Examples of the the word, covert , in a Sentence Context

The word ( covert ), is the 8209 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Egypt five de providential, ( 400) an Egyptianizing allegory that embodies a, covert ,account of the events, the exact interpretation of which continues to baffle
  2. Ideally under the cover of darkness. The patrol will establish secure and, covert ,positions overlooking the killing zone. Usually, two or more“ cut-off” groups
  3. Asked towards the extensive powers of the police. As to the right of privacy, covert ,surveillance remains the major concern. There is a lack of protection for
  4. And the Central Intelligence Agency but all U. S. government agencies. Illegal, covert ,operations With congress blocking further contra aid, the Reagan administration
  5. Impact on democracy. Covert actions United States foreign policy also includes, covert ,actions to topple foreign governments that have been opposed to the United
  6. Conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a, covert ,group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political
  7. Hierarchy was prohibited. This led to the establishment of schuilkerken, covert ,churches, behind seemingly ordinary canal side house fronts. One example is the
  8. Festival. When Karl Rove was being questioned by the FBI over the leak of a, covert ,CIA agent's identity in the press, Ashcroft was allegedly briefed about the
  9. He said the Kansas Act had a" declared indifference, but as I must think,a, covert ,real zeal for the spread of slavery. I cannot but hate it. I hate it because of
  10. Or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or, covert , and voluntary or involuntary. Biology In humans, behavior is believed to be
  11. Especially among developing countries. After the court ruled that the U. S. is, covert ,war against Nicaragua was in violation of international law (Nicaragua v.
  12. Department. " Nevertheless, news sources speculated about real spies or other, covert ,agents after whom James Bond might have been modelled or named, such as Sidney
  13. Series Seven Days takes place inside Area 51,with the base containing a, covert ,NSA time travel operation using alien technology recovered from Roswell. The
  14. Under COINTELPRO took place between 1956 and 1971; however, the FBI has used, covert ,operations against domestic political groups since its inception. The FBI's
  15. When Ralph Gizzard finds himself involved in a card game, playing poker against, covert ,Nazi intelligence agents at a casino in Pernambuco, Brazil. Novels and related
  16. Speech, metaphors,prudence and circumspection, as well as intrigues and, covert ,reasons, fraud and perjury, wit and ambiguity. Thus, he was a patron of speakers
  17. Military espionage education facilities, and posted to area of operation with, covert ,identities to prevent prosecution Methods and terminology While news media may
  18. Ways to assist Britain and France militarily. At first the President gave only, covert ,support to repeal of the arms embargo provisions of the Neutrality Act. He
  19. The religious policy of James, which action had generally been interpreted as a, covert ,bid for kingship. Since he had become king the relation between James and his
  20. Within his cape, though some stories have shown him leaving his clothes in some, covert ,location (such as a telephone booth) for later retrieval. In the Pre-Crisis
  21. Political opinions, most notably, Communists. At this time he formalized a, covert ," dirty tricks" program under the name COINTELPRO. This program remained in
  22. Supply situation. It is obviously much harder for an ambush patrol to remain, covert ,and alert if sentry rosters, shelter,sleeping, sanitary arrangements, food and
  23. COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counterintelligence Program) was a series of, covert , and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of
  24. Science as potential sources of error, because they can give rise to ad-hoc, covert ,channels of communication among modules that lead to unwanted, surprising
  25. Intelligence analysis to the Office of the Prime Minister, and conducted, covert ,operations abroad. The prime minister's control and reliance on personal
  26. By" a small team of Americans" acting under Obama's direct orders, in a, covert ,operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan,According to one US official the attack was
  27. Grants, and scientific respectability were repeatedly frustrated by the, covert ,opposition of a major American scientist of the day, Simon Newcomb. Peirce's
  28. Of fixed beliefs and attitudes of male superiority, associated with overt or, covert ,depreciation of women. Challenging chauvinist attitudes often results in
  29. Other human beings. He further claims that without holding variants of those, covert ,or overt belief and assumptions, the tendency to resort to violence in most
  30. Is unable to think from the viewpoint of their victim * Has a, covert ,intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury He also
  31. Of the 40 committee (which Kissinger chaired),was involved in various, covert ,actions in Chile during this period: it devised what in effect was a
  32. In single engine jet aircraft. By 1960,Powers was already a veteran of many, covert ,aerial reconnaissance missions. The U-2 Incident Powers was discharged from the
  33. Ordered the discontinuance by the CIA of the use of hijacking as a, covert ,action weapon against the Castro regime. Cuban intelligence followed suit. That
  34. Will be sent out a short distance from the main ambushing group, into similarly, covert ,positions. Their job is twofold; first, to give the ambush commander early
  35. Emotional) power (" the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or, covert ,coercion" ) * Maintains a high level of respectability and lies incessantly in
  36. Thriller dealing with the exploits of the cyborg Motor Susana, a member of a, covert ,operations division of the Japanese National Public Safety Commission known as
  37. Events such as the" Go Fast Games" at the Royal Gorge Bridge possible; the, covert ,nature of accessing objects usually necessitates trespassing on an object.
  38. This is because Diana was the patroness of hunting. The deer may also offer a, covert ,reference to the myth of Action (or Actaeon),who saw her bathing naked.
  39. Job, telling the story of a government-approved bank robbery in the 1970s. In a, covert ,rendezvous at Paddington Station, Mountbatten is portrayed as the
  40. Put forward by logical positivism and what he and his colleagues saw as the, covert ,positivism and authoritarianism of orthodox Marxism and Communism. Core
  41. Part of his childhood in Lebanon, where,during World War II, his father was a, covert ,counter-intelligence agent with the Office of Strategic Services posing as a
  42. Nature of the actual response, especially following 1846,suggests a more, covert ,agenda and motivation. As the Famine progressed, it became apparent that the
  43. Games" ( House),an episode of the TV series House * Mind games, a form of, covert ,psychological influence. GAMES * Georgia Academy of Mathematics, Engineering
  44. Justice also stated, in 2004,that Hamas threatened the United States through, covert ,cells on US soil. Researcher Steven Emerson in 2006 alleged that the group had
  45. World War I and via the rise of Germanium, the latter (specimens) began a, covert ,collaboration with Imperial Germany, and during 1915–1917 a" Eager" (
  46. Gratis holiday from a daughter of a PLO official (1992) * Squidgy gate,the, covert ,leaking of a bugged phone call between the Princess of Wales and James Hewitt
  47. Despite this, Simon Darby has claimed that the BNP still has members who remain, covert , Manchester Police Authority has viewed footage taken at BNP events in order to
  48. Many allege that this was merely a smokescreen for political benefit and that, covert ,and illegal training of assassins continues today, with Russia, Israel,the U.
  49. To the CIA) during World War II, attaining the rank of Colonel and running, covert ,operations with MI6 agent George Male on the Soviet Union. Television From
  50. For the Communist New Masses magazine in 1937. At the behest of Otto Katz,a, covert ,Soviet Comintern agent and operative of German Communist Party agent Will

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