Examples of the the word, swarm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swarm ), is the 8231 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Yellow fever interrupts the building of the Panama Canal. * A huge locust, swarm ,crosses the Red Sea and destroys crops in the Nile Valley. * The Capital
  2. For most of the desired opioid effects. That, when injected, produces a, swarm ,of tiny solid particles in the blood, causing numerous minor blood clots. These
  3. Dull, drilled,docile brutish masses of the Hun soldiery, plodding on like a, swarm ,of crawling locusts. " During this time American President Franklin D.
  4. Was given the ability to assign jobs to specific lemmings in order to guide the, swarm ,to a safe destination. A platform game (or platformer) is a video game
  5. The praetorian prefect of Gaul; There is a legend that as an infant,a, swarm ,of bees settled on his face while he lay in his cradle, leaving behind a drop
  6. Replenished. One such area of replenishment is the Oort cloud, the spherical, swarm ,of comets extending beyond 50 000 AU from the Sun first hypothesized by
  7. Back East, and to salary the federal revenue officers who began to, swarm ,the hills looking for illegal stills. Insurgents in western Pennsylvania shut
  8. After the dog's pancreas was removed,Minkowski's animal keeper noticed a, swarm ,of flies feeding on the dog's urine. On testing the urine, they found there
  9. A fire shone forth annually from the birth-cave the infant shared with a mythic, swarm ,of bees, suggests that Volcanos had been an annual vegetative spirit. The
  10. Swarm intelligence. The largest swarm s so far created include the iRobot, swarm , the SRI/MobileRobots Centivolts project and the Open-source Micro-robotic
  11. When Aristae returned after the three days he found in one of the carcasses a, swarm ,of bees, which he took to his apiary. The bees were never again troubled by
  12. Have been observed. Most are now recognized as part of the Kuiper belt,a, swarm ,of icy bodies left over from the Solar System's formation that orbit near the
  13. Shield also contains the Mackenzie dike swarm , which is the largest dike, swarm ,known on Earth. Mountains have deep roots and float on the denser mantle much
  14. Ferries going and coming from France and Spain, fishing trawlers and a, swarm ,of larger and smaller sailing boats. The Fast net yacht race ends here. The
  15. Annealing, Tabu search, ant colony optimization, river formation dynamics (see, swarm ,intelligence) and the cross entropy method. Ant colony optimization Artificial
  16. Steamed far enough out into Hampton Roads. The Confederate Navy made plans to, swarm ,aboard and capture Monitor using the four gunboats of the James River Squadron.
  17. That" it was quinine's efficacy that gave colonists fresh opportunities to, swarm ,into the Gold Coast, Nigeria and other parts of West Africa ". To maintain
  18. Bible contains many references to honey. In the Book of Judges, Samson found a, swarm ,of bees and honey in the carcass of a lion (14:8). The Book of Exodus
  19. The form of 'biosphere' which I envisaged consists of a loose collection or, swarm ,of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star. " Dyson swarm s The
  20. The media watching and recording the event. Jim is unable to get free from the, swarm ,of reporters and resorts to flying away. Sam, Twitch,and a detective who has
  21. Fields and gardens of the inhabitants. In Khan compared the invasion to a, swarm ,of locusts. The leading tribe of this bedouin were the Band Hill, hence the
  22. Or spying. Each robot is quite simple, but the emergent behavior of the, swarm ,is more complex. The whole set of robots can be considered as one single
  23. Class was present in several major conflicts, they operate in large groups and, swarm ,enemy ships, this allows them to overpower much heavier vessels. All Kardashian
  24. Malevolence. These insects were later rendered in an editorial cartoon as a, swarm ,of Allied aircraft (1942),and again as the Needle of On Beyond Zebra, and
  25. In the same way an ant colony can be considered a super organism, exhibiting, swarm , intelligence. The largest swarm s so far created include the iRobot swarm , the
  26. Or swarm of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star. " Dyson, swarm ,The variant closest to Dyson's original conception is the" Dyson swarm ". It
  27. Research has shown that a herd of wildebeest possesses what is known as a ", swarm ,intelligence ", whereby the animals systematically explore and overcome the
  28. 2.7 billion years old. The Canadian Shield also contains the Mackenzie dike, swarm , which is the largest dike swarm known on Earth. Mountains have deep roots and
  29. Dyson swarm s The variant closest to Dyson's original conception is the" Dyson, swarm ,". It consists of many independent constructs (usually solar
  30. Tracks suffers from the same difficulties as arranging the orbits of a Dyson, swarm , and it is unclear how much energy would be consumed ensuring the velocity of
  31. Resistant to failure. Whereas one large robot may fail and ruin a mission,a, swarm ,can continue even if several robots fail. This could make them attractive for
  32. Male mating behavior, Serotonin has also been identified as the trigger for, swarm ,behavior in locusts. In humans, though insulin regulates blood sugar and IGF
  33. Would cooperatively communicate among themselves and target a large, swarm ,of ICBM warheads in space or in the late boost phase. Development was
  34. Fruits of a mysterious natural phenomenon called a Jubilee, when fish and crabs, swarm ,toward shore and can be easily harvested by people wading in the shallows. The
  35. It to Authors, where they hung it above the gates. As it hung there empty,a, swarm ,of bees entered it and filled it with honeycomb. When they sought advice about
  36. A Lagrangian approach or an Sumerian approach. The Sumerian approach views the, swarm ,as a field, working with the density of the swarm and deriving mean field
  37. Annealing, expectation-maximization,non-parametric methods and particle, swarm ,optimization are some commonly used methods for training neural networks.
  38. Division Series three games to one. This series will be most remembered for the, swarm ,of bugs that overtook the field in the later innings of game 2. They also
  39. Camp. The Hungarians mounted a rapid frontal attack in a typical horse archer, swarm , raining arrows among the German knights, but this was only a feint. The main
  40. Shame. ' Taking the sonnet as a conjurer takes his hat, he produced an endless, swarm ,of lively rabbits from it and ended by 'You could do that with any poetry
  41. Could organize several statute colonies into the beginnings of the true ", swarm ," concept of a Dyson sphere. Outside the Solar System Looking beyond the Solar
  42. Examples include ant colony optimization, self-propelled particles and particle, swarm ,optimization Evolutionary ecology The British biologist Alfred Russel Wallace
  43. Sumerian approach views the swarm as a field, working with the density of the, swarm ,and deriving mean field properties. It is a hydrodynamic approach, and can be
  44. The Sierra Nevada mountain range. In February 2008,an unusual earthquake, swarm ,began to occur with some quakes registering between 4 and 4.5 on the Richter
  45. Model following the individual agents (points or particles) that make up the, swarm , Individual particle models can follow information on heading and spacing that
  46. SRI/MobileRobots Centivolts project and the Open-source Micro-robotic Project, swarm , which are being used to research collective behaviors. Swarms are also more
  47. An enormous drought in Henan province, China,coupled with a gigantic, swarm ,of locusts in the summer, forces many in destitute agricultural communities to
  48. Photovoltaics might be seen as the first small steps towards building a Dyson, swarm ,(see below for differences between these subtypes). However, creating and
  49. From that of the first season. Furthermore, U. N. C. L. E. had spawned a, swarm ,of imitators. In 1964,it was the only American spy show on U. S. TV; by 1966
  50. Aggressive on their own, but if repeatedly attacked, they will crow, causing a, swarm ,of cuckoo to fly in and attack the violator until he or she dies or leaves the

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