Examples of the the word, changes , in a Sentence Context
The word ( changes ), is the 6427 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And the construction of keyboards and printers. The X3 committee made other, changes , including other new characters (the brace and vertical line characters)
- One, the ABIDE order later used in Phoenician, has continued with minor, changes ,in Hebrew, Greek,Armenian, Gothic,Cyrillic, and Latin; the other, HMĦLQ, was
- A series of changes in recent years; future research may lead to further, changes ,and ultimately greater stability. The order is clearly circumscribed on the
- Public review and comment on draft standards *incorporation of submitted, changes ,that meet the same consensus requirements into a draft standard *availability
- To me ", laka" to you ", etc. into indirect-object critic suffixes. *Certain, changes ,in the cardinal number system,e.g. hamlet Khayyam →hams team, where certain
- Of the external gills. When the animals enter the water again for reproduction, changes ,are driven by prolactin, when they return to the land phase by thyroxine
- Is changed after the pigs learn to walk on two legs and their shout, changes ,to" four legs good, two legs better ". They can be relied on by the pigs to
- Notion that nature is composed of things that change and that studying such, changes ,can provide useful knowledge of underlying constants. Physics The five elements
- Amateur astronomers often contribute toward activities such as monitoring the, changes ,in brightness of variable stars and supernovae, helping to track asteroids, and
- Morphology in which words inflect by changes within the root (vowel, changes ,or germination) as well as with prefixes and suffixes * All Afroasiatic
- Are used. The passive voice uses the same person/number/gender affixes but, changes ,the vowels of the stem. The following shows a paradigm of a regular Arabic verb
- Implausible, Mechanism Autism's symptoms result from maturation-related, changes ,in various systems of the brain. How autism occurs is not well understood. Its
- Turkic Alphabet (1929–1939),and in the Cyrillic alphabet (1939–1991). The, changes ,in alphabet have been largely molded by religious and political forces.
- Seemed to change the mind and spirit of the Alchemist. Conversely, spontaneous, changes , on the mind of Western people undergoing any important stage in individuation
- Boundaries of the Asparagus and of its families have undergone a series of, changes ,in recent years; future research may lead to further changes and ultimately
- Since the beginning of civilization. Altering crops through breeding practices, changes ,the genetic make-up of a plant to develop crops with more beneficial
- Of religious education (banned during the Soviet period) and curriculum, changes ,that have reemphasized the use of the Azerbaijani language and have eliminated
- Checks and limitations, and always changing easily with deliberate, changes ,of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free people
- Spirited chase by Apollo, Daphne prays to her father, Peneus, for help, and he, changes ,her into the laurel tree, sacred to Apollo. Apollo had an affair with a human
- More democratic and less authoritarian. Its reaction was to operate a number of, changes ,without substantially changing its character. Parliamentary elections held on 5
- Split off from the other three before they underwent a series of characteristic, changes , Roy Andrew Miller's 1971 book Japanese and the Other Altaic Languages
- Rand considered even positive reviews to be embarrassing because of significant, changes ,made to her script by the producer. Her 1938 novella Anthem received little
- Short-vowel case and mood endings are never pronounced, and certain other, changes ,occur that echo the corresponding colloquial pronunciations. Specifically: *All
- Sets, and a number of grammatical correspondences, as well as a few important, changes ,to the reconstruction of Photovoltaic. For example, while most of today's
- That this leads the bar to rotate, because the electron's angular momentum, changes ,as the magnetization changes . This experiment needed to be sensitive, because
- Instructions unless either a conditional IF–THEN GOT or an unconditional GOT, changes ,program flow out of sequence. Besides HALT,Minsky's machine includes three
- That he is not participating in the November 7 run-off because his demands for, changes ,in the electoral commission had not been met. The next day, officials of the
- Worlds ". He abolishes practices and traditions related to the Revolution, and, changes , the name of the farm to" The Manor Farm ". The animals, overhearing the
- Removed all church personnel from the practice of the Art. The climate, changes , Black plague, and increase in warfare and famine that characterized this
- Two cents per acre ($4.74/km²). The land went through several administrative, changes ,before becoming an organized (or incorporated) territory on May 11, 1912,and
- Steps that depend on activity in synapses and on activity-dependent, changes , All known teratogens (agents that cause birth defects) related to the risk
- Pausal position (with influence from the colloquial varieties). The following, changes ,occur: *Most final short vowels are not pronounced. However, the following
- Power in Montgomery and leaves practically no power in local hands. Any policy, changes ,proposed around the state must be approved by the entire Alabama legislature
- Pharyngealized, or implosive * Morphology in which words inflect by, changes ,within the root (vowel changes or germination) as well as with prefixes and
- Level of formality, the speaker's education level, etc., various grammatical, changes ,may occur in ways that echo the colloquial variants: **Any remaining case
- Pronounced as written, except at the end of an utterance, where the following, changes ,occur: *Final short vowels are not pronounced. (But possibly an exception is
- Away. In Snowball's absence, Napoleon declares himself leader and makes, changes , Meetings will no longer be held; instead, a committee of pigs will run the
- Of the recent increase in the number of reported ASD cases is likely due to, changes ,in diagnostic practices. The increasing popularity of drug treatment options
- In the 1990s and early 2000s. This increase is largely attributable to, changes ,in diagnostic practices, referral patterns, availability of services, age at
- Was widespread. The modernization drive brought considerable demographic, changes ,to Algeria. Village traditions underwent significant change as urbanization
- Was addressed in the game's sequel, Asteroids Deluxe, and led to significant, changes ,in the way game developers designed and tested their games in the future. On
- Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of" animation ". The definition sometimes, changes ,depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly
- Of the increased market concentration is likely increased efficiency,the, changes ,redistribute economic surplus from producers (farmers) and consumers, and may
- Rotate, because the electron's angular momentum changes as the magnetization, changes , This experiment needed to be sensitive, because the angular momentum
- Association cortex. From studies based on event-related potentials, transient, changes , to the brain's electrical activity in response to stimuli, there is
- Millennium BCE). In later Babylonian tradition, the name of the constellation, changes ,to" ram ". The motive for the name change is unknown. John H. Rogers suggests
- With sheets" added to it). The changed commandments are as follows, with the, changes ,bolded: # No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. # No animal shall drink
- Levels rose dramatically from their very low starting point, despite two, changes ,in the standard alphabet, from Perso-Arabic script to Roman in the 1920s and
- With the contemporary spoken language. These can range from simple spelling, changes ,and word forms to switching the entire writing system itself, as when Turkey
- Proposed that Congress revise the Articles of Confederation. Recommended, changes ,included granting Congress power over foreign and domestic commerce, and
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