Examples of the the word, ninety , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ninety ), is the 8233 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A problem in a course for professional programmers, he found that an astounding, ninety ,percent failed to code a binary search correctly after several hours of working
  2. Percent. These include Boil, Sitalá, Pantepec, Simojovel to those with over, ninety ,percent indigenous such as San Juan Cancun, Huixtán, Tenejapa, Tila, Oxchuc
  3. And disease. The catastrophe was particularly bad in County Mayo, where nearly, ninety ,per cent of the population depended on the potato as their staple food. By 1848
  4. An extended period. They appeared at the Boston Music Hall for the performance, ninety ,minutes late. The tour ended with a show in Toronto, Canada at Maple Leaf
  5. The Netherlands has extensive demand reduction programs, reaching about, ninety ,percent of the country's 25,000 to 28,000 hard drug users. The number of hard
  6. Much stronger gravitational fields than has been possible to date. More than, ninety ,years after its publication, general relativity remains a highly active area of
  7. Orthodox to Chassidic and Reform flourishing side by side. There were at least, ninety ,synagogues in Kraków active before the Nazi German invasion of Poland, serving
  8. As the distance between two lines on a standard bar composed of an alloy of, ninety ,percent platinum and ten percent iridium, measured at the melting point of ice.
  9. To different angles within a scene in which the direction changes by more than, ninety ,degrees is called reverse-angle cutting by film-makers. The leading figure in
  10. The latter forcing the cancellation of the World Series for the first time in, ninety ,years. Attendance had been growing steadily since the mid-1970s and in 1994
  11. To the emir. The campaign continued in a similar vein, lasting for a total of, ninety ,days. ABD Brahman forced the defeated Multi to send hostages and treasures
  12. Exegetical works are sixty-seven homilies on Genesis, fifty-nine on the Psalms, ninety ,on the Gospel of Matthew, eighty-eight on the Gospel of John, and fifty-five on
  13. Necessarily identical to the traditional neighborhoods of Los Angeles. Almost, ninety ,neighborhood councils (NC's) are certified and all" stakeholders"—meaning
  14. North in the Ostrogothic area, uplift is more rapid, it amounts to eighty or, ninety ,centimeters a century. The process also means that Finland is growing about
  15. The angle between a plane and an intersecting straight line is equal to, ninety ,degrees minus the angle between the intersecting line and the line that goes
  16. Description (1614) contained fifty-seven pages of explanatory matter and, ninety ,pages of tables of numbers related to natural logarithms. The book also has an
  17. Heroism in Mississippi, Choctaws rescued twenty-three survivors and retrieved, ninety ,bodies when a Confederate troop train plunged off a bridge and fell into the
  18. Centrepiece was a 90-second cinematic advertisement celebrating the airline's, ninety ,year heritage, from its origins in Imperial Airways through BEA and BOAT to the
  19. Cup final the Cottagers were beaten 2–1 in extra time, having drawn 1–1 after, ninety ,minutes. The achievement of taking Fulham so unexpectedly far, beating famous
  20. From China to Korea, Japan and Vietnam and elsewhere in East Asia. Around, ninety ,works on acupuncture were written in China between the Han Dynasty and the Song
  21. Sea is by far the Nordenskiöld Archipelago, with five large subgroups and over, ninety ,islands. Other important islands in the Kara Sea are Belt Island, Dikson Island
  22. Eastern Roman Empire from 541 to 700 AD. Pneumonic plague has mortality rate of, ninety ,to ninety -five percent. Symptoms include fever, cough,and blood-tinged sputum.
  23. The UEFA Europa League Final. Fulham went 1–0 down, though it ended 1–1 after, ninety ,minutes thanks to a Davies equalizer to force extra time. Diego Forlán scored
  24. Two arms, carrying the flukes, while the stock is mounted to the other end, at, ninety , degrees to the arms. When the anchor lands on the bottom, it will generally
  25. Was defined as being equal to its mass. This standard stood for the next, ninety ,years. International prototype kilogram The Meter Convention was signed on 20
  26. Assam to the Mughal, promised a war indemnity of three lakhs of rupees and, ninety ,elephants. Besides, the king had to deliver his only child and daughter Reimann
  27. 7 April and 15 May he presented his strategy for the invasion. He envisaged a, ninety ,day battle, ending when all the forces reached the Seine, pivoting on an
  28. The" Tales of Dunk and Egg" after the main protagonists. They are set about, ninety ,years before the novels and for now have no direct connection with the plot of
  29. 3 and the paperback spent several weeks at #1. Blue has won more than, ninety ,literary awards. In 2004,she was awarded the National Book Foundation Medal
  30. Aspartame has been found to be safe for human consumption by more than, ninety ,countries worldwide, with FDA officials describing aspartame as" one of the
  31. Of The Oprah Winfrey Show in recognition for raising the most money of the, ninety ,participating cities in the country. The final total rounded-out to $1.2
  32. The new streets straight and in three standard widths of thirty, sixty and, ninety ,feet. Evelyn's plan differed from Wren's chiefly in proposing a street from
  33. In order to draw the sword, the samurai would turn the says (sheath) downward, ninety ,degrees and pull it out of his obi (sash) just a bit with his left hand, then
  34. The pavilion at Lord's to the far end of the pitch, with five wickets down and, ninety ,needed to save the follow-on. Thousands of people then alive might have
  35. India. It is the official language of the state of Maharashtra. There are, ninety ,a million fluent speakers worldwide. And is the fifteenth most spoken language in
  36. Rich land, begirt with water, and therein are many men, past counting, and, ninety , cities. They have not all the same speech, but their tongues are mixed. There
  37. Hours, depending on dosage and tolerance. Generally beginning within thirty to, ninety ,minutes after ingestion, the user may experience anything from subtle changes
  38. Musicians and scenes of the royal court. Lima de las Colors is a cave, ninety ,meters deep with a diameter of 160 meters in the municipality of Ocozocoautla.
  39. Of thirty-six cards, used for" divination" and action-resolution, as well as, ninety ," Vision" cards used as source material. Each Vision card depicts a fantastic
  40. Been expanded beyond the source in the Norman bestiary of Guillaume LE Clerk to, ninety ,animals. Some are placed in the text to make correspondences with the psalm
  41. Essentially a shift key so that with ten keys, there are ten single strokes and, ninety ,two-finger keystrokes. The alphabet is produced with a single press or by
  42. theory's axioms, whereas others have become clear only in the course of the, ninety ,years of research that followed Einstein's initial publication. Gravitational
  43. Orthogonal components are independent of each other because forces acting at, ninety ,degrees to each other have no effect on the magnitude or direction of the other
  44. Indiana. The population was 2,732,according to U. S. Census estimate. It is, ninety ,kilometers (fifty-five miles) northeast of Indianapolis. Largely a bedroom
  45. Missions, resulting in the creation, by the end of the century, of over, ninety ,colonial bishoprics; which gradually coalesced into new self-governing churches
  46. Hid the rifle behind some boxes and descended using the rear stairwell. About, ninety ,seconds after the shooting, in the second-floor lunchroom, he encountered
  47. A catastrophic flood devastated the neighborhood of Franklin ton, leaving over, ninety ,people dead and thousands of West Side residents homeless. To prevent future
  48. Interacted only with the chorus. Only seven of his estimated seventy to, ninety ,plays have survived into modern times; and there is a longstanding debate about
  49. Country in Africa, followed by Democratic Republic of Congo, thus more than, ninety ,percent of its surface is covered by the Sahara desert. Climate and hydrology In
  50. All kings supported King John of England’s defiance of Pope Innocent III, ninety ,years after the Concordat of Worms in the matter concerning Stephen Lang ton. In

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