Examples of the the word, sustained , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sustained ), is the 6425 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. While the TCAS and SSRIs have been shown to produce immediate (40-85 %) and, sustained ,(30-50 %) reductions in REM sleep. This effect often causes increased fatigue
  2. Aerodynamic wings. The second problem was how to determine the power needed for, sustained ,flight. During this time, the groundwork was laid down for modern day fluid
  3. Of symptoms or complete relapse. Full remission or recovery signifies a full, sustained ,return to a" normal" psychological state with full functioning. There has
  4. Face value for wartime certificates, so that the national honor would be, sustained ,and the national credit established. Impressions the Revolution made Loyalist
  5. With Afro-Caribbean. A second wave of immigration from the West Indies has been, sustained ,throughout the 20th century, although,unlike the Africans who immigrated to
  6. Of Frost and Keisha. The suit sought compensation for the injuries they had, sustained , claiming the USAF had illegally handled toxic materials, and that the EPA had
  7. 1914. The German defenses in Serve were supposed to have been obliterated by, sustained , heavy, British shelling during the preceding week; however, as the battalion
  8. Donor to inter-African organizations headquartered in Ouagadougou which through, sustained ,efforts have achieved and consolidated these gains. In 2005,Burkina Faso and
  9. Of 2007,possibly the highest of any nation worldwide. Such rates cannot be, sustained , but despite reaching 26.4 % in 2005 (second-highest GDP growth in the world
  10. Personnel who loaded airplanes and helicopters used in Ranch Hand probably, sustained ,some of the heaviest exposures. Members of the Army Chemical Corps, who stored
  11. And in 1970 the name was changed to Atlantic Baptist College (ABC). A, sustained ,campaign to expand the school's faculty and improve the level of education
  12. Processing, with intact connectivity of the task-positive network, used in, sustained ,attention and goal-directed thinking. In people with autism the two networks
  13. And trichloroethylene in their body fat. The complainants alleged they had, sustained ,skin, liver,and respiratory injuries due to their work at Groom, and that this
  14. A few exceptions. His campaign of 1796 is considered almost faultless. That he, sustained ,defeat in 1809 was due in part to the great numerical superiority of the French
  15. Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine budget has been on a sharp, sustained ,rise to support complementary medicine. In fact, the whole CAM field has been
  16. In Italy, but events made Germany the decisive theater of operations; Austria, sustained ,defeat on the Danube, and the archduke was defeated by Masses in the Battle of
  17. 1967 in King William's Town, South Africa. He would later die of the injuries, sustained ,during this arrest bringing attention to South Africa's apartheid policies.
  18. Dysfunction (PSSD). * Dystonia, a neurological movement disorder in which, sustained ,muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal
  19. In a shootout. *1972 – Vietnam War: Easter Offensive – American forces begin, sustained ,air strikes and naval bombardments. * 1973 – The American League of Major
  20. To the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system can occur from, sustained ,alcohol consumption. Women develop long-term complications of alcohol
  21. No longer publicly opposed the British, but secretly created, supported,and, sustained ,the nationalist movement, which came to be led by Mustafa Kamil. As Kamil's
  22. During this uncertain time Akira Kurosawa, in a series of first-rate films, sustained ,the people by his consistent assertion that the meaning of life is not dictated
  23. Malaya tells Radio Mindanao Network that United States hostage Martin Burnham, sustained ,a gunshot wound on the back during a recent exchange of gunfire. 2002 * July 21
  24. Diatom production continues through the summer, and populations of krill are, sustained , bringing large stocks of whales, seals,and fish to the area 10. Phytoplankton
  25. Theory of alcoholism. The American Psychiatric Association has recommended, sustained ,treatment in conjunction with AA's program, or similar community resources
  26. Date marked by AA for its anniversaries. While Wilson and Smith credited their, sustained ,sobriety to working with alcoholics under the auspices of the Oxford Group, a
  27. A bassist can fret harmonically related notes. For example, while fretting a, sustained ," F" ( on the third fret of the" D" string),underneath an F major chord
  28. Capable of measured sustained transfer rates of above 80 MB/s. Furthermore, sustained ,transfer rate tests do not give realistic throughput expectations for most
  29. Castile, one of the Christian leaders at Finances, who subsequently launched a, sustained ,rebellion against Ramiro. The victory of Finances enabled the Christian kingdom
  30. Little evidence for the relative effectiveness of treatment options. Intensive, sustained ,special education programs and behavior therapy early in life can help children
  31. In addition, no ATA hard drives existed in 2005 that were capable of measured, sustained ,transfer rates of above 80 MB/s. Furthermore, sustained transfer rate tests do
  32. Tonnes, about one third. The growth rate of worldwide aquaculture has been, sustained ,and rapid, averaging about 8 percent per annum for over thirty years, while the
  33. Initiated an ambitious program of infrastructure development, fuelled by a, sustained ,economic boom in the forestry, mining,and energy sectors. During these two
  34. Called a" recession" or" bust" – occurs when credit creation cannot be, sustained , They claim that the money supply suddenly and sharply contracts when markets
  35. At a low speed. While his son and the other driver were unharmed, the governor, sustained ,a minor injury to his lip, requiring 15 stitches. " No citations were issued "
  36. Program, the Children's Machine, and the XO-1. The program was begun and is, sustained ,by Kay's friend, Nicholas Negroponte, and is based on Kay's Yearbook ideal.
  37. As grand vizier. Only a few weeks after his accession the Ottoman Empire, sustained ,a crushing defeat at the Battle of Lankan from the Austrians under Margrave
  38. In 1979 under Bennett, who led the party until 1986. As the province entered a, sustained ,recession,Bennett's popularity and media image were in decline. On April 1
  39. In 1706). This essay is widely held to be one of the greatest examples of, sustained ,irony in the history of the English language. Much of its shock value derives
  40. Structural reform aimed at maintaining price stability, creating conditions for, sustained ,growth, and alleviating scarcity. A major reform of the customs service in
  41. And dies early the next day. Chapman was the second player to die from injuries, sustained ,in a Major League Baseball game, the first being Doc Powers in 1909. * 1920 –
  42. Fertile and that anything planted grew well, the record in terms of, sustained ,agricultural productivity has been generally disappointing. High initial
  43. Temperatures were indicated by the height at which a column of mercury was, sustained ,by a certain mass of air, the volume, or " spring ", of which varied with the
  44. Thermal neutrons (5,700 barns),that results in a small critical mass for a, sustained ,nuclear chain reaction. The critical mass for a bare 242m1Am sphere is about
  45. Was the only air carrier. It became the first airline in the world to operate, sustained ,regular jet services on 15 September 1956 with the Tupolev Tu-104. Deregulation
  46. From Albania. The AC-130U model gunship set a new record for the longest, sustained ,flight by any C-130 with a mission from the 22 October through the 24 October
  47. To be" rather low ". The gas evaporated in hours rather than days. The, sustained ,high temperatures melted the Teflon insulation on the fan power supply wires
  48. Were also living entities. To enjoy the afterlife, all these elements had to be, sustained ,and protected from harm. On March 30, 2010,a spokesman for the Egyptian
  49. Him in the early hours of 26 March 1971,and launched Operation Searchlight,a, sustained ,military assault on East Pakistan. Yahya's methods were extremely bloody, and
  50. As signs of divine communications. Historically it was a scholarly tradition, sustained ,in courts, cultural centers and universities, and was closely related to the

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