Examples of the the word, delightful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( delightful ), is the 8212 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. They have become very much attracted to the peers, whom they find handsome and, delightful , The fairy Queen is dismayed by this. Pointing to Private Willis of the First
  2. The New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be, delightful , Also known as" brotherly love. " * Two other words for love in the Greek
  3. Cloth for the binding. Salinger also sent Lath bury numerous" infectious and, delightful ,and loving" letters. Told his sister, a journalist for the Washington Business
  4. So kind, and so good, and so amiable too. He has besides the most pleasing and, delightful ,exterior and appearance you can possibly see. " However at 17,Victoria, though
  5. On the Spanish society of the time. Rincón y Armadillo is one of the most, delightful ,of Cervantes' works. Its two young vagabonds come to Seville, attracted by the
  6. Ran DES Caches" into his masterpiece William Tell, along with many other, delightful ,melodies scattered throughout the opera in vocal and instrumental parts that
  7. Reviewer Bosley Crowther of The New York Times wrote that" Nancy Davis is, delightful ,as a gentle, plain,and understanding wife. " In 1951,Davis appeared in her
  8. Musical ... Robert Coleman ... wrote 'The Lerner-Loewe songs are not only, delightful , they advance the action as well. They are ever so much more than
  9. Roger Ebert gave the film three-and-a-half stars out of four, calling it ", delightful ,and sly ", and directed with" light-hearted enchantment" by Newell. He
  10. How foolish she had been, Catherine comes to believe that, though novels may be, delightful , their content does not relate to everyday life. Henry does not stay angry with
  11. Old English folk singer Rambling Syd Rump, played by Williams, who sang such, delightful ,and parodic nonsense ditties as Green Grow My Badgers Oh!, Song of the Boyle
  12. Scylla, on the Tyrrhenian Sea," pearl" of the" Violet Coast ", has a, delightful ,panorama and is the site of some of Homer's tales. * Trope, on the Tyrrhenian
  13. Series of Nintendo games * Dream world (plot device),an unrealistically, delightful ,fictional place. Fis phenomenon is a phenomenon of child language acquisition
  14. Colour and geometry to a new medium of utter simplicity, but with playful and, delightful ,power. In 1947, he published Jazz, a limited-edition book containing prints of
  15. Been a member of the high-IQ society. Jim Blackmore of Mensa said," It's, delightful ,to finally see Ms. Stone admit that she's not and never has been a member of
  16. A strongly positive review in the New York Times, describing the film as" a, delightful ,and witty compendium of the filmmaker is favorite things. " Among the film's
  17. No wrong in adapting Idiom into a musical play. Their Carousel is on the whole, delightful , " Willa Waldorf of the New York Post, however,complained," Carousel seemed
  18. During 1919 and 1920. In service the aircraft performed well-being described as, delightful ,to fly with none of the vices associated with large rotary engines, however
  19. Of the Merit of the Doctrines of Jesus ", Jefferson wrote: #*:" In some, delightful ,conversations with you, in the evenings of 1798–99,and which served as an
  20. Mixture of various genres and sounds. Slant Magazine called the album" a, delightful ,and refreshing antidote to the army of 'pop princesses' and rap-metal bands
  21. Just noticing what men and women are really like, and creating fascinating and, delightful ,drama out of it. Shakespeare's celebration of the limits that define us – of
  22. First Dada publication, Hugo Ball describes a" balalaika orchestra playing, delightful ,folk-songs. " African music and jazz was common at Dada gatherings, signaling a
  23. Of plane ground with a wall, wherein are fertile Meadows, pleasant Springs, delightful ,Streams, and all sorts of beasts of chase and game, and in the midst thereof a
  24. Sun-Times praised the film upon its release with Murphy describing it as a ", delightful ,satirical comedy-drama" and Ebert claiming it was the" funniest American
  25. Forms painted within a frivolous subject. His works typically utilized, delightful ,and decorative designs to illustrate graceful stories with Arcadian shepherds
  26. Olympic program. The game was formerly called gourd ball, a reference to the, delightful ,summer gourd commonly used in cooking (compared with the fatter ball used in
  27. In Westminster Abbey. … Mr Tel ford was of the most genial disposition and a, delightful ,companion, his laugh was the heartiest I ever heard; it was a pleasure to be in
  28. The Avers (796),an epistle to David (Charlemagne) incidentally reveals a, delightful ,picture of the poet living with his children in a house surrounded by pleasant
  29. Years later, Hawthorne looked back at his time in Maine fondly:" Those were, delightful ,days, for that part of the country was wild then, with only scattered clearings
  30. Totally naked the nicest entrées and ballets; one of the princes directed the, delightful ,music, and only the lovers were allowed to watch the performances. In myth
  31. Melancholy in his face, my dear ... which is very interesting. He would make a, delightful ,mute, my love ". The main purpose of a funeral mute was to stand around at
  32. Interior, the informal decorous intimacy of people's manners, the curious and, delightful ,details everywhere one turns one's eye, the luxury of sipping chocolate: all
  33. Guild, called The Garrick Varieties, and the critics found the show fresh and, delightful , Only meant to run one day, the Guild knew they had a success and allowed it to
  34. Pirates it is happily otherwise; from first to last, and in every bar, a simply, delightful ,production. " Of later recordings by the D'Only Care Opera Company, the 1968
  35. Get into another digression over it. The mind as a bird cage Perhaps the most, delightful ,talk in the dialogue comes near the end, when Socrates compares the human mind
  36. Their lives and Annie's eight children were the recipients of many of Potter’s, delightful ,picture letters. It was Annie who later suggested that these letters might make
  37. Being an old maid was a great deal like death by drowning -- a really, delightful ,sensation when you ceased struggling. " Ferber did take a maternal interest in
  38. Name "/NP"> Kent"/> Rock music historian, Ian McFarlane described it as a ", delightful , ska-tinged" track. Name "/NP"> MCF"/> Kelly's first television performance
  39. Writing" My show is about emotion. Love is the most powerful, messy, delightful , and dangerous emotion ... Willow's in love. I think it's cool. " Hannigan was
  40. And his Spanish eyes, he talks Type and Moo, just as you find the flow of his, delightful ,mind on paper ". They had four children: two sons and two daughters. In 1850
  41. Rushes back to London merely to have his hair cut. Emma, however,finds Frank, delightful ,and notices that his charms are directed mainly toward her. Though she plans to
  42. Fine teeth; but the charm of his countenance is his expression, which is most, delightful , " Alexander, on the other hand, was " very plain ". Victoria wrote to her
  43. And Red Planet. Reception Goff Conklin described the novel as" a thoroughly, delightful ,job. " Boucher and Comas praised it as" easily the most plausible, carefully
  44. Book. " Mark Twain said Montgomery’s Anne was“ the dearest and most moving and, delightful ,child since the immortal Alice. A national park was established near Montgomery
  45. Be very easy to find anything better .... I even think it is one of the most, delightful ,things I have ever read. " Bohr enjoyed Kierkegaard's language and literary
  46. It. The glens and ravines on the hillside are often thickly wooded, and offer a, delightful ,contrast to the open downs. These conditions are particularly characteristic of
  47. Town in the Dangs a few days before Hold. The Dangs is one of the most, delightful ,districts of Gujarat and is located high in the Salutary hills, the original
  48. Among later writers, ambrosia has been so often used with generic meanings of ", delightful ,liquid" that such late writers as Athens, Paulus and Dioscurides employ it
  49. But infinitely more imperfect than the life: this instead of making a Play, delightful , renders it ridiculous. Ultimately, however,Dryden declared Shakespeare "
  50. From the public through sale of stock. " Describing Tucker as" a tall, dark, delightful , but inexperienced boy ", Toulmin added that the Tucker '48 machines" does not

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