Examples of the the word, responsive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( responsive ), is the 6426 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Device is vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). Investigational devices include the, responsive ,neurostimulation system (RNS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS). *Vagus
  2. More than local swelling at the site of infection. The initial acute phase is, responsive ,to antiparasitic treatments, with 60–90 % cure rates. After 4–8 weeks
  3. 3.8 hours. In the population, there are a group of patients that are less, responsive ,to hydrocodone opioid (~10 % of the Caucasian population). Genotypic this
  4. Is intended to be for short-term treatment of chronic or severe insomniacs not, responsive ,to other hypnotics, especially in inpatients. It is considered to be one of the
  5. Strategy for monetary policy. While the monetary policy appears more, responsive ,to inflationary pressures recently in Egypt, it is noted that there is no core
  6. Of the mu opioid receptor, the class of opioid receptor first identified as, responsive ,to morphine. Tolerance is associated with the super activation of the receptor
  7. The skin, the neurons stop firing. The neurons of the skin and muscles that are, responsive ,to pressure and vibration have filtering accessory structures that aid their
  8. Cells, or cones. One type, relatively distinct from the other two, is most, responsive ,to light that we perceive as violet, with wavelengths around 420 nm; cones of
  9. If one or more types of a person's color-sensing cones are missing or less, responsive ,than normal to incoming light, that person can distinguish fewer colors and is
  10. Life to continue over a span of multiple generations. Typically, organisms are, responsive ,to stimuli and genetic information tends to change from generation to
  11. Responsibilities in the church in order to allow them to be fully, responsive ,to the Holy Spirit. Their blessings—which are given by the laying on of
  12. Best to give it time and room to evolve into a better government that is more, responsive ,to its people rather than forcing an abrupt change with all the deleterious
  13. Sexual advances of this sort weren't still occurring. I expected Yale to be, responsive , After nine months and many calls and e-mails, I was shocked to conclude that
  14. Major examples of attempts at a form of government that is both practical and, responsive ,to the needs and desires of citizens. Many people use the term" democracy" as
  15. A disadvantage. Some armies also consider infantry operated mortars to be more, responsive ,than artillery, but this is a function of the control arrangements and not the
  16. Is typically lost, growth becomes less regulated, and tumors become less, responsive ,to most chemotherapeutic agents. Near the center of some solid tumors, cell
  17. Rocks in the morning to raise their body temperature. Regulators are also, responsive ,to external circumstances, however: if the same sun-baked boulder happens to
  18. Processes food, removes waste, moves components to the correct location, and is, responsive ,to signalling molecules, other organisms, light,sound, temperature and many
  19. Restructuring and delegation of decision-making has created a flatter more, responsive ,structure and reduced costs. Modernizing and streamlining of administrative and
  20. And the timing, however smaller vehicles may be used on more flexible demand, responsive ,transport services. Tourism Buses play a major part in the tourism industry.
  21. Connects the engine to the differential, minimizing flex and contributing to, responsive ,handling. Some MX-5s feature limited slip differentials and anti-lock braking
  22. Occur throughout the service and take a variety of forms including recited, responsive , silent, or sung. The Lord's Prayer, or Our Father, is regularly prayed. The
  23. Standards were developed in an environment that is equitable, accessible and, responsive ,to the requirements of various stakeholders. Voluntary consensus standards
  24. Was finding the right software constructs to support highly sensitive and, responsive ,accompaniment. All of this was pre-MIDI, but the results were impressive even
  25. System frees up after a clean installation compared to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, a more, responsive ,Finder rewritten in Cocoa, faster Time Machine backups, more reliable and user
  26. Cases). This makes the standardization approval process in the ITU-T much more, responsive ,to the needs of rapid technology development than in the ITU's historical past
  27. Support for one into the operating system kernel can allow the GUI to be more, responsive ,by reducing the number of context switches required for the GUI to perform its
  28. Africa, as an area that felt the consequences of poor governance and was less, responsive ,to globalization, has seen an increase in poverty while all other areas of the
  29. Itself, the silver halite grains themselves tend to be slightly more, responsive ,to blue light, and therefore will have daylight and tungsten speeds - e.g.
  30. Fovea, the area of the retina responsible for central vision, and are not as, responsive ,as cone cells to spatial and temporal changes in light. There are, however
  31. Describe habitats within biomes that form an integrated whole and a dynamically, responsive ,system having both physical and biological complexes. However, the underlying
  32. The browser can respond to user actions quickly, making an application more, responsive , Furthermore, JavaScript code can detect user actions which HTML alone cannot
  33. Bank can run a more credible monetary policy, making market expectations more, responsive ,to signals from the central bank. Recently, both the Bank of England (1997)
  34. To the targets in Afghanistan than any land based assets and thereby more, responsive , The USS Kitty Hawk was adapted to be a support base for special operations
  35. Of a dominant urban center in the province means that the government has to be, responsive ,to issues affecting all areas of the province. In addition, the presence of a
  36. By Nikos Nomothetic and his colleagues have shown, for example, that visually, responsive ,neurons in parts of the temporal lobe reflect the visual perception in the
  37. Advertisers perceive older listeners as set in their brand choices and not as, responsive ,to advertising as younger, more impulsive listeners. Oldie stations must
  38. Saying that" two independent, viable exchanges are much more likely to be, responsive ,to new pressures and public needs than a single institution ". The American
  39. They considered" Dorian" identified themselves as" Technophile" and found, responsive ,parallels in the culture of their day as well; their biases contribute to the
  40. Hogan has suggested creating a country with" a smaller, more dynamic and more, responsive ,political system," reducing the size of the Daily by 20,changing the way the
  41. Feedback combines immediately with the immediate input signal to drive the, responsive ,power gain element, without changing the basic responsive ness of the system to
  42. Concerned commercial use of the network might lead to an Internet that was less, responsive ,to their needs, and within the community of commercial network providers, who
  43. Rb dissociates from the E2F/DP1/Rb complex (which was bound to the E2F, responsive , genes,effectively" blocking" them from transcription),activating E2F.
  44. Had slightly improved and that according to his son, Omri, he was marginally, responsive , On 27 October 2009,his doctor reported that he was still comatose but in a
  45. Made to last forever ... possessing a tone quality that is deep, resonant and, responsive ,to the utmost degree. Violoncello $150. " Only a handful of aluminum cellos
  46. The spacecraft in orbit. This experiment showed the system to be accurate and, responsive , Re-entry The last day of the mission was short and retrofire came at 70 hours
  47. Were designed to promote public participation in government and make it more, responsive ,to local needs. The councils cover districts that are not necessarily identical
  48. Trance ". Changes in brain activity have been found in some studies of highly, responsive ,hypnotic subjects. These changes vary depending upon the type of suggestions
  49. Optical keyboard technology Also known as photo-optical keyboard, light, responsive , keyboard,photo-electric keyboard and optical key actuation detection
  50. On historical models, which have proven on the whole to be far lighter and more, responsive ,instruments. Lutes built at present are invariably replicas or near copies of

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