Examples of the the word, carbohydrate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( carbohydrate ), is the 6430 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Algae, and cyanobacteria absorb carbon dioxide, light,and water to produce, carbohydrate ,energy for themselves and oxygen as a waste product. But in darkness
  2. The Nurses' Health Study, an observational cohort study, found that low, carbohydrate ,diets based on vegetable sources of fat and protein are associated with less
  3. Of amino acids, and Polysaccharides which are often linear bonded polymeric, carbohydrate ,structures. Cellulose is the most common organic compound and biopolymer on
  4. As" fruit, vegetables and whole-grains ". Some nutritionists use complex, carbohydrate ,to refer to any sort of digestible saccharine present in a whole food, where
  5. Needs for two days. This reduced calorie intake, even in the presence of 100 %, carbohydrate ,consumption, allows for reduction of fat without muscle loss because the
  6. Carbohydrates are a common source of energy in living organisms; however, no, carbohydrate , is an essential nutrient in humans. Carbohydrates are not necessary building
  7. Often applied in the study of fuels. Food is similar to hydrocarbon fuel and, carbohydrate ,fuels, and when it is oxidized, its caloric content is similar (though not
  8. Wrapped in mesentery). Pourgouri (bulgur, cracked wheat) is the traditional, carbohydrate ,other than bread, and is used to make the Cypriot delicacy houses. Fresh
  9. Such as cereal flour, rice,arrowroot, and potato. The interaction of heat and, carbohydrate ,is complex. Long-chain sugars such as starch tend to break down into simpler
  10. Make up the bulk of carbohydrate consumption. Highly processed sources of, carbohydrate ,such as corn or potato chips, candy,sugary drinks, pastries and white rice are
  11. Is prepared, individual differences in metabolism, and the chemistry of the, carbohydrate , The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load concepts have been developed to
  12. Which the body turns is glycogen (by glycogenolysis). Glycogen is a complex, carbohydrate , 65 % of which is stored in skeletal muscles and the remainder, in the liver (
  13. The glycemic load is" the mathematical product of the glycemic index and the, carbohydrate ,amount ". In a randomized controlled trial that compared four diets that varied
  14. Trials found no difference between the main diet types (low calorie, low, carbohydrate , and low fat),with a 2–4 kilogram weight loss in all studies. The first
  15. COA by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Acetyl COA is the final product of both, carbohydrate ,and fat metabolism, where the acetyl can be further used to produce energy or
  16. A Cellulose-containing Material Given a cellulose-containing material,the, carbohydrate ,portion that does not dissolve in a 17.5 % solution of sodium hydroxide at 20
  17. Neither manufacture nor digest it. * Glycogen, on the other hand, is an animal, carbohydrate ,; humans and other animals use it as a form of energy storage. Use of
  18. In a randomized controlled trial that compared four diets that varied in, carbohydrate ,amount and glycemic index found complicated results: *Diet 1 and 2 were high
  19. In its January 2008 Clinical Practice Recommendations) for a low, carbohydrate ,diet to reduce weight for those with or at risk of Type 2 diabetes. Low
  20. Arabinoxylan, mannan, fucoidan and galactomannan. Nutrition Foods high in, carbohydrate ,include fruits, sweets,soft drinks, breads,pastas, beans,potatoes, bran
  21. Are characterized by having reducing or non-reducing ends. A reducing end of a, carbohydrate ,is a carbon atom which can be in equilibrium with the open-chain aldehyde or
  22. Gain associated with these classes of medication. Eating low fat, low protein, carbohydrate ,snacks and carbohydrate -rich dinners allows the brain to make serotonin which
  23. By a variety of factors including which other nutrients are consumed with the, carbohydrate , how the food is prepared, individual differences in metabolism, and the
  24. Strength is important in cell walls, where the microfibrils are meshed into a, carbohydrate ,matrix, conferring rigidity to plant cells. Compared to starch, cellulose is
  25. Acids are usable for fuel. Organisms typically cannot metabolize all types of, carbohydrate ,to yield energy. Glucose is a nearly universal and accessible source of
  26. Enter into monosaccharide catabolism. In some cases, as with humans, not all, carbohydrate ,types are usable as the digestive and metabolic enzymes necessary are not
  27. And development. In food science and in many informal contexts, the term, carbohydrate ,often means any food that is particularly rich in the complex carbohydrate
  28. The individual's insulin secretion:: In young adults" Reducing glycemic, carbohydrate ,load may be especially important to achieve weight loss among individuals with
  29. Term carbohydrate often means any food that is particularly rich in the complex, carbohydrate ,starch (such as cereals, bread,and pasta) or simple carbohydrate s, such as
  30. To cell interactions and communications. Monosaccharides The simplest type of, carbohydrate ,is a monosaccharide, which among other properties contains carbon, hydrogen
  31. This is consistent with prior studies of diabetic patients in which low, carbohydrate ,diets were more beneficial. The American Diabetes Association released for the
  32. In the population. For example, at the gene locus for the AGO blood type, carbohydrate ,antigens in humans, name " name "/NP"> OnlineMendelianInheritanceinMan"/>
  33. Amount and glycemic index found complicated results: *Diet 1 and 2 were high, carbohydrate ,(55 % of total energy intake) *Diet 3 and 4 were high protein (25 % of total
  34. As sugar (found in candy, jams,and desserts). Structure Formerly the name ", carbohydrate ," was used in chemistry for any compound with the formula Cm (H2O)n. Following
  35. 20 grams of carbohydrate s, of which 10 g is dietary fiber, for a net of 10 g of, carbohydrate ,per cup. This makes almond flour very desirable for use in cake and bread
  36. Carbohydrate typically refers to monosaccharides and disaccharides and complex, carbohydrate ,means polysaccharides (and oligosaccharides). However, the term complex
  37. That the known animal carcinogen acrylamide is generated in fried or overheated, carbohydrate ,foods (such as french fries and potato chips). Studies are underway at the
  38. Show, water is removed from the diet, and diuretics may be introduced, while, carbohydrate , loading to increase the size of the muscles through replenishment of their
  39. Plane polarized light. This usage of" d-" and" l-" is no longer followed in, carbohydrate ,chemistry. Ring-straight chain isomerism The aldehyde or ketone group of a
  40. However, the exact delineation of these categories is ambiguous. Today, simple, carbohydrate , typically refers to monosaccharides and disaccharides and complex carbohydrate
  41. Accidents and the health benefits derived from additional physical activity. A, carbohydrate ,() is an organic compound with the empirical formula (where m could be
  42. Covered space of the Golgi apparatus. The modification and synthesis of the, carbohydrate ,portions of glycoproteins is common in protein processing. The Golgi apparatus
  43. Refined by the removal of the bran and germ, the remaining endosperm is mostly, carbohydrate ,and lacks the majority of the other nutrients. In some developing nations
  44. Definition, some chemists considered formaldehyde (CH2O) to be the simplest, carbohydrate , while others claimed that title for glycolaldehyde. Today the term is
  45. Means polysaccharides (and oligosaccharides). However, the term complex, carbohydrate ,was first used in slightly different context in the U. S. Senate Select
  46. Publication Dietary Goals for the United States (1977). In this work, complex, carbohydrate , were defined as" fruit, vegetables and whole-grains ". Some nutritionists use
  47. Such as fruits and vegetables, and dairy products make up the bulk of, carbohydrate ,consumption. Highly processed sources of carbohydrate such as corn or potato
  48. Or Bulimia Nervosa, even if initial intentions of dieting were health-wise Low, carbohydrate ,versus low fat Many studies have focused on diets that reduce calories via a
  49. Are called anaerobic reactions. The citric acid cycle is the third step in, carbohydrate ,catabolism (the breakdown of sugars). Glycolysis breaks glucose (a
  50. Research is required to confirm this isotope. A disaccharide or BIOS is the, carbohydrate ,formed when two monosaccharides undergo a condensation reaction which involves

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