Examples of the the word, thickness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thickness ), is the 7061 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The critical masses of the odd isotopes are about 3–4 kg. When using water (, thickness ,~20–30 cm) as the reflector, the critical mass can be as small as 59 gram for
  2. As prime minister, he asked the soldier accompanying him if he knew the, thickness ,of the wall beside them. The embarrassed escort confessed that he didn't and
  3. Of 242mAm,which can be maintained even in a micrometer-thick foil. Small, thickness ,avoids the problem of self-absorption of emitted radiation. This problem is
  4. Of 15 inches (or 18 inches in 'Furious' ) and their armor, which at 3 inches, thickness ,was on the scale of a light cruiser. The design was generally regarded as a
  5. The slice, it is a fraction \beta of the light entering the slice I. The, thickness ,of the slice is dz, which scales the amount of absorption (thin slice does not
  6. Electroplating techniques. There are two deposition methods: Thin, below 1 µm, thickness , layers are deposited by chrome plating, and are used for decorative surfaces.
  7. Dichromatism: a phenomenon where the hue is dependent on concentration and/or, thickness ,of the absorbing substance. * Value, brightness,lightness, or luminosity: how
  8. Into three or four pieces. The cane is then trimmed and gouged to the desired, thickness , leaving the bark attached. After soaking, the gouged cane is cut to the proper
  9. Identified which would withstand the pressures needed, at the design hull, thickness , Outside illumination for the craft was provided by quartz arc-light bulbs
  10. Strings are thin, high performing strings in the range of about 0.62 to 0.73 mm, thickness , Thicker strings are more durable, but many players prefer the feel of thinner
  11. Heat transfer is achieved by measures such as increasing structural insulation, thickness ,'s and improving air tightness. Since the rate of heat transfer through the
  12. Pteropod, and siliceous oozes. Covering most of the ocean floor and ranging in, thickness ,from they are thickest in the convergence belts, notably at the Hamilton Ridge
  13. Or metal to create a framework to begin layering adobe bricks. Depending on the, thickness ,of the adobe bricks, the framework has been performed using a steel framing and
  14. Together while the resin sets. Layers are built up thus to create the required, thickness ,of hull. People have even made their own boats or watercraft out of materials
  15. Usually pierced by embrasures. This wall was surrounded by another wall with a, thickness ,of 50 m. The second wall had towers and rounded merlons, which surrounded the
  16. Lagoon. The ice reaches its maximum extent in February or March; typical ice, thickness ,in the northernmost areas in the Bosnian Bay, the northern basin of the Gulf
  17. Month, a typical seven-month growth run producing emerald crystals of 7 mm of, thickness , The green color of emeralds is attributed to presence of Cr3+ ions. Yosemite
  18. Soaking, the gouged cane is cut to the proper shape and milled to the desired, thickness , or profile, by removing material from the bark side. This can be done by hand
  19. It will reflect some wavelengths and transmit others, depending on the layers ', thickness , Structural color is studied in the field of thin-film optics. A layman's term
  20. I_z) = - \sigma N z + C. \, The difference of intensity for a slab of real, thickness ,ℓ is I0 at z 0,and IL at z ℓ. Using the previous equation, the difference in
  21. The northern basin of the Gulf of Bosnia, is about for land fast sea ice. The, thickness ,decreases farther south. Freezing begins in the northern extremities of Gulf of
  22. Incorporating of concrete with of rebar and of steel cable had been built to a, thickness ,of. This portion of the construction was fairly rapid, with only four months
  23. Is packed by size and quality (determined by color, shape,straightness and, thickness ,of petiole, stalk and midrib length and absence of disease, cracks,splits
  24. Of poly crystalline films is often preceded by an initial amorphous layer,the, thickness ,of which may amount to only a few nm. The most investigated example is
  25. Layers known as the tunica Adventist, tunica media, and tunica India. The, thickness ,of the aorta encourages an extensive network of tiny blood vessels called vast
  26. Affect the development of early atherosclerosis (carotid intima-media, thickness ,). These plaques are the main causes of heart attacks, strokes,and other
  27. On a reflective surface. In one-dimensional bar codes, bits are encoded as the, thickness ,of alternating black and white lines. Information capacity and information
  28. A derivative of the ray-tracing algorithm that replaces rays, which have no, thickness , with cones *Second-order cone programming, a library of routines that
  29. To grow out of the amorphous phase only after the latter has exceeded a certain, thickness , the precise value of which depends on deposition temperature, background
  30. In the plane. Area can be understood as the amount of material with a given, thickness ,that would be necessary to fashion a model of the shape, or the amount of paint
  31. Kg, then by the late 16th century it weighed 25 kg. The increasing weight and, thickness ,of late 16th century armor therefore gave substantial resistance. In the early
  32. 41.2 kg with a water reflector and 35.2 kg with a steel reflector (30 cm, thickness ,). Most available berkelium toxicity data originate from research on animals.
  33. Is also available. Polyurethane condoms tend to be the same width and, thickness ,as latex condoms, with most polyurethane condoms between 0.04 mm and 0.07 mm
  34. Used for writing kanji and for painting, produces a stroke of widely varying, thickness , Anime also tends to borrow many elements from manga, including text in the
  35. May, in biomass, exceed all animal and plant life on the surface. The actual, thickness ,of the biosphere on earth is difficult to measure. Birds typically fly at
  36. For microscopes, it cannot be neglected. For a single lens of very small, thickness ,and given power, the aberration depends upon the ratio of the radii r: r ', and
  37. Armour. The German battlecruiser SMS Derringer had belt armor equivalent in, thickness ,– though not in terms of comprehensiveness – to the British battleship HMS Iron
  38. Lime-based cement for the plaster to protect against rain damage. The brick’s, thickness ,is preferred partially due to its thermal characteristics, and partially due to
  39. Armament. Tiger was also more heavily armored on the whole; while the maximum, thickness ,of armor was the same at 9 inches, the height of the main armor belt was
  40. Of industrial measurement gauges, including moisture, density,leveling, and, thickness , gauges. It has also been used in well logging devices for measuring the
  41. Mississippian is about twice as long as the Pennsylvanian, but due to the large, thickness ,of coal bearing deposits with Pennsylvanian ages in Europe and North America
  42. To the direction that photons of light are moving, and A and dz as the area and, thickness ,(along the z axis) of a 3-dimensional slab of space through which light is
  43. Singularities. Photon sphere The photon sphere is a spherical boundary of zero, thickness ,such that photons moving along tangents to the sphere will be trapped in a
  44. That thick deposits could form. Because of the relatively young age and great, thickness ,of the system, Cretaceous rocks crop out in many areas worldwide. Chalk is a
  45. Sandstones and limestone as lenses or veins, sometimes of a meter or more in, thickness , Deposits of graphite in Borrow dale, Cumberland,England were at first of
  46. Due to the time lag effect. Thus, a well-planned adobe wall of the appropriate, thickness ,is very effective at controlling inside temperature through the wide daily
  47. Side of the page to the other and are (usually) made to tighter caliper or, thickness ,specifications, particularly for case bound books. Typically, books papers are
  48. Site). This equation can be used to retrieve \tau_, the aerosol optical, thickness , which is necessary for the correction of satellite images and also important
  49. Of thin films, which are solid layers of a few nm to some tens of µm, thickness ,deposited upon an underlying substrate. So-called structure zone models were
  50. About 110 and 160 N (25 and 36 LBF). Some string manufacturers measure the, thickness ,of their strings under tension, so they are actually thicker then than specified

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