Examples of the the word, drilling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drilling ), is the 6428 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is hampering progress. North Falklands Basin In February 2010,exploratory, drilling ,for oil was begun by Desire Petroleum, but the results from the first test well
  2. But with actinide concentration 3 times lower than in samples obtained after, drilling , Whereas such method could have been efficient in scientific studies of
  3. And conveniently formed to fit into bored holes, like those used in, drilling ,and mining, than the previously used compounds and was adopted as the standard
  4. Characteristics of the stone in one or more ways. These include laser, drilling ,to remove inclusions, application of sealants to fill cracks, treatments to
  5. As completion fluid, which assists the emplacement of control hardware after, drilling ,but prior to production, the function of cesium format is to maintain the
  6. However, the Americans had little regard for new laws from London; they were, drilling ,militia and organizing for war. The British government responded by passing
  7. The bromine markets. These salts form dense solutions in water that are used as, drilling ,fluids sometimes called clear brine fluids. * Bromine is also used in the
  8. Of water behind a dam (and possibly building an extremely heavy building), drilling , and injecting liquid into wells, and by coal mining and oil drilling . Perhaps
  9. Of drought, but has left a toll on the land. Groundwater is retrieved through, drilling ,deep boreholes, which leads to the erosion of the land. Surface water is very
  10. The son arsenic filter eliminates unhealthy arsenic in well water. However, drilling ,a well is an uncertain activity, with aquifers depleted in some areas. It can
  11. One in each hand, representing milk canisters. *Harry Lakota competitions:, drilling ,stone blocks with a metal bar, only in the former mining areas of West Biscay.
  12. Mitchell High School's auditorium is also named for him. *Three man-made oil, drilling ,islands in the harbor off Long Beach, California are named Frisson, White and
  13. Mineral barite,BaSO4) is important to the petroleum industry, for example, as, drilling , mud,a weighting agent in drilling new oil wells. Applications of other barium
  14. Ratio. This figure only includes reserves classified as" proven "; exploration, drilling ,programs by mining companies, particularly in under-explored areas, are
  15. Nevertheless, Franco-Chadian relations were soured by the granting of oil, drilling ,rights to the American Exxon company in 1999. Educators face considerable
  16. Oil well drilling and completion fluids. The function of cesium format as a, drilling ,fluid is to lubricate drill bits, to bring rock cuttings to the surface, and to
  17. Now routinely undergo some extra human processing beyond mere shaping and, drilling , such as color enhancement via dyes or irradiation. Beads can also be made from
  18. To its neighbors. McCain sewing, often used in schoolbook binding, involves, drilling , holes through the entire book and sewing through all the pages from front to
  19. Drilling and injecting liquid into wells, and by coal mining and oil, drilling , Perhaps the best known example is the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China's
  20. Indoor air. Unless next to open water, they require a high initial investment:, drilling ,deep holes and fitting them with pipes or a filter and pump. But after that
  21. For Mining & Oil & Gas Extraction (primarily oil and gas exploration and, drilling ,) = 71,700 * Mining other than oil and gas (mainly coal and mineral mining &
  22. Rock cuttings to the surface, and to maintain pressure on the formation during, drilling ,of the well. As completion fluid, which assists the emplacement of control
  23. Exploration The largest current end-use of cesium is in cesium formate-based, drilling ,fluids for the extractive oil industry. Aqueous solutions of cesium format (
  24. 1990s,the largest application of the element has been as cesium format for, drilling ,fluids. It has a range of applications in the production of electricity, in
  25. Not been fully evaluated; a Lav Eriksson is a 5th generation semi-submersible, drilling ,rig is scheduled to arrive in the Falklands waters during the fourth quarter of
  26. Treatment. Water and sanitation ACF provides access to safe drinking water by, drilling ,wells, tapping springs, and installing water systems. They train local teams
  27. Roller cone bit, a drill bit used for drilling through rock, for example when, drilling ,for oil and gas *Skid cone, a hollow steel or plastic cone placed over the sawn
  28. Corrosion of steel under wet conditions, and therefore chromates are added to, drilling ,mud. *Chromium (III) oxide is a metal polish known as green rouge. *Chromic
  29. For industrial use. The dominant industrial use of diamond is in cutting, drilling , grinding, and polishing. Most uses of diamonds in these technologies do not
  30. And hydroelectric industries. A significant percentage of PEMEX's, drilling ,and refining is based in Chiapas and Tabasco, and fifty-five percent of the
  31. In the oil industry, oil-based drilling mud were simply renamed organic phase, drilling ,mud, where organic phase is a euphemism for" oil. " In medicine, magnetic
  32. French force. For this Eugene was largely to blame – in his view (unlike the, drilling ,and maneuvers carried out by the Prussians which to Eugene seemed irrelevant
  33. End of the 20th century much of the onshore petroleum had been exhausted, and, drilling , had extended into the sea offshore. By the end of the 19th century skilled
  34. Hydroxide with formic acid—were developed in the mid-1990s for use as oil well, drilling ,and completion fluids. The function of cesium format as a drilling fluid is
  35. Reduces the requirement for toxic high-density suspended solids in the, drilling ,fluid—a significant technological, engineering and environmental advantage.
  36. Issue of land ownership into headlines. In order to lessen the difficulty of, drilling ,at such a remote location and transporting the oil to the lower 48 states, the
  37. Union, representing approximately 40,000 US workers, announced opposition to, drilling ,in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANFR) until Congress enacted a
  38. To the petroleum industry, for example, as drilling mud, a weighting agent in, drilling ,new oil wells. Applications of other barium compounds Aside from the sulfate
  39. Meaning" vine. " In Indo-European societies, an analogy is derived from the, drilling ,of fire and sexual intercourse. Vines were used as a flammable wood, where they
  40. Of development and conservation is seen in the contentious debate over oil, drilling ,in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Demographics The United States Census
  41. Bed surrounding the islands. Desire Petroleum and Rockhopper Exploration began, drilling ,for oil in the vicinity of the Falklands in the first half of 2010,sparking
  42. And distributing improved strains of grain. The construction of dams and the, drilling ,of boreholes to tap underground water are continuing government programs. In
  43. Requiring all tankers to be double-hulled by 2015. Opposition to oil, drilling ,The Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, representing
  44. And a concession agreement was signed with Centurion Energy International for, drilling , The main natural gas producer in Egypt is the International Egyptian Oilfield
  45. During the firing of ceramic materials *Roller cone bit, a drill bit used for, drilling ,through rock, for example when drilling for oil and gas *Skid cone, a hollow
  46. Melting and vaporizing rocks under the great depth of 300–600 meters, and, drilling , to such depth in order to extract the products was both slow and inefficient in
  47. And continued his naval service in flying and administrative assignments as a, drilling ,reservist. On 1 July 1958,he was assigned to Anti-submarine Squadron 662 at
  48. Recycling, reclaimed water and effluent. In the oil industry, oil-based, drilling , muds were simply renamed organic phase drilling mud, where organic phase is a
  49. In the jewelry. Remaining non-diamond inclusions are removed through laser, drilling ,and filling of the voids produced. Industrial uses The market for
  50. And X-ray opacity. It is used as an insoluble heavy mud-like paste when, drilling ,oil wells, and in purer form, as an X-ray radio contrast agent for imaging the

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