Examples of the the word, purity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( purity ), is the 8454 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Equipment. * Electrical transmission lines for power distribution * Super, purity ,aluminum (SPA,99.980 % to 99.999 % Al),used in electronics and CDs. * Heat
  2. O Virgin? You are greater than them all O (Ark of the) Covenant, clothed with, purity ,instead of gold! You are the Ark in which is found the golden vessel containing
  3. Serbian" or" South Slavic" ones, which have infuriated Croats over the, purity ,and preservation of their native language (See Croatian linguistic purism).
  4. Iron Age state to practice harm) and theology (a measure to ensure Israel's, purity ,as well as the fulfillment of God's promise),; Obedience vs.
  5. In Borrow dale, Cumberland,England were at first of sufficient size and, purity ,that, until the 19th century, pencils were made simply by sawing blocks of
  6. Only a stream-winner prior to the Buddha’s death. However, Buddha said that the, purity ,of his heart was so great that," Should Amanda die without being fully
  7. To 1.30 grams; however, in 229 he revalued the Darius, increasing the silver, purity ,and weight to 45 % and 1.46 grams respectively. The following year he decreased
  8. The frugal emperor had to debase the Roman currency. He decreased the silver, purity ,of the Darius from 89 % to 83.5 % — the actual silver weight dropping from
  9. The so-called). Bavarians are particularly proud of the traditional, or, purity , law,initially established by the Duke of Bavaria for the City of Munich (e.
  10. Of base metal in the Darius while adding more silver - raising the silver, purity ,and weight again to 50.5 % and 1.50 grams. Also, during his reign taxes were
  11. Pagans of his time, believed that sacrifice can bring about new kinship ties, purity , and eternal life. For Paul the necessary sacrifice was the death of Jesus:
  12. Being fully liberated; he would be king of the gods seven times because of the, purity ,of his heart, or be king of the Indian subcontinent seven times. But ... Amanda
  13. Of country-rock ", Gram Parsons' work in the early '70s was acclaimed for its, purity ,and for his appreciation for aspects of traditional country music. Though his
  14. Bringing us a glimpse of the" pavement of sapphire, like the very sky for, purity ,", which is a likeness of the Throne of God. (The Hebrew word for glory. )
  15. Practice today, baptismal robes. These robes are most often white, symbolizing, purity , Some groups today allow any suitable clothes to be worn, such as trousers and
  16. Then the copper is passed through an electro-winning process to increase its, purity ,: an electric current is passed through the resulting solution of copper ions.
  17. In some areas the sulfates are sold to chemical companies as gypsum when the, purity ,of calcium sulfate is high. In others, they are placed in landfill. However
  18. Is at least an order of magnitude lower – exact value strongly depends on the, purity ,and size of the crystallizes in the material. The predominant beryllium isotope
  19. Marriages of two and three-year-olds. Female reformers and advocates of social, purity ,initiated a campaign in 1885 to petition legislators to raise the legal age of
  20. Higher alcohol concentrations (with some strains, up to 22 %). To ensure, purity ,of strain, a " clean" sample of brewing yeast is sometimes stored, either
  21. And also americium, are now available industrially, most to high degrees of, purity , except for a few radioactive ones that exist only transiently. Description The
  22. Then from their enemies and cleanse them from sin. Zechariah's concern for, purity ,is apparent in the temple, priesthood and all areas of life as the prophecy
  23. Christian perfection (or entire sanctification),according to Wesley, is ", purity ,of intention, dedicating all the life to God" and" the mind which was in
  24. Electrolysed in an appropriate solution (such as sulfuric acid) to yield high, purity ,(99.99 %) cathodes. Copper cathodes produced using this method are also
  25. Is in radiation windows for X-ray tubes. Extreme demands are placed on, purity ,and cleanliness of beryllium to avoid artifacts in the X-ray images. Thin
  26. Harmony with nature, discipline the mind, quiet the heart, and attain the, purity ,of enlightenment, the art of tea becomes teaism. Great philosophical figures *
  27. This policy was partly motivated by 19th century theories about" racial, purity ," (shared by most Australians at this time),and partly by fears of economic
  28. Barium and aluminum fluoride electrolyte. The resulting aluminum has a, purity ,of 99.99 %. Electric power represents about 20 % to 40 % of the cost of
  29. It. Sometimes, however,his motives are unclear, and some critics question his, purity , He does nothing to accuse Macbeth of murdering the king, even though he has
  30. Names is Saptajihva," having seven tongues ". All these three names indicate, purity , Abhimanyu, his three sons, and their 45 sons constitute the mystic 49 fires of
  31. Of Binge. In 1516,William IV, Duke of Bavaria, adopted the Reinheitsgebot (, purity ,law),perhaps the oldest food-quality regulation still in use in the 21st
  32. Or struggle in the present age between the forces of good,i.e. righteousness, purity ,and virtue, and the forces of evil. The final struggle between the two comes as
  33. Is ultimately mysterious. Samantabhadra, states there:" The mind of perfect, purity ,... is beyond thinking and inexplicable ..." Also later, the famous Indian
  34. Worthy of God, than the one, in which the Immaculate Son of God maintained the, purity ,of his immaculate origin while becoming human? * We confess, that Christ the
  35. Can be easily separated from the catalyst, yielding clean SWNT material (, purity ,>99.98 %) without further purification. For comparison, the as-grown Hippo
  36. Al-Zawahiri heard again and again from his beloved uncle Mahfouz about the, purity ,of Qutb's character and the torment he had endured in prison. " Hawaii paid
  37. Reported with 500 a cells. The Hall-Heroult process produces aluminum with a, purity ,of above 99 %. Further purification can be done by the Hope process. The
  38. Ritual purification was established for restoration to a condition of" ritual, purity ," in specific circumstances. For example, Jews who (according to the Law of
  39. Color, such as" photonic" cosmetics. Additional terms * Colorfulness, chroma, purity , or saturation: how" intense" or" concentrated" a color is. Technical
  40. Or spoke their native language were considered, irrespective of their" racial, purity , " According to the 2002 census, only indigenous people that still practiced a
  41. Is due to John C. Reynolds, and it best exhibits its syntactic and semantic, purity , Reynolds's" idealized" Algol also made a convincing methodological argument
  42. People on the same level as the nations that surround it - God expects the same, purity ,of them all. As it is with all nations that rise up against the kingdom of God
  43. The rate of oxidation of boron depends upon the crystallinity, particle size, purity ,and temperature. Boron does not react with air at room temperature, but at
  44. War, they believe in what the National Front believe in. They believe in the, purity ,of the Aryan race. It is a foul and despicable party and however they change
  45. Area, surface chemistry, surface charge, and agglomeration state as well as, purity ,of the samples, have considerable impact on the reactivity of carbon nanotubes.
  46. At the imperial court were diminished. Upon his accession he reduced the silver, purity ,of the Darius from 46.5 % to 43 % — the actual silver weight dropping from
  47. 250 BC, Archimedes was commissioned by the king to find a way to check the, purity ,of the gold in a crown, leading to the famous bath-house shouting of" Eureka!
  48. House of the Lord of hosts on that day" ( 14:21),proclaiming the need for, purity ,in the temple, which would come when God judges at the end of time. Revised
  49. And ritual The Acacia is used as a symbol in Freemasonry, to represent, purity ,and endurance of the soul, and as funerary symbolism signifying resurrection
  50. And wholly without worldliness... There was always with him a wonderful, purity ,at once childlike and profoundly stubborn. " Scientific career Throughout his

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