Examples of the the word, dialect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dialect ), is the 8455 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The 5th century either in Alemannic or among the Lombards; before that the, dialect ,spoken by Alemannic tribes was little different from that of other West
  2. These respects only to the works of Homer. A revival of interest in the Attic, dialect ,may have been responsible for the recovery and circulation of Aristophanes '
  3. And Burgenland). * Vorarlbergerisch, spoken in Vorarlberg, is a High Alemannic, dialect , * Standard German, called " High German" ( German: Standardsprache by
  4. What" ( or similar); ill" ( relative pronoun) ". Dialect groups The major, dialect ,groups are: Egyptian Arabic * Egyptian Arabic, spoken by around 80 million in
  5. Egyptian),Late Egyptian, Demotic and Coptic. Egyptian writings do not show, dialect ,differences before Coptic, but it was probably spoken in regional dialect s
  6. It is unclear how many languages there would be, as the spoken varieties form a, dialect ,chain with no clear boundaries. If Arabic is considered a single language, it
  7. To them; * they wrote in their native dialect s (Antaeus and Sappho in Atomic, dialect , Anacreon in Ionic); * they preferred quite short, metrically simple stanzas
  8. They wrote" ( dialect ),(Modern Standard Arabic) " they wrote it" (, dialect ,), ( Modern Standard Arabic) " they (dual, fem ) wrote ", ( Modern Standard
  9. Paraphrases verses from Hesiod, re-casting them in Asclepius meter and Eolian, dialect , * Hymns: Antaeus sang about the gods in the spirit of the Homeric hymns, too
  10. Can also combine with the iota subscript (). Greek grammar In the Attic-Ionic, dialect ,of Ancient Greek, long alpha fronted to (eta). In Ionic, the shift took place
  11. Place name scholars have found a number of place names through the Midland, dialect ,regions of Britain that incorporate the Amber- element: examples include
  12. Resemblance in shape, and because of the word lite, meaning Alford in the, dialect ,of Walden. There is no documented evidence for this theory, however,and, the
  13. The orator Quintilian believed that the charm and grandeur of the Attic, dialect ,made Old Comedy an example for orators to study and follow, and he considered
  14. Is done in Standard (British) English. Many of the words used in the Antigua, dialect ,are derived from British as well as African languages. This can be easily seen
  15. Some dialect s have different stress rules. In the Cairo (Egyptian Arabic), dialect , a heavy syllable may not carry stress more than two syllables from the end of a
  16. Certain grammatical constructions of CA that have no counterpart in any modern, dialect ,(e.g. the energetic mood) are almost never used in MSA. *No modern spoken
  17. A unity of faith and purpose. Schweitzer's home language was an Alsatian, dialect ,of German. At Mulhouse high school he got his" Abitur" ( the certificate at
  18. Of Arabic. Most linguists list it as a separate language rather than as a, dialect ,of Arabic. Historically, Algerian Arabic was taught in French Algeria under the
  19. S lifetime, there were dialect s of spoken Arabic. Muhammad spoke in the, dialect ,of Mecca, in the western Arabian Peninsula, and it was in this dialect that the
  20. Dual, fem ) wrote ", ( Modern Standard Arabic) " I wrote" = (short form or, dialect ,). Doubled consonants count as two consonants:" magazine "," place ". These
  21. Of vowels and consonants give evidence that they belong to some mystic, dialect , or take their origin from some supposed divine inspiration. ” Yet we may with
  22. Phonology to distinguish between pronunciation of a given colloquial (spoken), dialect , and the pronunciation of MSA by these same speakers. Although they are related
  23. Line between the two dialect s. In the areas inhabited by the Greek minority,a, dialect ,of Greek that preserves features now lost in standard modern Greek is really
  24. Only founded their own synagogues, but had a strong influence on the 'Amsterdam, dialect ,' adding a large Yiddish local vocabulary. Despite an absence of an official
  25. To a few spoken words it may be possible for an Austrian to realize which, dialect ,is being spoken. However, in regard to the dialect s of the deeper valleys of
  26. In the western dialect s but merged with in eastern speech). Language and, dialect ,The sociolinguistic situation of Arabic in modern times provides a prime
  27. Century BC, a few inscriptions from Aryan ALFA (near Sulayyil) reveal a, dialect ,which is no longer considered" Proto-Arabic ", but Pre-Classical Arabic. By
  28. Arabic. This has led researchers to postulate the existence of a prestige Kline, dialect ,in the one or two centuries immediately following the Arab conquest, whose
  29. Been influenced by contact with non-Germanic linguistic groups, such as the, dialect ,of Carinthia, where in the past many speakers were bilingual with Slovene, and
  30. Carinthia, where in the past many speakers were bilingual with Slovene, and the, dialect ,of Vienna, which has been influenced by immigration during the Austro-Hungarian
  31. Their table "," desks "," sometimes "," their school ". (In this, dialect , only syllables with long vowels or diphthongs are considered heavy; in a
  32. Listen to recordings of a speaker of Scots from Aberdeen The local, dialect ,of Lowland Scots is often known as Doric, and is spoken not just in the city
  33. The philosopher's disgraced associates (such as and by students of the Attic, dialect ,in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries AD. It is possible that Plato sent copies of
  34. Traditionally combines comedy and music, inspired by the North-East's Doric, dialect ,and humor. In March 2012,the University of Aberdeen will host to Inter
  35. In 1977,only had one programming language available for it and that was a, dialect ,of APL called APL/S. A Small APL for the Intel 8080 called EMIL was released in
  36. Of Unix variants use GAS. Within processor groups, each assembler has its own, dialect , Sometimes, some assemblers can read another assembler's dialect , for example
  37. And grammatical structure from other varieties of ASL. It is considered a, dialect ,of American Sign Language, with its own rules of grammar and a distinctive
  38. Library" in short pronunciation),(Modern Standard Arabic) " they wrote" (, dialect ,), ( Modern Standard Arabic) " they wrote it" ( dialect ),(Modern Standard
  39. Extent to incorporate such considerations when judging issues of language and, dialect , Influence of Arabic on other languages The influence of Arabic has been most
  40. The Southern Austro-Bavarian dialect s of Tyrol. Viennese, the Austro-Bavarian, dialect ,of Vienna, is most frequently used in Germany for impersonations of the typical
  41. Of Austria. The people of Graz, the capital of Styria, speak yet another, dialect ,which is not very Styrian and more easily understood by people from other parts
  42. Has its own dialect . Sometimes, some assemblers can read another assembler's, dialect , for example, TASM can read old MASS code, but not the reverse. FASM and NASA
  43. In the dialect of Mecca, in the western Arabian Peninsula, and it was in this, dialect ,that the Quran was written down. However, the dialect s of the eastern Arabian
  44. Following the tradition of these Ancient Greek folk etymologies, in the Doric, dialect ,the word originally meant wall, fence from animals and later assembly within
  45. Comedy generally, was valued by ancient commentators as a model of the Attic, dialect , The orator Quintilian believed that the charm and grandeur of the Attic
  46. In 1968,he met Seymour Paper and learned of the Logo programming language,a, dialect ,of Lisp optimized for educational use. This led him to learn of the work of
  47. Estimates, depending on what is considered a language and what is considered a, dialect , They do not include earlier states of language, such as Old Japanese or
  48. Canada. Until he was four years old, van Vogt and his family spoke only a, dialect ,of Low German in the home. Van Vogt's father, a lawyer, moved his family
  49. Its orthography was based more on historical roots than any spoken, dialect ,and was inevitably influenced by Old Persian. For centuries after the fall of
  50. Educated Arabs of any nationality can be assumed to speak both their local, dialect ,and their school-taught Standard Arabic. When educated Arabs of different

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