Examples of the the word, hog , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hog ), is the 8456 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Employed the weapon. In the 1950s,the United States had a field trial with, hog ,cholera. During the Mau Uprising in 1952,the poisonous latex of the
  2. Beyond the far hog line after rebounding from a stone in play just past the, hog ,line. The release rule is rarely enforced in club play unless abuse is
  3. Also about 2.1 million head of cattle,60 % for beef and 40 % for dairy. The, hog ,population was decimated by African swine fever, decreasing from 400,000 in
  4. And indicates a violation by lights at the base of the handle. The eye on the, hog ,eliminates human error and the need for hog line officials. It is mandatory in
  5. S stomach, stuffed with spiced pork & smoked. Also known as ponce. *Gratins -, hog ,cracklings or pork rinds; fried, seasoned pork fat & skin, sometimes with small
  6. For Irish workers at the Hog Island shipyard),a reference to the pork or ", hog ," meat used in hoagies," honky sandwich" ( using a racial slur for white
  7. Intersection of the center line and the tee line, is known as the button. Two, hog ,lines, are drawn from, and parallel to, each backboard. The hacks are fixed 12
  8. In 1920,a team of farm boys, including Ray Washer, who became known as the ", hog ,boys," consistently won races. The group had a live hog as their mascot.
  9. But are universally referred to as brooms. Curling brushes may have fabric, hog ,hair, or horsehair heads. Modern curling broomsticks are usually hollow tubes
  10. Mango, papaya,cocoa, cashew,guava, orange,passion fruit, pineapple,and, hog ,plum are turned in juices and used to make chocolates, popsicles and ice cream.
  11. Before its front edge crosses the near hog line, and it must clear the far, hog ,line or else be removed from play ( hog ged); an exception is made if a stone
  12. Base of the handle. The eye on the hog eliminates human error and the need for, hog ,line officials. It is mandatory in high-level national and international
  13. Is the amount of time that a rock will take from the moment that it crosses the, hog ,line at the throwing end to come to rest at the tee line at the playing end. If
  14. Joseph Remold, American writer (b. 1908) *1981 – Ken Rex McElroy, American, hog , rustler (b. 1936) *1985 – Fernando Pereira, Portuguese-Dutch photographer and
  15. The group had a live hog as their mascot. Following a win, they would put the, hog ,on their Harley and take a victory lap. In 1983,the Motor Company formed a
  16. Stones in the free guard zone (those stones left in the area between the, hog ,and tee lines, excluding the house) may not be removed by an opponent's stone
  17. The Hog Farm of West Seneca, NY,in 1999 when the appellate panel ruled that ", hog ," had become a generic term for large motorcycles and was therefore
  18. Guards,14 seconds for draws, and 9 seconds for peel weight. The back line to, hog ,line speed is used principally by sweepers to get an initial sense of the
  19. A medal sport. In competition, an electronic handle known as the eye on the, hog ,may be fitted to detect hog line violations, the game's the most frequent cause of
  20. Smoked-or-unsmoked, made from a single piece of meat from the hind leg of a, hog ,or from a single piece of meat from a pork shoulder (picnic ham). Virginia's
  21. Colorado has a good deal of livestock raising, such as at cattle ranches and, hog ,farms and irrigation water is available from the South Platte, the Arkansas
  22. In strong, long ), usually in gone, often in on, and irregularly before (log, hog , dog, fog which is not found in British English at all). * The replacement of
  23. To the skip. Some teams use stopwatch timing, from back line to the nearest, hog ,line as a sweeping aid. Many teams use the Number System to communicate in
  24. Pork barbecue uses a vinegar and red pepper based sauce and the" whole, hog ," is cooked, thus integrating both white and dark meat. Krispy Kreme, an
  25. Of its product taking advantage of the long-standing nickname by turning ", hog ," into the acronym HOG., for Harley Owners Group. Harley-Davidson attempted to
  26. You look awesome, terrifying. You look 7ft tall. ”“ Why not go the whole, hog , boss? ” I suggested. “ Why not wear red socks? Let’s go out all in red. ”
  27. Along with diced bacon, salt,pepper, and whole peppercorns. It is cased in, hog ,'s intestines, dried for one-and-a-half days and then placed in a warm room for
  28. Can use up any spare odd or even cycles and, if the" BLITHE" ( bitter, hog ,) flag is set, Agnus can lock out the even cycles from the CPU in deference to
  29. Vocalists were spliced together to get the effect—a soprano, an alto, and a, hog ,caller). When Weissmuller finally left that role, he immediately traded his
  30. However in major tournaments it is strictly enforced; the" eye on the, hog ," sensor in the stone will indicate whether the stone has been legally thrown
  31. Determined that a rock taking (for example) 9 seconds to go from hog line to, hog ,line will stop on the tee line, the curler can know that if the hog -to- hog time
  32. A variety of fibers to create different effects. For example, brushes made with, hog ,'s bristle might be used for bolder strokes and impasto textures. Fitch hair
  33. An electronic handle known as the eye on the hog may be fitted to detect, hog ,line violations, the game's the most frequent cause of controversy. This
  34. To a rest. The stone must be released before its front edge crosses the near, hog ,line, and it must clear the far hog line or else be removed from play ( hog ged)
  35. And is the time in seconds the rock takes from the moment it crosses the near, hog ,line till it crosses the far hog line. If this number is lower, the rock is
  36. Acronym HOG., for Harley Owners Group. Harley-Davidson attempted to trademark ", hog ,", but lost a case against an independent Harley-Davidson specialist, The Hog
  37. Once it is determined that a rock taking (for example) 9 seconds to go from, hog ,line to hog line will stop on the tee line, the curler can know that if the
  38. And hydrochloric, comes from Greek ὕδρω (Pedro water) + χοίρος (heteros pig, hog ,). Description Capybaras have heavy, barrel-shaped bodies and short heads with
  39. It was also an extensive futures trader, including sugar, coffee,grains, hog , and other meat futures. At the time of its bankruptcy filing in December 2001
  40. Stew of hominy and pork, chicken,or other meat),hominy bread, hominy chili, hog ,n' hominy, casseroles and fried dishes. Hominy can be ground coarsely to make
  41. Caricature of their original condition. The animals were presided over by a fat, hog ,who vividly reminded Boris Leonidovich of our head of state. Sometimes he said
  42. That it slides. The stone is released as the thrower's momentum wanes, or the, hog ,line is approached, at which point the turn is imparted by a slight clockwise
  43. Whether the thrower's hand is in contact with the handle as it passes the, hog ,line and indicates a violation by lights at the base of the handle. The eye on
  44. Hogged); an exception is made if a stone fails to come to rest beyond the far, hog ,line after rebounding from a stone in play just past the hog line. The release
  45. Although originally he did hold an axe, the axe was replaced with the hot, hog ,due to its use as a symbol for Bunyon's restaurant in Cicero, Illinois. The
  46. Became known as the" hog boys," consistently won races. The group had a live, hog ,as their mascot. Following a win, they would put the hog on their Harley and
  47. Along with diced bacon, salt,pepper, and whole peppercorns. It is cased in, hog ,'s intestines, dried for one-and-a-half days and then placed in a warm room for
  48. Rock takes from the moment it crosses the near hog line till it crosses the far, hog ,line. If this number is lower, the rock is moving faster, so again low numbers
  49. Per unit produced. For example, Iowa State University reports the number of, hog ,farmers in Iowa dropped from 65,000 in 1980 to 10,000 in 2002,while the number
  50. And in an interview said that Clonaid's chief executive had become a" press, hog ,". Beliefs George D. Chrysalises described the Reliant Church as being in an "

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