Examples of the the word, wastewater , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wastewater ), is the 8196 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the phosphate pollution, it took $1.9 million to remove this from treated, wastewater , an EPA requirement. Although there are pollution issues, Lake Champlain is
  2. Activated sludge bioreactors (Secondary treatment; also used for industrial, wastewater ,) * Perspectives The earliest precursor of pollution generated by life forms
  3. Just east of Toronto has become a concern in recent years, with the warm, wastewater ,released from the plant being a problem year-round. Radioactive and heavy metal
  4. Of trash or municipal solid waste. *Water pollution, by the discharge of, wastewater ,from commercial and industrial waste (intentionally or through spills) into
  5. California uses cogeneration at its sewer plants. California has 242 sewage, wastewater ,treatment plants,74 of which have installed anaerobic digesters. The total
  6. In environmental protection and pollution prevention. American Airline's, wastewater ,treatment plant recycles water used at the base of the wash aircraft, process
  7. PG&E used hexavalent chromium to fight corrosion in the cooling tower. The, wastewater ,dissolved the hexavalent chromium from the cooling towers and was discharged to
  8. To prevent the spread of serious water-borne diseases, such as cholera. Simple, wastewater ,treatment systems can be set up by volunteers to protect drinking water from
  9. Waste disposal, and education of the population in personal hygiene. Proper, wastewater ,treatment and water sanitation are the best way to prevent the spread of
  10. Instead of treated water from one of Reno's water plants. The Reno-Sparks, wastewater ,treatment plant discharges tertiary treated effluent to the Truckee River. In
  11. Associated with the country's textile industry. Investigations focused on, wastewater ,discharges from two facilities in China; one belonging to the Younger Group
  12. As nine meters in some areas. This sinking is causing problems with runoff and, wastewater ,management, leading to flooding problems, especially during the rainy season.
  13. In some wastewater treatment plants, a small amount of methanol is added to, wastewater ,to provide a carbon food source for the denitrifying bacteria, which convert
  14. Applications For over 50 years the standard way to deal with odors entering, wastewater ,treatment plants was to pre-chlorinate the in fluent sewers. Recently, however
  15. Also circulate freely and interchangeably. Public services, such as water, wastewater , the two main harbors and the airport are still owned and controlled by the
  16. Is the main cause of that condition. In Batu mi, for example, only 18 percent of, wastewater ,is treated before release into the sea. An estimated 70 percent of surface
  17. Provinces, and areas along the rivers flowing into Ysyk-Köl. In towns, wastewater ,collection provides about 70 % of the water supply. Although towns have
  18. And responsibility to own, operate,and control their own drinking water and, wastewater ,systems. Since passage of the new law, many communities have joined together to
  19. One tonne of hide or skin generally leads to the production of 20 to 80 m3 of, wastewater ,including chromium levels of 100–400 mg/L, sulfide levels of 200–800 mg/L and
  20. Toxic clouds containing copper, lead,and arsenic. In 1988, it released toxic, wastewater ,into nearby rivers used to irrigate land in the Plovdiv-Pazardzhik Plain, which
  21. Manufacturing. Other applications of sulfuric acid include oil refining, wastewater ,processing, and mineral extraction. One of the direct uses of sulfur is in
  22. Chloride production are released by on-site incinerators, flares,boilers, wastewater ,treatment systems and even in trace quantities in vinyl resins. The US EPA
  23. A strong oxidizer effective in controlling sulfide and organic-related odors in, wastewater ,collection and treatment systems. It is typically applied to a wastewater
  24. 2000 the emissions were 80 % smaller than in 1980 and the amount of purified, wastewater ,discharged to water bodies was one twentieth the level of 1980. Estonian
  25. Beneath the plain also was poisoned. Work has begun on a plan to drain toxic, wastewater ,from the plant's reservoir into the Marisa River. Environmental improvements
  26. In wastewater collection and treatment systems. It is typically applied to a, wastewater ,system where there is a retention time of 30 minutes to 5 hours before hydrogen
  27. And other vehicles, ore processing, fertilizer manufacturing, oil refining, wastewater ,processing, and chemical synthesis. History The study of vitriol began in
  28. Agent has led to the development of a number of applications in refinery, wastewater ,systems. “ Catalyzed” Hydrogen Peroxide The strong oxidizing power of H2O2
  29. Include education of local medical staff in proper sterilization techniques, wastewater ,treatment projects, proper waste disposal, and education of the population in
  30. Quarter. VERA Klärschlammverbrennung uses the biosolids of the Hamburg, wastewater ,treatment plant; the Pumpspeicherwerk Geesthacht is a pump storage power plant
  31. The super acid forms unstable compounds containing the ion. Uses Municipal, wastewater ,applications For over 50 years the standard way to deal with odors entering
  32. In Municipal Sludge In many municipal treatment facilities, the processing of, wastewater ,sludge (or biosolids) poses operational and safety challenges due to hydrogen
  33. Can still cause difficulties when using landfills and composting sludge from, wastewater ,treatment on account of the regulations currently in force in some countries. "
  34. Of waste water in St. Petersburg was started in 1979 and by 1997 about 74 % of, wastewater ,was purified. This number rose to 85 % in 2005,to 91.7 % by 2008,and is
  35. Urban runoff controls in Reno and Sparks and best management practices for, wastewater ,discharge. Geology Reno is situated just east of the Sierra Nevada on the
  36. Regulatory methods (for instance EPA 335.4) used to analyze cyanide in water, wastewater , and contaminated soils. Distillation followed by colorimetric methods, however
  37. Bridges, tunnels,highways, railways,airports, seaports,power plants, dams, wastewater , projects,coastal flood protection schemes, oil and natural gas extraction
  38. Is; the disadvantage being the lack of real-life context. Terms like waste and, wastewater ,are also avoided in favor of terms such as byproduct, recycling,reclaimed
  39. Under the National Wastewater Management Program should further improve, wastewater ,treatment and maximize efficient water usage. Authorities are promoting better
  40. Viricide and bactericide. Disinfection using UV radiation is commonly used in, wastewater ,treatment applications and is finding an increased usage in drinking water
  41. More rapidly. Under acid pH conditions, the addition of iron salts to a, wastewater ,solution activates H2O2 to generate free radicals, which can attack a variety
  42. Systems in place for the collection of wastewater s, however proper treatment of, wastewater ,is scarce. In rural areas, sanitary facilities are generally limited to
  43. Treatment. Many urban areas have sewer systems in place for the collection of, wastewater , however proper treatment of wastewater is scarce. In rural areas, sanitary
  44. The cooling towers and was discharged to unlined ponds at the site. Some, wastewater ,percolated into the groundwater, affecting an area near the plant approximately
  45. Used in buried municipal applications for drinking water distribution and, wastewater ,mains. Signs Polyvinyl chloride is formed in flat sheets in a variety of
  46. Plant until 1999; sewage was sent directly into the Newman River. Tertiary, wastewater ,treatment is scheduled to come on-line in 2007. River and lake pollution are
  47. S rural population lacked connections to water pipelines, and many cities lack, wastewater ,treatment facilities. Furthermore, the facilities that are in place are often
  48. Previously perceived was going to be present. Sydney Water also collects the, wastewater ,and sewage produced by the city. Four companies supply natural gas and
  49. Biogas is often combusted where it is produced, such as a landfill or, wastewater ,treatment plant, with a reciprocating engine or a microturbine, which is a
  50. Solvent, and as an antifreeze in pipelines and windshield washer fluid. In some, wastewater ,treatment plants, a small amount of methanol is added to wastewater to provide

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