Examples of the the word, colon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( colon ), is the 8206 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the ADF. On October 25, 2009,Bone wits was diagnosed with a rare form of, colon ,cancer, for which he underwent treatment. He died at home, on August 12, 2010
  2. Complex plant fibers. The cecum is either absent or short and simple, and the, colon ,is not calculated or much wider than the small intestine. Most species of
  3. Punctuation. Any comments? Kevin Others used: -) for tongue-in-cheek, with the, colon ,representing teeth. Also used was -:) to indicate sticking out your tongue, in
  4. Also occur, but less frequently. Every day, up to 1 g of cholesterol enters the, colon , This cholesterol originates from the diet, bile,and desquamated intestinal
  5. Increased mortality, and that antioxidant supplements increased the risk of, colon ,cancer. However, the results of this meta-analysis are inconsistent with other
  6. The–J series lowered in dot space become punctuation: comma, semi colon , colon , period, ( not used),exclamation point, parentheses,question mark, ( not
  7. Do not decrease the total amount of gas generated in or passed from the, colon , but make the bubbles larger and thereby allowing them to be passed more easily
  8. In =O. In most circles it has become acceptable to omit the hyphen, whether a, colon ,or an equal sign is used for the eyes, e. g.:). In some areas of usage, people
  9. And the other representing the remaining 8 million or more Muslims. Muslim and, colon ,deputies alike abstained or voted against the statute but for diametrically
  10. About the country ". In 2006, he underwent surgery for a malignant tumor in his, colon , discovered after an examination on 3 June. His condition deteriorated sharply
  11. Ranch outside Tucson. Doctors said then that there was an inflammation of the, colon , but that no malignancy was found. He died of a heart attack on August 29, 1987
  12. For new user input. The definition of a new word is started with the word: (, colon ,) and ends with the word; (semi colon ). For example: X DUP 1+.; will compile
  13. Denise, who would become Lemmon's stepdaughter. Death Jack Lemmon died of, colon ,cancer and metastatic cancer of the bladder on June 27, 2001. He had been
  14. Between date values (year, month,week, and day) is the hyphen, while the, colon ,is used as the separator between time values (hours, minutes,and seconds).
  15. Perished in an orgy of bloodletting by the armed forces and police, as well as, colon ,gangs. After Philippeville, all-out war began in Algeria. Eventually
  16. Similar to a carbon or breve The tilde, dot,comma, titlo, apostrophe,bar, and, colon , are sometimes diacritics, but also have other uses. Not all diacritics occur
  17. Denoted with a variety of signs, such as the equivalent of the modern dash, colon ,and full-stop. The absence of modern literary conventions, which are an aid to
  18. S disease, in which the nerve cells that control the function of parts of the, colon ,are not present. This results in severe constipation. Other congenital
  19. It. Variation An equal sign is often used for the eyes in place of the, colon , without changing the meaning of the emoticon. In these instances, the hyphen
  20. A syllable with a rising pitch (상성) was marked with a double dot, like a, colon ,( style" font-family: 은 자모 바탕, UnJamoBatang,Code2000,ჿᅠᆧ〯/NP"> serif">ჿᅠᆧ〯).
  21. Return to compilation state and append the calculated value to the current, colon ,definition:: EMIT-Q CHAR Q LITERAL EMIT; The parsing word CHAR takes a
  22. Multiple commands could be included on the same line of code if separated by a, colon ,(:). The? Can be used in Apple soft BASIC as a shortcut for" PRINT ", though
  23. The colon is used for this purpose. It passes the information by value and the, colon ,is pronounced as the value of. When the procedure is run with a command such as
  24. Default in the modern lowercase form of the Latin letters" i" and" j" ** –, colon , used in the International Phonetic Alphabet to mark long vowels. ** – a
  25. Word) is instructed to expect something and give that something a name. The, colon ,is used for this purpose. It passes the information by value and the colon is
  26. The beginning of a sentence, of course). Parts of the time are separated by a, colon , but only between its first three parts (H: m: s). When it comes to fractions
  27. As eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, where each group is separated by a, colon ,(:). This, for example, is a valid IPv6 address:
  28. A defined endpoint has to be specified (in our example: the appearance of, colon ,cancer in the 5-year period). If the probabilities PA and PB of this endpoint
  29. Or the beginning of machine code that the processor will execute directly. For, colon ,defined words, the code field pointer points to the word that will save the
  30. To and including the next right parenthesis and is used to place comments in a, colon ,definition. Similarly, the word \ (backslash) is used for comments that
  31. One group of consecutive zeroes within an address may be replaced by a double, colon , For example,fe80:0:0:0:202: BFF: fee:8329 becomes fe80: :202: BFF:
  32. Abdominal organs, e. g., intestines including esophagus, stomach,small bowel, colon , liver, pancreas,gallbladder and bile ducts, and often the thyroid gland (
  33. In 1986, he was awarded the Darwin Medal. He also developed and recovered from, colon ,cancer. Evolution of sex and other major transitions in evolution Maynard Smith
  34. Raw vegetables. Cooking dairy products may reduce a protective effect against, colon ,cancer. Researchers at the University of Toronto suggest that ingesting
  35. Which combines the basic Dewey numbers with selected punctuation marks (comma, colon , parentheses, etc.). Adaptations of DDC for specific regions outside the
  36. In North Africa slowly rescinded repressive Vichy laws, despite opposition by, colon ,extremists. In March 1943,Muslim leader Fermat Abbas presented the French
  37. Appendix, one of several small pouches of fat on the peritoneum along the, colon ,and rectum ** Appendix of the laryngeal ventricle, a sac that extends from the
  38. Be effective in reduction of risk of various cancers, including those of the, colon , lung, and possibly the upper GI tract, though some evidence of its
  39. Shown that ingredients in curry may help to prevent certain diseases, including, colon , cancer and Alzheimer's disease. A number of studies have claimed that the
  40. Interval. Justly tuned intervals can be written as either ratios, with a, colon ,(for example,3:2),or as fractions, with a solidus (3 ⁄ 2). For example
  41. Day when President Ronald Reagan undergoes surgery to remove polyps from his, colon , *1990 – An earthquake with its epicenter in Afghanistan results in the
  42. Problems, negative feelings. * Surgery (radiation therapy, surgery of the, colon , prostate, bladder,or rectum may damage the nerves and blood vessels involved
  43. Multiple ailments—glaucoma, high blood pressure, liver damage, and an enlarged, colon , each aggravated, and possibly caused, by drug abuse. Presley was scheduled to
  44. Entirely (thereby retaining 48 as the number of lexical characters, which the, colon ,had increased to 49). This was considered beneficial in that it would promote
  45. Colorectal surgery General Surgeons treat a wide variety of major and minor, colon ,and rectal diseases ranging from inflammatory bowel diseases (such as
  46. Ghorbanifar) In 1985,President Reagan entered Bethesda Naval Hospital for, colon ,cancer surgery. While the President was recovering in the hospital, McFarlane
  47. Muslims, who numbered about 60,000. The tensions between the Muslim and, colon ,communities exploded on May 8,1945,V-E Day. When a Muslim march in was met
  48. Mark & Nicholas, Jacqueline and Christopher Nichols' children. Crick died of, colon ,cancer on 28 July 2004 at the University of California San Diego (UCSD)
  49. EXECUTE is equivalent to RANDOM-WORD. Parsing words and comments The words: (, colon ,), POSTPONE,' (tick) and: NONAGE are examples of parsing words that take
  50. Diseases (such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease) to diverticulitis, colon ,and rectal cancer, gastrointestinal bleeding, hemorrhoids,etc. Breast surgery

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