Examples of the the word, mourn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mourn ), is the 8211 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And dead would weep for him. All did, except a giantess, Þökk, who refused to, mourn ,the slain god. Thus, Bald had to remain in the underworld, not to emerge until
  2. Who will greet the Lord in the air. Thus, he assures, there is no reason to, mourn ,the death of fellow Christians, and to do so is to show a shameful lack of
  3. Eulogy to the late reformist leader declared," The Chinese people love, thank, mourn ,and cherish the memory of Comrade Deng Xiaoping because he devoted his
  4. For example, the bereaved will take days off work to travel and to, mourn , In addition to this much time is spent preparing large amounts of food that
  5. Iliad attributed to Artists of Miles, Achilles ’ mother Thesis returned to, mourn ,him and removed his ashes from the pyre and took them to Luce at the mouths of
  6. There was no one among us that knew him and had dealings with him who did not, mourn ,him as if he were our father, which was not surprising, since he was so good.
  7. Urn, For his mourn ers will be outcast men, And outcasts always, mourn , Biographies Wilde's life continues to fascinate, and he has been the subject
  8. The Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will, mourn , and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and
  9. Minor fasts (Tenth of Tevet,17th of Tammuz, and Third of Tishri),also, mourn ,events leading to or following the destruction of the Temple. There are also
  10. Railroad tracks along the route, holding aloft signs with legends such as" We, mourn ,our loss "," He lives in the hearts of his people ", and " The darkest hour in
  11. He had lived near Red Square, and for three days the throngs gathered to, mourn ,Stalin, making it impossible to carry Prokofiev's body out for the funeral
  12. Signifying an end to the mourn ing period) showing that they would forever, mourn , In TOS, Romulans were depicted as of the same look as Vulcan's but more
  13. There are laws against that in this country. But I'm not going to say I, mourn ,for it either. " The next day, an anonymous caller claimed responsibility on
  14. Succeeded by Ali Khamenei. Iranians poured out into the cities and streets to, mourn ,Khomeini's death in a" completely spontaneous and orchestrated outpouring
  15. Apothecary and goes to the Capulet crypt. He encounters Paris who has come to, mourn ,Juliet privately. Believing Romeo to be a vandal, Paris confronts him and, in
  16. 17:1-18) ###Babylon is destroyed. (18:1-8) ###The people of the earth, mourn ,Babylon's destruction. (18:9-19) ###The permanence of Babylon's destruction
  17. Of George W. Bush is slit. *A mass candle vigil is held in Tehran, Iran to, mourn ,the loss of life in the United States.
  18. In various ways; Polydorus Virgil interpreted this to mean that Anne did not, mourn , However, Chapuys reported that it was actually King Henry who decked himself
  19. A new ending was added to the play some fifty years later: Antigone and Scene, mourn ,their dead brothers, a messenger enters announcing an edict prohibiting the
  20. Aphrodite rushes back to his side, but she is too late to save him and can only, mourn ,over his body. Wherever Adonis' blood falls, Aphrodite causes anemones to grow
  21. And many Jewish communities, observe instead the 10th of Tevet as a day to, mourn ,and remember the six million, which include many whose Yahtzee (date of
  22. Of the Nobel Prize foundation, announced he would immediately return to, mourn ,his dead ex-wife. The atrocity was reportedly condemned strongly by South
  23. The Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will, mourn , and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and
  24. Died on 11 February, her 37th birthday. Her husband appeared to sincerely, mourn ,her death: according to one account, he " privily departed to a solitary place
  25. Princess of Wales in 1997. Her initial decision not to return to London or to, mourn ,more publicly was much criticized at the time by the London media. Her private
  26. Thesis came from the sea with the Nereid's to, mourn ,him, and she collected his ashes in a golden urn, raised a monument to his
  27. Its power. Act 3 In the woods by the bank of the Rhine, the Rhine maidens, mourn ,the lost Rhine gold. Siegfried happens by, separated from the hunting party.
  28. Of thousands of Israelis thronged the square where Rabin was assassinated to, mourn ,his death. Young people, in particular, turned out in large numbers, lighting
  29. Himself. Rachel, along with the rest of the Streamers, regroup later on and, mourn ,the Shi'AR, as they doubt that they will recover from this war. Realm of Kings
  30. Happy, and that society goes on. Since no one has family, they have no ties to, mourn , The conditioning system eliminates the need for professional competitiveness;
  31. His wife Jacqueline's death from cancer in June 1998. Part took a hiatus to, mourn ,and reflect, during which time he travelled extensively throughout North
  32. The Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will, mourn , and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and
  33. Their property. When Mordechai finds out about the plans he and all Jews, mourn ,and fast. Mordechai informs Esther what has happened and tells her to intercede
  34. His greatest enemy raised by humans, but he also had a father he would actually, mourn ,rather than the anguish Author endured in his own relationship with his father.
  35. Him to death. When the hermits were gathered to Saint Anthony's corpse to, mourn ,his death, Saint Anthony was revived. He demanded that his servants take him
  36. Room, waits until sunrise, and dies. Gregor's family is happy, but they also, mourn ,his passing. Mr. Samoa instantly kicks the lodgers out and the family decides
  37. A memorial elegy, lauding " the genial and loving humorist whom we now, mourn ,", for showing by his own example" that even in dealing with the darkest
  38. The parties. Since the 1960s At the current time, artists and local historians, mourn ,the fact that the Bohemian days of Greenwich Village are long gone, because of
  39. His body was moved to the Governor's Mansion in Richmond for the public to, mourn , and he was then moved to be buried in the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery
  40. Literally black bile),also lugubriousness, from the Latin Lugar, to, mourn , ; moroseness, from the Latin porous, self-willed,fastidious habit; wistfulness
  41. From Attica emphasizes the consequences of coming under Ares' sway: Stay and, mourn ,at the tomb of dead KroisosWhom raging Ares destroyed one day, fighting in the
  42. The gods and all they have deceitfully acquired. Far below, the Rhine maidens, mourn ,the loss of their gold and proclaim that the glory of the gods is only an
  43. Follow his secular obligations to sentence a criminal, but inwardly, he should, mourn ,for the fate of the criminal. #At the same time as the Protestant Reformation
  44. As if the loss of his son did not matter. He allegedly said," Let no one, mourn , The death of one soldier is not a great loss to the Republic ". However, other
  45. s) those Muslims who participated in the two minutes' silence on July 18 to, mourn ,the blast victims '. In 2008,Thackeray wrote 'Islamic terrorism is growing and
  46. 2 – Pope John Paul II dies; over 4 million people travel to the Vatican to, mourn ,him. * April 6 – The first 13th root calculation of a 200-digit number is
  47. Mother, friend,and wife;: But harder still, thy fate in death we own, : Thus, mourn ,'d by Godwin with a heart of stone. Legacy Wollstonecraft has had what scholar
  48. As a sign of humility and respect, and adherents of many religions worship or, mourn ,barefoot, or remove their shoes as a sign of respect towards someone of higher
  49. The same year. Anne expressed her grief for his death in her poem" I will not, mourn ,thee, lovely one ", in which she called him" our darling ". Thor Green

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