Examples of the the word, promoter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( promoter ), is the 8202 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Expressly for steroids). World Bodybuilding Federation In 1990,wrestling, promoter ,Vince McMahon announced he was forming a new bodybuilding organization, the
  2. Assumes its active shape and binds to a specific site upstream of the lac, promoter , making it easier for RNA polymerase to bind to the adjacent promoter to start
  3. The singer to the attention of Colonel Tom Parker, whom he considered the best, promoter ,in the music business. Parker—Dutch-born, though he claimed to be from West
  4. Translation — RNA — histone — telomere **gene expression — hetero chromatin —, promoter ,— enhancer — operon **mutation — point mutation — crossover — recombination —
  5. Regions of a genome that need to separate frequently — for example,the, promoter ,regions for often-transcribed genes — are comparatively GC-poor (for example
  6. Have been applied to explore various steps in this process. For example, promoter ,analysis involves the identification and study of sequence motifs in the DNA
  7. Musician (Uriah Heep) * 1945 – Vince McMahon, American professional wrestling, promoter ,* 1947 – Roger De Vlaeminck, Belgian cyclist * 1947 – Joe Manchin, American
  8. Racing and ran a small stable of his own. * In the mid-1930s,Runyon persuaded, promoter ,Leo Seltzer to formally change his Roller Derby spectacle from a marathon
  9. Of toxin has been documented, possibly resulting from DNA methylation of the, promoter , So, while the high-dose/refuge strategy has been successful at prolonging the
  10. The lac promoter , making it easier for RNA polymerase to bind to the adjacent, promoter ,to start transcription of the lac operon, increasing the rate of lac operon
  11. Nicknamed" The Twang Machine" ( referred to as" cigar-box shaped" by music, promoter ,Dick Clark). Although he had other odd-shaped guitars custom-made for him by
  12. Moore and Black quit their old band to play with Presley regularly, and DJ and, promoter ,Bob Neal became the trio's manager. From August through October, they played
  13. Regions that are not as tightly compacted. These regions often correspond to, promoter ,regions of genes that were active in that cell type prior to entry into
  14. Something else ". In his 1979 autobiography, Jack Kramer, the long-time tennis, promoter ,and great player himself, had already included Borg in his list of the 21
  15. The DNA sequence before the DNA that codes for a protein, known as a gene's, promoter , is reintroduced into an organism with the protein coding region replaced by a
  16. Dewey * James Barrier, or Buffalo Jim (1953–2008),an American wrestling, promoter ,* John Buffalo Mailer (born 1978),author, playwright and journalist
  17. Subject-specific. In the early 1960s,Major League Baseball franchise owner and, promoter ,Bill Week, who was missing part of a leg, argued against the then-favored
  18. November 29, 1954) was a professional baseball player, manager and league, promoter ,from 1887 through 1916 and went on to play a pioneering role in the US aircraft
  19. Latin (born January 2,1952) is a New York City-based singer-songwriter and, promoter ,of contemporary folk music. She has recorded numerous solo albums, and has also
  20. Of the Honshu School and the theory of the Five Elements. He also was a, promoter ,of the New Text school, which considered Confucius as a divine figure and a
  21. Or effectiveness. As well as the gene to be inserted most constructs contain a, promoter ,and terminator region as well as a selectable marker gene. The promoter region
  22. King Edward in downtown Toronto (an expense paid for by the local Toronto, promoter ,), while the glitz and glamour continued with the velvet rope, red carpet party
  23. The strategic and technological directions of Bluetooth as a whole. The current, promoter ,members are: (list of Promoter members per Bluetooth SIG website at
  24. Stalinist dictator (b. 1908) * 1985 – Bunny Adherence, British ice hockey, promoter ,(b. 1900) *1987 – Ermine Caldwell, American author (b. 1903) * 1987 –
  25. Base of operation to Los Angeles. The rest of the band agreed immediately. Rock, promoter ,Bill Graham wrote a letter to Warner Bros. to convince them that the" real "
  26. Journalists on the 1924 South African tour, Unsanctioned tours In 1888,the, promoter ,of the first expedition to Australia and New Zealand, Arthur Shrewsbury
  27. Enzymes. Protein kinase A can also phosphorylate specific proteins that bind to, promoter ,regions of DNA, causing increased expression of specific genes. Not all protein
  28. Santana following the death of Ben Wader in October 2008. In 2004,contest, promoter ,Wayne Emilia broke ranks with the CFBB and AMI took over the promotion of the
  29. Have shown some small-scale (about 1 %) genetic contamination (by the 35S, promoter , ) in sampled fields in Mexico. One meta-study has found evidence for and
  30. Directly or through other mediator proteins; this locates the polymerase at the, promoter ,and allows it to begin transcription. Alternatively, transcription factors can
  31. For all stations regardless of brand. In addition, Humble Oil was a major, promoter ,and broadcast sponsor for college football in the Pacific-8 (now Pac-12) and
  32. Juan Bautista Albert, Argentinian politician, writer and Constitution main, promoter ,(d. 1884) *1811 – Henry Beef, founder of American Society for the Prevention
  33. Agent of disease may require an independent co-factor, and be subject to a, promoter ,(increases expression) to cause disease. An example of all the above, which
  34. Of the declaration permitting Sunday sports. He was naturally, therefore,a, promoter ,of the match between the elector palatine, Frederick V, and the Princess
  35. English tennis commentator (b. 1908) *1993 – Alice Fully, American music, promoter ,and philanthropist (b. 1902) *1994 – Keith Joseph, English politician (b.
  36. Jr, first ever South African WWE Superstar, son of successful SA wrestling, promoter ,Paul Lloyd (1981-) A file manager or file browser is a computer program that
  37. Led to the pandemic getting the nickname" the Spanish Flu. " Alfonso was a, promoter ,of tourism in Spain. The problems with the lodging of his wedding guests
  38. cDNA, prokaryotic regulatory sequences would also be required (e.g. a, promoter ,). Synthesis Though there are several methods for doing so, cDNA is most often
  39. The wrist),causing Tar to be one-handed and" not considered to be a, promoter ,of settlements between people. " Gylfaginning chapter 34 In chapter 34,High
  40. Actress (d. 2002) * 1933 – Alan Eagle son, Canadian ice hockey agent and, promoter ,* 1933 – Freddie Scott, American singer (d. 2007) *1934 – Shirley MacLaine
  41. A promoter and terminator region as well as a selectable marker gene. The, promoter ,region initiates transcription of the gene and can be used to control the
  42. Moved to Paris and was taught the skills of professional wrestling by a local, promoter ,who knew there would be money in Roussimoff's future. He trained at night and
  43. De Wilde, American actor (d. 1972) *1943 – Terry Knight, American music, promoter ,(d. 2004) *1944 – Joe Brink man, American Major League Umpire * 1945 – Peter
  44. Others, depending on an allele variation of the serotonin-transporter-linked, promoter ,region (5-HTTLPR); a 2009 meta-analysis showed stressful life events were
  45. Global platforms for analysis of both gene expression by microarrays and, promoter ,regulation using ChIP-on-chip exist. Gene sequencing In 2009,researchers at
  46. Duke, who built a home (now a museum) on Oahu named Shangri-La. Hawaii's music, promoter ,IMO Wilder McVay capitalized on Kahanamoku's popularity by naming his Waikiki
  47. 20): :i. The pillager (2: 6 -8): :ii. The plotter (2:9 – 11): :iii. The, promoter ,of violence (2:12 -14): :iv. The debauchery (2:15 -17): :v. The pagan
  48. Drifters) (b. 1934) * 1998 – Sam Much nick, American professional wrestling, promoter ,(b. 1905) * 1998 – George Webb, English actor (b. 1911) *1999 – Fritz
  49. Kicked out of this group as well. Love stayed in Minneapolis and got a gig as a, promoter ,for rock shows, promoting concerts by bands such as The But thole Surfers, but
  50. Transcription factors can bind enzymes that modify the histones at the, promoter ,; this will change the accessibility of the DNA template to the polymerase. As

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