Examples of the the word, issuer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( issuer ), is the 8450 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Able to sufficiently protect the user’s anonymity towards the Verifier/TTP. The, issuer ,most commonly will be the platform manufacturer. Without such credentials, it
  2. Debt meaning their holders would have a priority in a bankruptcy of the, issuer , Debt that is not senior is" subordinated ". Corporate bonds represent the
  3. Generate a set of DAA credentials. This can only be done by interacting with an, issuer , The DAA credentials are created by the TPM sending a TPM-unique secret that
  4. Had been investment grade at time of issue, but where the credit rating of the, issuer ,had slipped and the possibility of default increased significantly. These bonds
  5. In that stored-value cards are generally anonymous and are only usable at the, issuer , while debit cards are generally associated with an individual's bank account
  6. That a holder of a majority of the equity is usually entitled to control the, issuer , Equity also enjoys the right to profits and capital gain, whereas holders of
  7. Holder of an equity is a shareholder, owning a share, or fractional part of the, issuer , Unlike debt securities, which typically require regular payments (interest)
  8. Offered Rate (LIBOR). They are typically pre-payable at the option of the, issuer , though in some cases modest prepayment fees apply. High-yield bonds, meanwhile
  9. Information that is not generally known. No relationship to the, issuer ,of the security is required; all that is required is that the guilty party
  10. On the basis of a formula. An allotment formula usually takes into account the, issuer ,'s preferred target investor groups. Oversubscription A funding round is
  11. The person who issues a fatwa is called, in that respect, a Mufti,i.e. an, issuer ,of fatwa, from the verb أَفْتَى 'eight =" he gave a formal legal opinion on ".
  12. If bonds held by a central bank turn out to have lower value because the, issuer ,is unable to pay, a basic principle of banking finance is violated: the
  13. Is that in the primary market, the money for the securities is received by the, issuer ,of those securities from investors, typically in an initial public offering
  14. The new issue. When the investment bank buys the entire new issue from the, issuer ,at a discount to resell it at a markup, it is called a firm commitment
  15. Rare and most frequently are securities of other companies owned by the, issuer , however they can take other forms, such as products and services. Other
  16. And there are small design differences to indicate which member state is the, issuer , The covers of ordinary passports are burgundy-red, with " European Union "
  17. They mark up prices to cover the expected decay in the currency's value. The, issuer ,must then accelerate its expansion to cover these prices, which pushes the
  18. Have partially self-regulating professions, the Ministry of Justice is the sole, issuer ,of licenses, and makes its own independent re-evaluation of a lawyer's fitness
  19. Higher level. On the other hand, with a coinage debased by a government, issuer , the commodity value of the coinage was often reduced quite openly, while the
  20. And swaps. The company or other entity issuing the security is called the, issuer , A country's regulatory structure determines what qualifies as a security. For
  21. Need for certificates and maintenance of a complete security register by the, issuer , There are two general ways this has been accomplished. Non-certificated
  22. Shares form an intermediate class of security between equities and debt. If the, issuer ,is liquidated, they carry the right to receive interest and/or a return of
  23. Payment switch which in turn re-routes the financial transactions to the card, issuer , local bank, VISA,AMEX or MasterCard. As well as its use for debit cards, the
  24. Stores are capable of providing the correct information so an FSA debit card, issuer ,can honor every transaction-if rejected or documentation is not deemed enough
  25. To any payment. In bankruptcy, they share only in the residual interest of the, issuer ,after all obligations have been paid out to creditors. However, equity
  26. Their subscription orders. At the end of this" subscription period ",the, issuer ,announces the offering price and the method of allotment. Allotment
  27. Policy, or the mounting costs of warfare. When businesspeople perceive that the, issuer ,is committed to a policy of rapid currency expansion, they mark up prices to
  28. SSL certificate issued by Rapid SSL into a working CA certificate for that, issuer , which could then be used to create other certificates that would appear to be
  29. Cards in that they represent a finite amount of money owed by the card, issuer ,to the holder. They are different in that stored-value cards are generally
  30. The currency value down even faster than before. According to this model the, issuer ,cannot" win" and the only solution is to abruptly stop expanding the currency
  31. Losses. Mandatory disclosure of financial and other information about the, issuer ,and the security itself gives private individuals as well as large institutions
  32. Holder to rights only if he appears on a security register maintained by the, issuer ,or an intermediary. They include shares of corporate stock or mutual funds
  33. S Investors Service upgraded Macau's foreign and local currency government, issuer ,ratings to 'Aa3' from 'A1 ', citing its government's solid finances as a
  34. Outside their domestic market in a denomination different from that of the, issuer ,'s domicile. They include euro bonds and euro notes. Euro bonds are
  35. Capital growth. Equity investment may also offer control of the business of the, issuer , Debt holdings may also offer some measure of control to the investor if the
  36. Who purchases goods or services with a credit card can pursue the credit card, issuer ,if the goods or services are not delivered or are merchantable. While they
  37. Of implementing a type of what economists call a two-part tariff. The card, issuer ,requests or requires customers seeking the issuance of a loyalty card to
  38. And LINK. ATMs rely on authorization of a financial transaction by the card, issuer ,or other authorizing institution via the communications network. This is often
  39. However, may be forced if the convertible is a callable bond, and the, issuer ,calls the bond. The bondholder has about 1 month to convert it, or the company
  40. Were divided. Each instrument constitutes the separate covenant of the, issuer ,and is a separate debt. With undivided securities, the entire issue makes up
  41. Cases, the underwriting bank allots the securities with the approval of the, issuer , either by lottery or on the basis of a formula. An allotment formula usually
  42. Authorities can issue money without causing inflation so long as the money, issuer ,has sufficient assets to cover redemptions. There are very few backing
  43. Debt securities are generally issued for a fixed term and redeemable by the, issuer ,at the end of that term. Debt securities may be protected by collateral or may
  44. Break of SSL using weaknesses in the MD5 hash function and certificate, issuer ,practices that made it possible to exploit collision attacks on hash functions.
  45. This undivided whole. Shares in the secondary markets are always undivided. The, issuer ,owes only one set of obligations to shareholders under its memorandum, articles
  46. Receive only interest and repayment of principal regardless of how well the, issuer ,performs financially. Furthermore, debt securities do not have voting rights
  47. S Investors Service upgraded Macau's foreign and local currency government, issuer ,ratings to 'Aa3' from 'A1 ', citing its government's solid finances as a
  48. Acquire legal ownership by having possession of the certificate. Instead,the, issuer ,(or its appointed agent) maintains a register in which details of the holder
  49. The United States because of the negative tax implications they may have to the, issuer ,and holder. Registered securities In the case of registered securities
  50. Bonds. The Dutch West India Company was formed in 1621,bringing a new, issuer ,to the burgeoning securities market. Amsterdam's growth as a financial center

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