Examples of the the word, restructuring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( restructuring ), is the 6429 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Together as the new county of South Glamorgan. Further local government, restructuring ,in 1996 resulted in Cardiff city's district council becoming a unitary
  2. And Turkey have histories of chronic default as well. " Modern law and debt, restructuring ,The principal focus of modern insolvency legislation and business debt
  3. And certain fleet vehicles. The warranty is non-transferable. After Chrysler's, restructuring , the warranty program was replaced by five-year/100,000 mile transferrable
  4. USAID has programming in the following areas: economic policy reform and, restructuring ,; private sector development (the Business Development Program);
  5. Served as a regional as well for several years. However, the airline's 2009, restructuring , led to the airport being removed as a focus city on April 5,2010. American
  6. Is encountered, it can be deleted without triggering the need for any further, restructuring ,The algorithm below uses the former strategy. There are two special cases to
  7. Extended Eurotunnel's operating concession by 34 years to 2086. Financial, restructuring ,of Euro tunnel occurred in mid-1998,reducing debt and financial charges.
  8. Bottagisio" parish field, where they played until 1986. In 1959,after the, restructuring ,of the football leagues, Chievo was admitted to play the" Second Category "
  9. Be unclear" where" the transaction occurs. Regulatory arbitrage can include, restructuring ,a bank by outsourcing services such as IT. The outsourcing company takes over
  10. Immediately following his victory at Handgun by focusing on an ambitious, restructuring ,of his kingdom's military defenses. When the Viking raids resumed in 892
  11. Company has actually been declared insolvent. On the other hand, supervisory, restructuring , at the behest of The Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction is
  12. Of two more expansion teams after the 1993 season had facilitated another, restructuring ,of the major leagues, this time into three divisions each. Offensive
  13. Trade sector especially, but have been offset by international aid, domestic, restructuring , and foreign direct investment. History of the modern Armenian economy Armenia
  14. Price and crippling financial losses. Jobs became the interim CEO and began, restructuring ,the company's product line. At the 1997 Mac world Expo, Steve Jobs announced
  15. Key priorities included accelerating legislative convergence with EU norms, restructuring ,enterprises, and privatizing banks and utilities. The economy, fueled by
  16. Occurred in mid-1998,reducing debt and financial charges. Despite the, restructuring ,The Economist reported in 1998 that to break even Euro tunnel would have to
  17. 0.3 % in 1997,-2.3 % in 1998,and -0.5 % in 1999. The government established a, restructuring ,agency in 1999 and launched a revitalization program - to spur the sale of
  18. The initiatives for saving the city in the 2000s,Baku embarked on a process of, restructuring ,on a scale unseen in its history. Thousands of buildings from Soviet period
  19. Government investment, has begun making a profit following significant, restructuring , Tourism also offers good game viewing and some of the most remote and
  20. Pacific Railway Limited, which began operations as legal owner in a corporate, restructuring ,in 2001. Its rail network serves major cities in the United States, such as
  21. And services to secure our future, but we can do this only if we succeed in, restructuring ,our processes and reducing our costs. " 2011 On 2 May 2011 CEO Jack Elton
  22. Year, however,the company decided to cut 6 % of its workforce as part of a, restructuring ,effort. In 2003,the company saw revenues increase primarily because of rate
  23. For drastically improving transparency, for debt relief, land reform, and, restructuring , corporate accountability systems. Morten and Stiglitz's contribution to the
  24. Was, until recently, a major Canadian defense contractor. With the latest, restructuring , the company sold off nearly all of its military-related work in Canada.
  25. Of every economist and international financial institution that it was the, restructuring ,reforms undertaken by my government with the full cooperation of the trade
  26. Of Environment, Hydraulic Resources, and the Legal Amazon—it began a process of, restructuring ,to meet its mandate of" shared management of the sustainable use of natural
  27. The global stock market based dot com crash, the group undertook a major board, restructuring ,and asset sale to address its debt pile. In May 2001,BT announced a three for
  28. Outlook: away from the East, and towards the West. This necessitated the, restructuring ,of existing banking and telecommunications facilities, as well as adjusting
  29. In return for agreed upon capital investments. The reforms and economic, restructuring ,were strongly opposed by certain segments of society, which instigated frequent
  30. And this is accomplished either through a discharge of the debt or through a, restructuring ,of the debt. Generally, when a debtor files a voluntary petition, his or her
  31. Act. Other employees whose groups were due for phase-out as part of the, restructuring ,were informed on October 16, 2007 that they would be kept on until December 14
  32. Brands. Company history BMW entered existence as a business entity following a, restructuring ,of the Rap Motorenwerke aircraft engine manufacturing firm in 1917. After the
  33. The principal focus of modern insolvency legislation and business debt, restructuring ,practices no longer rests on the elimination of insolvent entities but on the
  34. Then a year in which to tackle his predecessor's problems, he began a massive, restructuring ,of the company and worked with Warner Communications in May 1984 to create "
  35. Include tourist and residential complexes. The third project will relate to, restructuring ,an area of Algiers, qualified by the originators of the project of" city of
  36. 146. Since the African National Congress has come into governmental power, some, restructuring , of Western Cape universities has taken place and as such, traditionally
  37. Under the administration of the creditors, although the law provides for debt, restructuring ,options similar to those under Chapter 11 of the U. S. Bankruptcy code. Sweden
  38. Was used for democratization efforts, and another 5 % funded financial sector, restructuring , In 2003 USAID considered Croatia to be on a" glide path for graduation "
  39. Microsoft a major player in the industry. Gates oversaw Microsoft's company, restructuring ,on June 25, 1981,which re-incorporated the company in Washington state and
  40. Credit organizations) functions in the republic. Since 2002 important stage of, restructuring ,of banking system started to be carried out. Taking into consideration entry of
  41. Punctuality. Partly for this reason, but also to take into account the planned, restructuring ,of services (subsequently introduced in July 2006),TFL had issued tenders
  42. Some clinicians and researchers are more cognitive oriented (e.g. cognitive, restructuring ,), while others are more behaviorally oriented (in vivo exposure therapy).
  43. Gases dismissed Minister of Army Sylvia Froth in 1977. Since the January 1986, restructuring , the High Command has been composed of the seven regional commanders, the chief
  44. Force is currently engaged in an effort of reassessment reorganization and, restructuring , as the future of Armenia's defense needs a revised force structure and unit
  45. Telecommunications firm Pesky Telecom took place in 2005. Intensified, restructuring ,among large enterprises, improvements in the financial sector, and effective
  46. The most stable and prosperous of post-Communist states. Delays in enterprise, restructuring ,and failure to develop a well-functioning capital market played major roles in
  47. Broke out, where people expressed their fury about the demolition caused by the, restructuring ,of the city. As a result, the demolition was stopped, and the highway was never
  48. Commented that“ The return of BMW to the DTM is a fundamental part of the, restructuring ,of our motorsport activities. With its increased commitment to production car
  49. Of conscripts, CAF also went through a period of reforms focused on downsizing, restructuring ,and professionalization in the years prior to Croatia's accession to NATO in
  50. As social anxiety, has often been treated with exposure coupled with cognitive, restructuring , such as in Heimberg's group therapy protocol. Evidence suggests that

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