Examples of the the word, planetary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( planetary ), is the 8232 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The concept of a single orb (flak) for each component of Ptolemy's, planetary ,motions. This work was eventually translated into Hebrew and Latin in the 13th
  2. For light-time correction, and is therefore analogous to the concept of, planetary ,aberration. Historical background The discovery of the aberration of light in
  3. Planetary aspects into astrology; another introduced Kepler’s third law of, planetary ,motion into astronomy. Another core principle is exemplified by an astrological
  4. Have turned into white dwarfs, aside from the dimmest red dwarfs, and stable, planetary ,systems would have already come to an end. Thus, Dice explained away the rough
  5. Analysis of optical perceptions, geometrical shapes, musical consonances and, planetary ,harmonies. Kepler regarded this text as the most important work of his career
  6. By a factor of three) in his Dolphins Tables (1627). Kepler's laws of, planetary ,motion allowed astronomers to calculate the relative distances of the planets
  7. Also shown that 26Al was relatively abundant at the time of formation of our, planetary ,system. Most meteorite scientists believe that the energy released by the decay
  8. For a method that he claims compares the harmonic frequencies and structures of, planetary ,positions to statistical evaluations of data, including economic indexes.
  9. Is primarily based on the fact that (in the cases of Mars and Europa) the, planetary ,bodies may have liquid water, a molecule essential for life as we know it, for
  10. Missions come online, their spectra can be cross-checked with these virtual, planetary ,spectra for features that might indicate the presence of life. The photometry
  11. Do support the marginal Hipparcos detection of a binary companion. Claims of a, planetary ,system In 1993,radial velocity measurements of Aldebaran, Arcturus and Pollux
  12. Predicts eventual human exploration, and even the discovery and colonization of, planetary ,systems. These themes are common to many works of science fiction and video
  13. Clusters Messier 2,Messier 72,and the open cluster Messier 73. Two well-known, planetary ,nebulae are located in Aquarius: the Saturn Nebula (NGC 7009),to the
  14. To a matter of decades. Theoretical planets Some computer-generated models of, planetary ,formation predict the existence of terrestrial planets around both Alpha
  15. Use of physics, chemistry,astronomy, biology,molecular biology, ecology, planetary , science,geography, and geology to investigate the possibility of life on other
  16. That Alien wrote a treatise Martin Alabama in which he conceived of a, planetary ,model similar to the Tectonic system where the planets orbit the Sun which in
  17. Aspects which explores many points of relevance to astrology and the use of, planetary ,aspects. In the 17th century, Kepler,also influenced by arguments in Ptolemy’s
  18. Systems * Lies 876 was the first red dwarf star to be found to possess a, planetary ,system. It is orbited by four planets, including one terrestrial planet 6.6
  19. Light from the planet so that it may be studied spectroscopically. By examining, planetary ,spectra, it would be possible to determine the basic composition of an
  20. Found outside the Solar System. It can be found in low densities in star and, planetary ,system forming regions of space. Chill Island () in County Mayo is the
  21. Of water and various other ices, but Proxima Centauri may have influenced the, planetary ,disk as the Alpha Centauri system was forming enriching the area round Alpha
  22. Heavy deflection. First steps toward a quantum physical model of the atom The, planetary ,model of the atom had two significant shortcomings. The first is that, unlike
  23. Conventional causal agents such as electromagnetism within an intricate web of, planetary ,fields and resonances in the solar system. Scientists dismiss magnetism as an
  24. Parts together: one theoretical proposition from his work introduced the minor, planetary ,aspects into astrology; another introduced Kepler’s third law of planetary
  25. An ideal diffuse reflecting sphere) - A reasonable first approximation for, planetary ,bodies p (\chi) = \franc (( 1 - \franc) \cos + (1/\pi) \sin)\! \, : A
  26. Fp The fraction of those stars with planets. (Current evidence indicates that, planetary ,systems may be common for stars like the Sun),né The number of Earth-like
  27. Computer graphics and computer vision. The average overall albedo of Earth, its, planetary , albedo,is 30 to 35 %, because of the covering by clouds, but varies widely
  28. That characterize astronomical motions, as he attempts to eliminate from his, planetary ,model the cosmological hypotheses that cannot be observed from the Earth. Other
  29. Have looked for correspondences between the long term revolutions of, planetary ,alignments and recurrent historic cultural themes. Theodor Landscheidt coined
  30. Recently, the Phoenix lander probed the environment for past and present, planetary ,habitability of microbial life on Mars, and to research the history of water
  31. The mission's geology activities). The scientific results of Apollo 16 caused, planetary ,geologists to revise previous interpretations of the lunar highlands
  32. Only place in the universe known to harbor life. However, recent advances in, planetary ,science have changed fundamental assumptions about the possibility of life in
  33. Winter and shorter in Northern Hemisphere summer when compared to the ", planetary ,second" ( conventionally measured in barometric dynamical time, TDB). This
  34. Europa, liquid water likely exists beneath the moon's icy outer crust. Another, planetary ,body that could potentially sustain extraterrestrial life is Saturn's largest
  35. A third assumption is to focus on sun-like stars. This comes from the idea of, planetary ,habitability. Very big stars have relatively short lifetimes, meaning that life
  36. Detection methods and increased observing time will undoubtedly discover more, planetary ,systems, and possibly some more like ours. For example,NASA's Kepler Mission
  37. A planet's or a natural satellite's potential to develop and sustain life, or, planetary , habitability. An additional discipline of astrogeology is geochemistry, which
  38. Extraterrestrial life in the Solar System. Astrogeology is a, planetary ,science discipline concerned with the geology of the celestial bodies such as
  39. For the determinative MUD (star) present a symbol of stars alongside, planetary ,and other stellar references to indicate deified objects which reside in the
  40. Failed to find evidence to support such indicators as the zodiacal signs and, planetary ,aspects in astrology, he had found positive correlations between the diurnal
  41. Coincidence that warming trends have been observed on a number of very diverse, planetary ,bodies in our solar system, ( ...) Perhaps this is just a fluke. ” Than (2007
  42. Of extreme ecosystems is also ongoing, enabling researchers to predict what, planetary ,environments might be most likely to harbor life. Missions such as the Phoenix
  43. Alpha particles experienced heavy deflection. This led Rutherford to propose a, planetary ,model in which a cloud of electrons surrounded a small, compact nucleus of
  44. In terms of Newtonian gravitation). Only the product is required to calculate, planetary ,positions for an ephemeral, which explains why Epimenides are calculated in
  45. May be common for stars like the Sun),né The number of Earth-like worlds per, planetary ,system, fl The fraction of those Earth-like planets where life actually
  46. Lieutenant Governor of Michigan * 1928 – Eugene M. Shoemaker, American, planetary , scientist (d. 1997) * 1930 – Carolyn Jones, American actress (d. 1983)
  47. Observers, the terrestrial meter appears to change in length compared to the ", planetary ,meter" on a periodic basis. The meter is defined to be a unit of proper length
  48. Most important work of his career, and the fifth part, concerning the role of, planetary ,harmony in Creation, the crown of it. His premise was that, as an integral part
  49. With it in a small fraction of a second. The second problem was that the, planetary ,model could not explain the highly peaked emission and absorption spectra of
  50. As the phase curve. To convert a stellar or galactic absolute magnitude into a, planetary ,one, subtract 31.57. Apparent magnitude The absolute magnitude can be used to

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