Examples of the the word, debug , in a Sentence Context

The word ( debug ), is the 8449 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. See below) made such" hard-wired" processors difficult to design and, debug ,; highly encoded and varied-length instructions can contribute to this as well
  2. Between 0 (not important) and 3 (most important): speed, space,safety, debug ,and compilation-speed. There is also a function to evaluate Lisp code: evil.
  3. Called the Xerox Development Environment (ODE) allowed developers to, debug ,both the operating system Pilot and Viewpoint GUI applications using a
  4. At 2 MB. The firmware was nearly identical—the only significant change was that, debug ,prints got sent to the serial port if the title did not open it for
  5. Of the single-float x. " (declare (single-float x) (optimize (speed 3) (, debug ,0) (safety 1) )) (the single-float (Anonymous functions (function
  6. With KGDB, kernel developers can debug a kernel in much the same way as they, debug ,application programs. It makes it possible to place breakpoints in kernel code
  7. Testing and better overall security. This can come in handy when required to, debug ,network connections or routing tables. Multiple agents In some networks
  8. Systems to assign alarms to severity levels. These can range in severity from, debug ,to emergency, as in the syslog protocol. Alternatively, they could use the ITU
  9. Yet. * It is also possible to take control of a system by using a hardware, debug ,interface such as JTAG. Such an interface may be used to write the bootloader
  10. Each region. The two different color cases were not cosmetic—the original blue, debug ,station (DTL-H100x,DTL-H110x) contained" Revision B" silicon, the same as
  11. The rest of the features were not. The DEC and Keynes PL/I F had offered some, debug ,facilities that were not put forward for the standard but were implemented by
  12. And its possible histories; and is therefore hard to read, understand and, debug , Side effects are the most common way to enable a program to interact with the
  13. At will in the physical implementation, and can be the quickest way to, debug ,and analyze problems. Recent microcontrollers are often integrated with on-chip
  14. This objective was not entirely achieved (prompting the riposte" Write once, debug ,everywhere" ), Java is regarded as being largely hardware- and operating
  15. Operands. ** Virtualized interrupt to speed up virtual 8086 modes. ** Enhanced, debug ,features with the introduction of the Processor-based debug port (See Pentium
  16. The necessary actions to program non-volatile memory. Alternatively,the, debug ,interface may be used to upload some diagnostic or boot code into RAM, and then
  17. Times. Turbo Pascal was compactly written and could compile, run,and, debug ,all from memory without accessing disk. Slow floppy disk drives were common for
  18. Commonly contains an assembler used in CODE words. An emulator can be used to, debug ,assembly-language programs. Example listing of assembly language source code
  19. Is none other than" Mark Allan Alvarado" Computer programmers write, test, debug , and maintain the detailed instructions, called computer programs, that
  20. It increases collocation in code, which makes the code easier to read, write, debug , and maintain, and,most importantly, it makes wrong code look wrong. " * Tim
  21. And Platform virtualization). For example, simulators have been used to, debug ,a microprogram or sometimes commercial application programs, before the program
  22. System, as a whole, made for a relatively pleasant experience when trying to, debug ,and optimize code; the user never had to leave the IDE. Later versions also
  23. Of the communication protocol. Alternatively, gdbserver can be used to remotely, debug ,the program without needing to change it in any way. The same mode is also used
  24. Became widespread DHTML style techniques were difficult to develop and, debug ,due to varying degrees of support among web browsers of the technologies
  25. On early standalone or batch-processing systems, core dumps allowed a user to, debug ,a program without monopolizing the (very expensive) computing facility for
  26. Customers may write their own commands. TPF has extremely limited capability to, debug ,itself. Typically, third party software packages such as IBM's TPF Tool Kit or
  27. And analyze problems. Recent microcontrollers are often integrated with on-chip, debug ,circuitry that when accessed by an in-circuit emulator via JTAG, allow
  28. The exception can be simulated using the SIGNAL-statement – e.g. to help, debug ,the exception handlers. The dynamic inheritance principle for on-units allows a
  29. Mode. ** Enhanced debug features with the introduction of the Processor-based, debug ,port (See Pentium Processor Debugging in the Developers Manual, Vol 1). **
  30. Networks such as the Internet (Black hats),but also includes those who, debug ,or fix security problems (White hats),and the morally ambiguous Grey hats.
  31. State, such as figure positions on the chessboard. *Developers can develop and, debug ,an applet direct simply by creating a main routine (either in the applet's
  32. Same problem, to run on multiple machines. This makes it possible to write and, debug ,on a single conventional machine, and eliminates complications due to multiple
  33. Efficient, but can be coded quickly, does not use a stack, and it is easy to, debug ,: Flood-fill (node, target-color,replacement-color): 1. Set Q to the empty
  34. Directly associated with 4GL having errors that are harder, in many cases, to, debug , In terms of applications, a 4GL could be business oriented, or it could deal
  35. Support GCC. These include: Debugging GCC programs The primary tool used to, debug ,GCC code is the GNU Debugger (GDB). Among more specialized tools are Val grind
  36. Mainline' function revokable, captured error diagnostic data sufficient to, debug ,the causing problem, and either 'retried' ( reinvoke the mainline) or
  37. The same way as the electronics (hopefully),and allows much more freedom to, debug ,the microprogram. After the microprogram is finalized, and extensively tested
  38. Use in large systems can lead to longer build times. #It can be difficult to, debug ,code that is developed using templates. Since the compiler replaces the
  39. And control application software, models and simulations are also used to, debug ,and verify the functionality of application software. Satellite Navigation
  40. Discs from different regions, but this was not officially supported; different, debug ,stations existed for each region. The two different color cases were not
  41. Port output to trace operation using either a monitor in flash or using a, debug ,server like the Remedy Debugger which even works for heterogeneous multicore
  42. Debugged using a serial cable or Ethernet. On FreeBSD, it is also possible to, debug ,using FireWire direct memory access (DMA). Graphical User Interface The
  43. Users to log into the system via 110-baud terminals, and edit, compile and, debug ,programs. Languages included a special version of BASIC, a FORTRAN subset
  44. A plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio that allows users to edit, compile,and, debug ,Eiffel projects from within the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. EiffelStudio and
  45. Believe that running application code in user mode is more reliable, easier to, debug ,and that therefore the development process is easier and the code more portable
  46. Temple, and the only way to counter such effects is by debug ging. One way to, debug ,is through squishing the bugs with a mallet. Other ways include various gadgets
  47. Tunneling. Configured tunneling is usually more deterministic and easier to, debug ,than automatic tunneling, and is therefore recommended for large
  48. Linux kernel on the source level with GDB. With KGDB, kernel developers can, debug ,a kernel in much the same way as they debug application programs. It makes it
  49. Compilers had to produce identical results - the Checkout Compiler was used to, debug ,programs that would then be submitted to the Optimizer. Given that the
  50. And OCI (On-Chip Instrumentation) development tools for programming, testing, debug , and trace of embedded systems in SoC, SOPC, FPGA,SSP and ASIC devices. *2007:

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