Examples of the the word, sway , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sway ), is the 8194 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shah in a revolt against the Delhi Sultanate. The But Shah dynasty held, sway ,over the Andhra country for about two hundred years from the early part of the
  2. With the people of Quebec and with the Indians living there in an attempt to, sway ,their opinion toward the revolutionary cause. On June 22,Allen and Seth Warner
  3. While Denver elections are non-partisan, Democrats have long held a majority, sway ,on Denver politics with most officials elected citywide having Democratic Party
  4. Inscription from Attica emphasizes the consequences of coming under Ares ', sway ,: Stay and mourn at the tomb of dead KroisosWhom raging Ares destroyed one day
  5. Time. As an astronomer of antiquity his influence, supported by Aristotle, held, sway , for nearly 2000 years, until the heliocentric model of Copernicus. Hipparchus '
  6. Mediated between the two parties but favored the Dutch position. To, sway ,the Duke’s opinion, the Emperor offered Marlborough the governorship of the
  7. Both in earth, and in heaven, and in sea. According to Hesiod, she held, sway ,over many things: Whom she will, she greatly aids and advances: she sits by
  8. Law in regard to the Red Sea, which the king Erythemas laid down, when he held, sway ,over that sea, to the effect that the Egyptians should not enter it with a
  9. Elsewhere and the spread of the former British Empire, which,by 1921,held, sway ,over a population of 470–570 million people, approximately a quarter of the
  10. Welfare of the island. After his departure the English officials resumed their, sway , but they showed more consideration than before. Moreover, since smuggling
  11. Different, and call his way of thinking Neo-Confucianism. Neo-Confucianism held, sway ,in China, Korea,and Vietnam until the 19th century. The works of Confucius
  12. Tensions and an attempted coup by the army in support of Stafford began to, sway ,the issue. The Lords acquiesced, and Charles, fearing for the safety of his
  13. And for all, rejected the idea of divine right of kings. It would never hold, sway ,again in Europe, at least with as much conviction as it had prior to Lateran I.
  14. Not ultimately his decision, the commander of a mission always held great, sway , To Dave Scott the choice was clear, with Hadley, being " exploration at its
  15. For supremacy over the middle empire that included the Netherlands, so their, sway ,over this area was weak. Resistance to the Vikings, if any, came from local
  16. Weakened by the Reformation, portions of Europe were no longer under its, sway ,and kings in the remaining Catholic countries began to take control of the
  17. On cross-examination which often involved histrionic outbursts designed to, sway ,jurors. Most experienced and skilled cross-examiners however, refrain from
  18. Baseball enthusiasts is the one whose basic form, with minor variations, held, sway , for the 25 years from 1967 to 1992. Most significantly, the point was restored
  19. Became his colleague in the Empire, adhered to the Arian creed. Ambrose did not, sway ,the young prince's position. In the East, Emperor Theodosius I likewise
  20. Troll posts in Web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to, sway ,the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with
  21. By bin Laden and his followers. Although bin Laden still had huge ideological, sway ,over some Muslim extremists, experts argue that al-Qaeda has fragmented over
  22. Contingents from the" innumerable tribes that had been brought under his, sway , " One such were the Pasternak, according to the Gallic nobleman Sirius
  23. An Arians bishop and cousin to Constantine I, used his influence at court to, sway ,Constantine's favor from the orthodox Nicene bishops to the Arians. Mustachios
  24. With both parties are close. However, the CLP has had no major opportunities to, sway ,the actions of either. Both the Nationals and Liberals receive Country Liberal
  25. And later John Hamilton regarded them as castles where local landowners held, sway ,over a subject population. The castle theory fell from favor among Scottish
  26. The rise of humanism in the arts. During the Renaissance, Italy held artistic, sway ,over the rest of Europe. All educated European gentlemen were expected to make
  27. Chiefs, called alibi, ruled their settlements and launched wars to extend their, sway ,and defend their communities from predatory rivals. James Cook—European arrival
  28. Civilian cargo and tow trucks, which typically have dual rear wheels to reduce, sway , the HMMWV has single rear wheels due to its independent rear suspension
  29. Over a century, was the foremost global power. By 1922 the British Empire held, sway ,over about 458 million people, one-quarter of the world's population at the
  30. Of delegate selection with a more democratic process. Even legal attempts to, sway ,the IOC to accept a city's bid can spark controversy, such as Beijing's
  31. Stated that it would attempt to create dialog with the gang members in order to, sway ,them to renounce their violence and re-integrate into society. However, this
  32. To grant land in another kingdom, indicated such a relationship. If a king held, sway ,over a large kingdom, such as when the Americans dominated the East Anglicans
  33. Of his Meteorology, Aristotle propounded the view of comets that would hold, sway ,in Western thought for nearly two thousand years. He rejected the ideas of
  34. Of the Rising, and in particular the British reaction to it, helped to, sway ,a large section of Irish nationalist opinion away from hostility or ambivalence
  35. Poland, while in the Lithuanian provinces, anti-kabbalist orthodox leaders held, sway , In part, this division in modes of thought reflected social differences
  36. Power. In theory, divine,natural, customary,and constitutional law still held, sway ,over the king but, absent a superior spiritual power, it was difficult to see
  37. Rahman accept sovereignty over this remote region where unruly Kerry held, sway , he had no choice but to accept Britain's compromise. In 1895 and 1896 another
  38. Of the universe. Cosmogony Since the time of the sphere, Strife has gained more, sway ,; and the actual world is full of contrasts and oppositions, due to the combined
  39. Referring to the British Empire: Regions Caesar never knew Thy posterity shall, sway , Ironically, the great anti-imperialist rebel was now identified with the head
  40. Of turmoil in the federal government with several short-lived alliances holding, sway , The BJP formed a government briefly in 1996,followed by the United Front
  41. Of the poor Christ. Dominic saw the need for a response that would attempt to, sway ,members of the Albigensian movement back to mainstream Christian thought. The
  42. Was 50. As ENIL was the only god who could reach the heaven god And he held, sway ,over the other gods who were assigned tasks by his agent and would travel to
  43. This may have been a mask, as Raymond through Eleanor tried to forcibly, sway ,Louis to use his army to attack the actual Muslim encampment at nearby Aleppo
  44. And style. Early film-1950s In the early years of cinema, melodrama held, sway , as the transition from silent cinema's pantomime left film with a more
  45. Expression, had been more than fulfilled: anarchy and bloodshed had borne, sway ,in France; conquest and convulsion had desolated Europe ... the providence of
  46. In the Revolt of the Comp. After their suppression, Florence came under the, sway ,(1382–1434) of the Albion family, bitter rivals of the Medici. In the 15th
  47. Mention these conflicts in the beginning. Specifically, pagan roots still hold, sway ,within their community. Paul wants to bring them back to what he sees as
  48. Census, and Galen, according to Freeman et al., and these theories held, sway ,until the advent of germ theory, physiology,and organ basis of pathology in
  49. Guarded the extreme edges of the sphere. Since that time, strife gained more, sway ,and the bond which kept the pure elementary substances together in the sphere
  50. Was one of conflict and controversy during which French Kings held considerable, sway ,over the Papacy and rulers across Europe felt sidelined by the new

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