Examples of the the word, tense , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tense ), is the 6946 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Great master paints the sad drama. Notice the bent head of the princess and the, tense ,female attendants. BUDDHA WITH A BEGGING BOWL: On another wall is the Buddha
  2. And five moods. In the indicative mood, there are three simple tense s: *Present, tense ,is a temporally unmarked simple form made up of the verbal stem and a complex
  3. Respectively, indicating the fact that they actually represent a combination of, tense ,and aspect. The moods other than the indicative occur only in the non-past, and
  4. Tenses: *Future tense is a compound form made of the particle ще and present, tense ,(ще уча,'I will study' ); negation is expressed by the construction няма да
  5. AME also have a separate past participle, for example," to buy ": past, tense ,bought spawns bough ten. Such formations are highly irregular from speaker to
  6. With two main verb types (three in Western Armenian) changing form based on, tense , mood and aspect. Dialects The major division is between the Eastern and
  7. In the indicative there are also the following compound tense s: *Future, tense ,is a compound form made of the particle ще and present tense (ще уча,'I will
  8. Was struck by union leader and IRA president, Jack Munro and Premier Bennett. A, tense ,winter of blockades at various job sites around the province ensued, as among
  9. Predictive of pain during anal sex include inadequate lubrication, feeling, tense , or anxious, lack of stimulation, as well as lack of social ease with being gay
  10. Arrangement with Britain to arbitrate the Alabama Claims. The U. S. experienced, tense ,relations with Britain and its colonial government in Canada in the aftermath
  11. Or third),number (singular or plural),gender (masculine or feminine), tense , ( perfect or imperfect),mood (indicative, imperative,massive or infinitive
  12. Body parts that are no longer there. These limbs can itch, ache,burn, feel, tense , dry or wet, locked in or trapped, or they can feel as if they are moving. Some
  13. In the past and is relative to another past action; it is made up of the past, tense ,of the verb съм and the past participle (e.g. бях учил,'I had studied' );
  14. In the US but is nonetheless less common than lit. Conversely, fit as the past, tense ,of fit is more widely used in Am Ethan BRE, which generally favors fitted. *
  15. Morphemes that vary in sound but not in meaning. Examples include the past, tense ,and the plural morphemes. For example, in English, a past tense morpheme is -ed
  16. Intensive and extensive developments in the lexical meaning of verbs. Spectral, tense ,Aramaic has two proper tense s: perfect and imperfect. These were originally
  17. While Damien Martyn retired during the series. The 2009 series began with a, tense ,draw in the First Test at SCALE Stadium in Cardiff, with final pair James
  18. Phonemes are because the preceding clause for the takes' priority. Irregular past, tense ,forms, such as" broke" or" was/ were ", can be seen as still more specific
  19. Place in the future before another future action; it is made up of the future, tense ,of the verb съм and the past participle (e.g. ще съм учил,'I will have
  20. am I arriving" ); only imperfection verbs can stand in the present indicative, tense ,independently; *Past imperfect is a simple verb form used to express an action
  21. Using past participles also vary in voice and gender. There is only one simple, tense ,in the imperative mood – the present – and there are simple forms only for the
  22. The adjective prefix m- and the verb subject prefix a-. Then comes perfect, tense ,-me- and an object marker -I- agreeing with implicit Italy 'book '.
  23. Like English -less and pre-, or inflectional, like English plural -s and past, tense ,-ed. They are bound morphemes by definition; prefixes and suffixes may be
  24. Drank "," I said "," I spoke ", where the subpattern used to signal the past, tense ,may change, but the suffix is always used). From a single root, numerous words
  25. Or to refer to academic institutions in both BRE and AME. ) Finally, the past, tense ,and past participle of dwell and kneel are more commonly dwelt and knelt in
  26. Separate tense s – i.e." past imperfect" would mean that the verb is in the past, tense , in the imperfection aspect, and in the indicative mood (since no other mood
  27. The United States is almost universal. Verbs Verb morphology * The past, tense ,and past participle of the verbs learn, spoil,spell, burn,dream, smell,spill
  28. Bosnia and Herzegovina declared independence on 3 March 1992. Following a, tense ,period of escalating tensions the opening shots in the incipient Bosnian
  29. But is relevant for or related to the present; it is made up of the present, tense ,of the verb съм ('be' ) and the past participle (e.g. съм учил,'I have
  30. Unrelated to that of English. It lacks the inflections of English, such as, tense ,and number, and does not have articles such as" the ", but its spatial mode of
  31. Action; it is made up of the past imperfect of ща, the particle да the present, tense ,of the verb съм and the past participle of the verb (e.g. щях да съм учил
  32. Уча, or the old-fashioned form не ще уча,'I will not study' ); *Past future, tense ,is a compound form used to express an action which was to be completed in the
  33. To 3,000 distinct forms, as it varies in person, number,voice, aspect,mood, tense ,and even gender. Finite verbal forms Finite verbal forms are simple or compound
  34. Noun cases but no gender. In modern Armenian the use of auxiliary verbs to show, tense ,(comparable to will in" he will go" ) has generally supplemented the
  35. Imperfect of the verb ща ('will' ), the particle да ('to' ) and the present, tense ,of the verb (e.g. щях да уча,'I was going to study' ); *Present perfect is
  36. Rather than one uninterrupted shot. One scholar, as an example, describes a, tense ,scene in Seven Samurai in which the samurai Shichirôji, who is standing, wishes
  37. The past tense and the plural morphemes. For example, in English, a past, tense ,morpheme is -ed. It occurs in several allomorphs depending on its phonological
  38. For me' *DI- indicates that the main verb is transitive and in the present, tense ,*-the- indicates that the indirect object is me (to me/for me) In spoken
  39. Moods, in three tense s in the conditional and potential moods, and in one, tense ,in the imperative. Colloquial Basque, however,only uses indicative present
  40. And kneeled as common variants in the US but not in the UK. * Lit as the past, tense ,of light is more common than lighted in the UK; the regular form is used more
  41. Irregular verbs as colloquialisms, insisting on the regular forms for the past, tense ,of dive, plead and sneak. Dove and snuck are usually considered nonstandard in
  42. Then for me ". This digit can be split like this: * DI- is used in the present, tense ,when the verb has a subject (negative),a direct object (absolutize),and
  43. May include" feelings of apprehension or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling, tense , or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability,restlessness, watching (and
  44. The rules for formal short pronunciation apply, except as follows. *The past, tense ,singular endings written formally as -TU -ta -ti are pronounced -t -t -ti. But
  45. Will study' ); negation is expressed by the construction няма да and present, tense ,(няма да уча, or the old-fashioned form не ще уча,'I will not study' );
  46. Is more widely used in Am Ethan BRE, which generally favors fitted. * The past, tense ,of spit" expectorate" is spat in BRE, spit or spat in AME. AME typically has
  47. Pluperfect. The neutral aspect comprises the three simple tense s and the future, tense , The pluperfect is manifest in tense s that use double or triple auxiliary" be
  48. The moods other than the indicative occur only in the non-past, and the future, tense ,is signaled by prefixing or onto the non-past. The past and non-past differ in
  49. Vowels are relatively lax, as in most other Slavic languages, and unlike the, tense ,vowels, for example, in the Germanic languages. Unstressed vowels tend to be
  50. Consisting of both monophthongize and diphthongs, mostly correspond to its, tense ,vowels and centering diphthongs. Unlike most varieties of English, it has a

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