Examples of the the word, risky , in a Sentence Context

The word ( risky ), is the 6432 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This effect, combined with its dissociative effects, makes it an attractive but, risky ,recreational drug (see poppers). Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons.
  2. English speakers);: sexually suggestive; in French, the meaning of risqué is ", risky ," with no sexual connotation. Francophones use instead" one" ( lit. " Daring
  3. Way to lessen risk of infections. Unprotected receptive anal sex is the most, risky ,sexual behavior in terms of HIV transmission. Increased risk of anal cancer
  4. Circle was forbidden. Although at higher levels this was considered tactically, risky ,and low-percentage at creating scoring opportunities, it was used with some
  5. Is defined as an exciting or unusual experience; it may also be a bold, usually, risky , undertaking,with an uncertain outcome. The term is often used to refer to
  6. Area near Hamburg as the Nazi regime finally collapsed, but decided on a final, risky ,visit to Berlin to see Hitler one more time. Speer visited the Führerbunker on
  7. Only a moment. But any stepping forward into the democratic limelight was, risky ,and if someone chose (another citizen initiator) they could be called to
  8. Door, are usually automatically successful. The outcomes of more complex or, risky ,actions are determined by rolling dice. In circumstances where a character does
  9. Preservatives or biopreservatives. According to the type of pathogens and how, risky ,they are, the intensity of the hurdles can be adjusted individually to meet
  10. Is the intention of football coaches to try repeatedly these frequent long and, risky ,passes. Well executed they are undoubtedly highly spectacular, but the risk of
  11. Played Clark as moderately assertive, often taking charge in dangerous or, risky ,situations and unafraid to take reasonable risks. This fact was one of the main
  12. North which welcomes all the wild peoples all around this sea but which is, risky ,for those who are careless or ignorant of such places ... they have therefore
  13. Technology, avoided problems with overly centralized command and control and, risky , expensive development of large, complicated space defense satellites. It
  14. Complications. Planned surgery performed under sterile conditions is much less, risky ,than that performed under emergency or unsterile conditions. The contents of
  15. A major counterattack by the enemy in the area or in the south-west made it too, risky , In the end Mannheim decided to strike first at Tamper. He launched the
  16. Beliefs and until we have a more uniform view of ourselves I think it would be, risky ,to try and do anything in the way of eugenics ... I would be astonished if, in
  17. A team playing with this style emphasizes doing little things (including, risky ,running plays like base-stealing) to advance runners and score runs, often
  18. Test series. The tests were highly successful, but the idea was considered too, risky ,for routine" Carrier Onboard Delivery" ( COD) operations. Instead, the C-2
  19. Competition routines are focused solely around the use of difficult and, risky ,stunts. These stunts usually include a flyer (the person on top),along with
  20. To make a profit on small price differences. For example, if one purchases many, risky ,bonds, then hedges them with Cases, profiting from the difference between the
  21. Through counselling can have positive influence to help reduce the effects of, risky ,behavior during the manic phase. ICD-10 diagnostic criteria * F31.6 Bipolar
  22. Operating in the second position which was later banned by the Admiralty as too, risky , The ships Many escort carriers were Lend-Leased to the United Kingdom, this
  23. Is 5 % per annum. Treasury Notes are generally considered to be inherently less, risky ,than real estate, since the value of the Note is guaranteed by the US
  24. First avowedly Unitarian congregation in England; this was somewhat politically, risky , and pushed religious tolerance to new boundaries, as a denial of the doctrine
  25. There are tumbling waves which are perfect for light surfing. Some areas remain, risky ,due to under-tow currents. Shopping districts are popular in Barbados, with
  26. To abandonment of a project. This is especially important where returns are, risky ,(e.g. fusion reactor technology) or where the return is diffuse (e.g.
  27. In Old Irish. However, a classification based on a single feature is seen as, risky ,by its critics, particularly as the sound change occurs in other language
  28. It relies on lack of concentration or discipline by the batsman, it can be, risky ,against patient and skilled players, especially batsmen who are strong on the
  29. Though not so unique as to qualify as exploration. *One who takes part in a, risky ,or speculative course of action for profit or position. In fiction, the
  30. Are far enough out of balance. The activity of other arbitrageurs can make this, risky , Those with the fastest computers and the most expertise take advantage of
  31. a billion numbers). This makes tests based on Fermat's Little Theorem slightly, risky ,compared to others such as the Solovay-Strassen primarily test. Korselt's
  32. An Australian pioneer in the discipline. IBM and ethics of experimental or, risky ,treatments Insurance companies in the United States and public insurers in
  33. Its presence. Modern diagnostic equipment no longer necessitates this highly, risky ,procedure and no attempt should be made to ingest this highly toxic substance.
  34. Of the Cambrian, for the stratigraphic detection of this boundary is always, risky ,because of occurrence of very similar trace fossils belonging to the
  35. Of a movie, they would only have to share the cost of a TV series (a much less, risky ,proposition). So it was not filmed until the end of the first season of Batman
  36. Blitzkrieg. This concept was abandoned in January 1942. The OK believed it too, risky ,to allow German Corps and Army Groups to be operated and commanded
  37. Out the value of import tariffs Finance * Equity risk premium, excess return on, risky ,investments Geography * ERP, Netherlands,a town in the southern Netherlands
  38. Single, well calculated blow of a hammer to a pointed tool, which is quick, but, risky , Alternatively, it can be cut with a diamond saw, which is a more reliable but
  39. Such as Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, encouraged the public to invest in, risky ,companies, despite many of the companies' disregard for basic financial and
  40. Has left patients without an alternative to open-heart surgery, which is too, risky ,for many elderly patients. Regulation of living organisms With acceptance of
  41. Processes, requiring any kind of therapy ". This could make it somewhat, risky ,to play with someone as later the" victim" may call foul play citing even an
  42. Preventing a lot of stones in play; this tends to be less exciting and less, risky , A good drawing team will usually opt to play aggressively, while a good
  43. Cambrian, its usage for the stratigraphic detection of this boundary is always, risky ,because of the occurrence of very similar trace fossils belonging to the
  44. Are on one Appendix, while some are on another. Some people argue that this is, risky ,as specimens from a more protected population could be ‘ laundered’ through
  45. Declined despite the continuing decrease of SSRI prescriptions. " It is, risky ,to draw conclusions from limited ecologic analyses of isolated year-to-year
  46. Study in contrasts. As a practitioner, he was flawless in executing complex and, risky ,maneuvers of troops in the heat of battle, achieving brilliant victories in the
  47. The count of Barcelona. From the winter of 1124 to September 1125,he was on a, risky ,expedition to Peña Cadillac deep in Andalusia. In the great raid of 1125,he
  48. To removal of fibroid and even retained products of conception. It is less, risky ,due to the ability of the doctor to view inside the uterus during surgery
  49. In play by throwing mostly draws; this makes for an exciting game and is very, risky ,but the reward can be very great. Defensive playing will throw a lot of hits
  50. Authority to free the slaves. Even used as a war power, emancipation was a, risky ,political act. Public opinion as a whole was against it. There would be strong

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