Examples of the the word, madness , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Human destiny from some hidden celestial vantage point, but it would be, madness ,to deny the existence of physical laws. In another description of his view of
  2. And more on the psychology of his characters as they often descended into, madness , Poe's critics complained about his" German" tales, to which be replied
  3. Houses and Gothic architecture, castles,darkness, death,decay, doubles, madness , Transgression, Excess,secrets, and hereditary curses. The stock characters of
  4. Sheep, thinking them his comrades. After a while, when Athena lifted his, madness ,and Ajax realized that he had actually been killing sheep, Ajax was left so
  5. For the period of one year (a duration in which he may be cured of his, madness ,). Defeated and dejected, he and Sancho start their journey home. Conclusion
  6. Often combine deep, true insight with utter helplessness, and who retreat into, madness , " Eduard Frankel remarked on the powerful contrasts between declaimed and
  7. Exile in Tampa lay behind the story of Nebuchadnezzar's banishment and, madness ,in Daniel chapter four. There are also a number of differences between The
  8. To advance the action in any way. She has been onstage, silent and ignored. Her, madness ,that is unleashed now is not the physical torment of other characters in Greek
  9. Is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to, madness , ' Selected works The following list is partially based on
  10. Widow and mother of Prince Hamlet). The play vividly portrays real and feigned, madness ,– from overwhelming grief to seething rage – and explores themes of treachery
  11. Confesses privately to a young official that he had, in a fit of grief-driven, madness , added Erika's DNA to the genetic composite, so that technically, the creature
  12. Pasha and Midhat Pasha. When Sultan Mural V began to show signs of paranoia, madness ,and continuous fainting and vomiting even on the day of his coronation and
  13. Those elements were initially called by the Berkeley group as (from Latin for, madness ,). Initial experiments yielded four americium isotopes: 241Am,242Am,239Am and
  14. Was barely imaginable. President Jefferson called it" a little short of, madness ," and rejected it. Nevertheless, Hawley managed to interest New York Governor
  15. Melting pot, of our duplicated national pep, of our blues, our metropolitan, madness , " Located near Traverse City, Michigan. Gershwin made a number of solo piano
  16. Of Nature. To cure an insane person, for example, involved causing a fit of, madness , The advantage of magnetism involved accelerating such crises without danger.
  17. He became reclusive and produced frightening and obscure paintings of insanity, madness , and fantasy, while the style of the Black Paintings prefigure the
  18. Between The Prayer of Laborious and the account of Nebuchadnezzar's, madness ,: * Nebuchadnezzar's" affliction" was of the mind whereas Laborious' seems
  19. But vanity ", which he" was possessed to a degree little short of, madness ,". He also cited Rousseau's Confessions as evidence that Rousseau had a life
  20. The villainous" Black Glove" organization, which sought to drive Batman into, madness , " Batman R. I. P." segued into Final Crisis (also written by Morrison)
  21. Later made him aware of the impracticality of this scheme, and he soon feigned, madness ,so he could avoid punishment from the Caliph. According to al-Hazmi, Alhazen
  22. Carl Solomon, opens: I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by, madness , starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets
  23. S uncle, Emperor Yoko; and in the reign of Kōkō's son, Emperor UDA,the, madness ,re-visited the tormented former emperor: * 889 (Kanpur 1,10th month): The
  24. sister's claims of a magical world must logically be taken as either lies, madness , or truth. And" On the Pains of Animals. " Legacy Lewis continues to attract a
  25. In Shakespeare's day. Significant parallels include the prince feigning, madness , his mother's hasty marriage to the usurper, the prince killing a hidden spy
  26. Religious—to the point of psychoneurosis. From him, I inherited the seeds of, madness , The angels of fear, sorrow,and death stood by my side since the day I was
  27. Spying on the scene from behind an arras and convinced that the prince's, madness ,is indeed real, panics when it seems as if Hamlet is about to murder the Queen
  28. Baltic war zone. He escaped being drafted into one of the armies by feigning, madness , insisting that a fly was on his head. He then escaped to Berlin, and gave his
  29. Of Gothic literature brought psychological and mystical readings, returning, madness , and the Ghost to the forefront. Not until the late 18th century did critics and
  30. About how foolish they were when they were young. Suddenly, at the peak of, madness ,and confusion, the couples are engulfed by their follies, which transform the
  31. For its opening line:" I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by, madness , starving hysterical naked ...." " Howl" was considered scandalous at the
  32. Prisoners of war. When he left, he told Thatcher he was going to Mexico. His ", madness ," may have been the result of exposure to mercury, an element commonly used in
  33. Leila as different visions of human potential. * The nature of sanity and, madness , Frank Herbert was interested in the work of Thomas Seas and the
  34. And devoured horribly before many fright-frozen witnesses. Of his, madness ,many things are told. He claimed to have seen the fabulous IREM, or City of
  35. Saga) to Shakespeare's Hamlet. Similarities include the prince's feigned, madness , his accidental killing of the king's counselor in his mother's bedroom, and
  36. Whilst revisiting classic Gothic tropes of aristocratic decay, death,and, madness ,(Sara and Gaffe 1981: 181-2). The legendary villainy of the Spanish
  37. Him, as this would clear Hamlet's path to his mother's bed. Ophelia's, madness ,after her father's death may also be read through the Freudian lens: as a
  38. Regarded it as a specific disease concept that implied incurable, inexplicable, madness , History First use of the term dementia is an ancient term which has
  39. Cleanliness of the individual after the state of madness , aggressive complete, madness ,of a world abandoned to the hands of bandits. ” Formal goals, creative goals
  40. Spend most of the story in disguise, under false names, rather than feigning, madness , in a sequence of events that differs from Shakespeare's. The second is the
  41. Of Daniel. Matthias Hence even suggests that the narrative of Nebuchadnezzar's, madness ,draws on the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh. He argues that the author of
  42. S differences with Kronecker as a quarrel between two Jews, and Cantor's, madness ,as Romantic despair over his failure to win acceptance for his mathematics, and
  43. Returns from France, horrified by his father's death and his sister's, madness , She appears briefly to give out herbs and flowers. Claudius convinces Laertes
  44. Herself, Gertrude takes Hamlet's conversation with it as further evidence of, madness , Claudius, now fearing for his life, finds a legitimate excuse to get rid of
  45. To oppose fascism, and that the coming war would only result in" a new form of, madness ,in the world ". For three months she improved slightly, receiving visitors and
  46. Medicine, but the basis for understanding is not etiology, as the causes of, madness ,cannot be established with any precision. His theories dominated psychiatry at
  47. Hopes for one miracle - for a hero who can come and deliver the town from the, madness ,(“ There Won't Be Trumpets” ). Cora arrives on the scene with the Cookie Jar
  48. Shah became king. Dementia praetor (a" premature dementia" or" precocious, madness ,") refers to a chronic, deteriorating psychotic disorder characterized by
  49. To do, and retired from engineering. Fearing for his life, he feigned, madness ,and was placed under house arrest, during and after which he devoted himself to
  50. Sweep and clean. Affirm the cleanliness of the individual after the state of, madness , aggressive complete madness of a world abandoned to the hands of bandits. ”

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