noise and, depending on antenna size and other factors, temporarily disrupt or, degrade ,the circuit. The duration of those effects varies but can range from a few
  37. State because, unlike the first three, it requires oil for lubrication and will, degrade ,as it runs. H₅ is owned by the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers of London and
  38. Christian viewpoint: On the one and the same account they glorify them and they, degrade ,and diminish them; yes, further,they openly condemn them to disgrace and civil
  39. 0.5,the output amplitude can be modulated. The voltage square waveform will, degrade , but any overheating is compensated by the lower overall power flowing. Any
  40. The contents. Aerial oxidation, hydrolysis,and other chemical reactions which, degrade ,the products are retarded or prevented entirely. Bottles of high-purity
  41. It is usually accompanied by physical or chemical changes that permanently, degrade ,the material's insulating properties. Materials that lack electron conduction
  42. Double-stranded RNA (short, interfering RNA's or sRNAs) are used by cells to, degrade ,RNA of a particular sequence. If a SIRPA is designed to match the RNA copied
  43. Additionally, contemporary conditions of sea-shipping from South America could, degrade ,the cocaine in the plant samples available to Europeans. The cocaine alkaloid
  44. Capital, insurance/risk, environmental impacts, labor,maintenance, and product, degrade ,costs for the task of removing water from the wood fiber. These costs (which
  45. Real-life (not accelerated aging) tests have revealed that some CD-Rs, degrade ,quickly even if stored normally. The quality of a CD-R disc has a large and
  46. To see in a much less detached way. " Swift has his proposer further, degrade ,the Irish by using language ordinarily reserved for animals. Lewis argues that
  47. Of Man, writing that it was" so coarse, that you would think he means to, degrade ,the language as much as the government ". His father was created Earl of Oxford
  48. To be a genetic predisposition toward this adverse effect in patients who, degrade ,bradykinin more slowly than average. In pregnant women, ACE inhibitors taken
  49. 2,4,5-T,remain toxic over a short period—a scale of days or weeks—they quickly, degrade , A 1969 report authored by K. Diane Courtney and others found 2,4,5-T could
  50. Carbon directly to the soil in the form of char that does not significantly, degrade ,back to carbon dioxide. Forest fires release absorbed carbon back into the

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