Examples of the the word, reimbursement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reimbursement ), is the 7059 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. New Zealand) where GP's can charge extra fees on top of standardized patient, reimbursement ,rates. Other In capitation payment systems, GPs are paid for each patient on
  2. All officers and workers within the Temple of Set are volunteers. Some receive, reimbursement ,for expenses incurred for the Temple; none receive a salary. All officers are
  3. Physicians to bill Medicare beneficiaries the amount in excess of Medicare's, reimbursement , In 1975,annual increases in physician fees were limited by the Medicare
  4. A fact.; Solve et replete: Respect your obligation first, then you can ask for, reimbursement , Used in those situations in which one of the two (or more) parties needs to
  5. Or political institution but there is no real difference between them because, reimbursement ,rates are fixed by the Belgian government. Insurance funds do not cover 100 per
  6. Must be offered at every meal if a United States school district wishes to get, reimbursement ,from the federal government. A quarter of the largest school districts in the
  7. Of revenue for healthcare providers in the US. This is because of favorable, reimbursement ,rates from insurers and federal government programs. Insurance reimbursement is
  8. Under fire after the initial petition did not include spousal support and a, reimbursement ,of attorney's fees. In the aftermath of Schwarzenegger's infidelity scandal
  9. Of Homeland Security. Aliens who were in the country illegally would receive, reimbursement ,only after they were deported. The proposed bill was defeated 88 - 331. In
  10. Doctors, and two states (WA, VT ) require insurance companies to offer, reimbursement ,for services provided by naturopathic physicians. Naturopathy never completely
  11. For implementing their erstwhile soviet plan schemes and projects on cost, reimbursement ,(around 96 % of their activities) that do not have any maintenance component
  12. In Illinois billed a charge of $1,116 for a knee MRI in 2007 but the Medicare, reimbursement ,in 2007 was only $470.91. Many insurance companies require preapproval of an
  13. Terms such as health care (medical management of illness),health insurance (, reimbursement ,of health care costs),and public health (the collective state and range of
  14. Guests enjoy free housing in the locations listed (although hosts may ask for, reimbursement ,of incurred expenses). Also, guests may feel more at ease because many hosts
  15. Reimbursement rates from insurers and federal government programs. Insurance, reimbursement ,is provided in two components, an equipment charge for the actual performance
  16. Payment must be used (a check or payment from another account and a claim for, reimbursement ,later). In the more likely case that non-qualifying items are accepted, the
  17. Of Canada two years previously. Mulroney received an apology and a $2.1 million, reimbursement ,for legal and public relations costs. At issue were allegations that Mulroney
  18. Ceaușescu's autocratic policies. He eventually initiated a project of total, reimbursement ,of the foreign debt by imposing policies that impoverished Romanians and
  19. Given in a dialysis center three times per week (due in the US to Medicare, reimbursement ,rules); however, as of 2007 over 2,500 people in the US are dialyzing at home
  20. Associated with the Gold Rush. He received a pension of US$250 a month not as a, reimbursement ,of taxes paid on the Orange grant at the time Sutter considered it his own.
  21. On the return to Africa (" repatriation" ); and their demands for monetary, reimbursement ,for slavery. Members of the Bob Ashanti order wear long robes and tightly
  22. Spending accounts such as flexible spending accounts (FSA),health, reimbursement ,accounts (HRA),and health savings accounts (HSA). Most of these debit
  23. In May 2007,the School District announced that it was to be paid $450,000 as, reimbursement ,for legal expenses. Brockovich assisted in the filing of a lawsuit against
  24. Organization (WHO) and used worldwide for morbidity and mortality statistics, reimbursement ,systems, and automated decision support in medicine. This system is designed to
  25. Languages and academic subjects. The family had to wait for invitations and, reimbursement ,from the nobility, and they endured long, near-fatal illnesses far from home.
  26. A critical task by himself. For example: an employee who submits a request for, reimbursement ,should not also be able to authorize payment or print the check. An
  27. If actual spending for a given year exceeds the spending target for that year, reimbursement ,rates are adjusted downward by decreasing the Conversion Factor (CF) for
  28. Childhood friend named Arnold Roth who is gay. Rogers receives a large back-pay, reimbursement ,dating back to his disappearance at the end of World War II, and a government
  29. Now prohibits knowingly (changes are in bold): # Submitting for payment or, reimbursement ,a claim known to be false or fraudulent. # Making or using a false record or
  30. Coverage. In the US, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 significantly reduced, reimbursement ,rates paid by federal insurance programs for the equipment component of many
  31. The increasing volume of services provided by physicians by decreasing their, reimbursement ,per service. In 1998,Congress replaced the VPS with the Sustainable Growth
  32. FSA's (the oldest of these accounts) were accessed only through claims for, reimbursement ,after incurring, and often paying, an out-of-pocket expense; this often happens
  33. To make global adjustments in payments to all doctors. Office medication, reimbursement ,Chemotherapy and other medications dispensed in a physician's office are
  34. In 2004,he sponsored an amendment that would have prohibited federal, reimbursement ,of hospital-provided emergency care and certain transportation services to
  35. Or applying differential pricing for this coverage, or issuing denial for, reimbursement ,on the grounds that the insurance company believes the procedure is
  36. Their material. There are three problems with this logic: first, the rate of, reimbursement ,they could credibly budget is not nearly high enough to pay the direct costs
  37. Freezing funding for graduate medical education, as well as for physician, reimbursement ,rates. * 1980 — Medicare Secondary Payer Act of 1980,prescription drugs
  38. S autarchic policies. Ceausescu eventually initiated a project of total, reimbursement ,of the foreign debt (completed in 1989,shortly before his overthrow). To
  39. And in 1858 the U. S. Supreme Court denied its validity. Sutter sought, reimbursement ,of his losses associated with the Gold Rush. He received a pension of US$250 a
  40. Billing and capture of anesthesia-related charges * Increased hospital, reimbursement ,through improved hospital coding * Improvement of the data quality of the
  41. Out of school halfway through his studies, electing to take a partial tuition, reimbursement ,in order to help finance his first film. Career As a filmmaker In an interview
  42. Government. Insurance funds do not cover 100 per cent of your bills and typical, reimbursement ,is between half to three-quarters of a typical doctors or specialists visit.
  43. The Even king Tranquil of Kirkwood, who each wanted a portion of the gold as, reimbursement ,for all the damage Smug had caused their kingdoms over the years. Thorn
  44. Qualified candidates applying for receipt of career development expenses and/or, reimbursement ,of educational expenses under the terms of the agreement with plaintiffs in a
  45. Emergencies. Tribe Chairman Ned Norris Jr. has complained about the lack of, reimbursement ,for border enforcement. Kit Peak The Toronto O'ODHA Nation is also the
  46. Regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. There are no, reimbursement ,provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients
  47. Construction Quartermasters, demanded weekly reports on progress, ordered that, reimbursement ,vouchers be processed within a week, and sent expediters to sites reporting
  48. And the number of units sold nationwide as the denominator. The current, reimbursement ,formula is known as" ASP+6" since it reimburses physicians at 106 % of the
  49. Payments are made to a franchisor: (a) a royalty for the trade-mark and (b), reimbursement , for the training and advisory services given to the franchisee. These two fees
  50. Medicaid – less than as half of all active private dentists in some areas. Low, reimbursement ,rates, complex forms and burdensome administrative requirements are commonly

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