Examples of the the word, options , in a Sentence Context

The word ( options ), is the 7060 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Also send and receive fax messages at 9600 and 4800 bit/s respectively. Power, options ,The original Apple Messaged and Messaged 100 used four AAA batteries. They
  2. French President Charles de Gaulle held a plebiscite, offering Algerians three, options , In a famous speech (4 June 1958 in Algiers),de Gaulle proclaimed in front
  3. Arbitrarily. Strategy with ordinal preferences A sincere voter with multiple, options ,for voting sincerely still has to choose which sincere vote to use. Voting
  4. Other things being equal, a rational person is better off with strictly more, options , anti-globalization advocates would likely either reject the assumption of
  5. The cost involved in choosing it over other competing, and mutually exclusive, options , and its technical coefficients of production. Praxeology is the
  6. His death. Teaching or being a governess in a private family were among the few, options ,available to poor but educated women. In April 1839,Anne began to work as a
  7. Activities of individuals, including family relations, social contacts, work, options , economic independence, educational advancement, and cultural enrichment. "
  8. To changes in diagnostic practices. The increasing popularity of drug treatment, options ,and the expansion of benefits has given providers incentives to diagnose ASD
  9. Exchange controls, and with the resulting creation of new portfolio investment, options , the Botswana Stock Exchange is growing. The constitution prohibits the
  10. Futures, the value differential between a future and the spot price * Basis (, options ,), the value differential between a call option and a put option * Basis (
  11. 2000-compatible internal expansion slots, there are many ports and expansion, options , There are two Atari 2600 DE9M sockets for joysticks or mice, stereo audio (
  12. Chicken and meat courses caused daily menus to include a wider scope of, options ,to choose from. Furthermore, the bread-making, desserts,pastries and dairy
  13. Of depression are being prescribed drugs unnecessarily due to the lack of other, options ,including talking therapies, counseling and cognitive behavior therapy. One
  14. Output a short burst of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer more color, options , The epitome of the Apple II design philosophy was the Apple II sound circuitry
  15. All faced with greater choice, more competition and less time to consider our, options ,or seek out the right advice. " Paradoxical anxiety is
  16. Pollution) or alters the marketplace in such a fashion as to eliminate better, options ,(for example, investment encourages assembly line production of products out
  17. Lower case letters were therefore not interleaved with upper case. To keep, options ,available for lower case letters and other graphics, the special and numeric
  18. Or decision anxiety induced by the need to choose between similar, options ,is increasingly being recognized as a problem for individuals and for
  19. Output a short burst of high-frequency signal per pixel to offer more color, options , The epitome of the Apple II design philosophy was the Apple II sound circuitry
  20. Alcoholics. Along with Nancy Shut, Peele has advocated that besides AA, other, options , should be available to problem drinkers who can manage their drinking with the
  21. And there is little evidence for the relative effectiveness of treatment, options , Intensive, sustained special education programs and behavior therapy early in
  22. Contextualized spiritually by the goddesses Demeter, Kali,and Ivanna. Various, options ,and realities of abortion have been dramatized in film. In Riding in Cars with
  23. And the Amiga 4000 in 1992,each offering improved capabilities and expansion, options , However, the best-selling models were the budget models, particularly the
  24. Of some organs, such as the liver. A transplant or a prosthesis are the only, options ,for recovering the loss. In the US, the majority of new amputations occur due
  25. Cities Beltelecom's broadband was available. Outside these cities the only, options ,for Internet access were dial-up from Telecom or GPRS/cdma2000 from mobile
  26. Which these effects differ from other atypical antipsychotics is debated. Other, options ,* Cannabidiol is one of the main components of Cannabis sativa. Cannabidiol
  27. Placing a fuse setter on the fuse. The latest, such as Junghan's DM84U provide, options ,giving, superquick, delay,a choice of proximity heights of burst, time and a
  28. Perimeter,except Langford Parkway, limiting the transportation, options ,in the central city. The large geographic metropolitan relies on automotive
  29. Of exceptional labor pools to come. Austin's area households enjoy diverse, options ,in education, including 29 public school districts,17 charter schools and 69
  30. Files. In addition to a choice of seven (or 14 in MAX) factions, pre-game, options , include scenario game, customized random map, difficulty level, and game rules
  31. Cuisine. Nevertheless, Argentina similarly provides diners with other, options ,such as foregone (inexpensive traditional hidden taverns),less stylish
  32. At about $15 billion. On July 20, 2011,American Airlines ordered 460 and took, options ,for 465 aircraft from Boeing and Airbus, with the intention of replacing MD-80
  33. Their military actions would not" offend Loyalist opinion ", eliminating such, options ,as attempting to" live off the country ", destroying property for intimidation
  34. Run DOS programs in CGA mode, though much more slowly than on an IBM PC. Other, options ,were the PC-Speed (NEC V30),AT-Speed (Intel 80286) and ATonce-386SX (
  35. Found that topiramate may be superior to existing alcohol pharmacotherapeutic, options , Topiramate effectively reduces craving and alcohol withdrawal severity as well
  36. Items, salads,sandwiches, fruits,chocolates, cheeses and other light fare (, options ,change based on time of day),as well as a less crowded, more comfortable
  37. Suggest that positive externalities and increased efficiencies create better, options ,for the poor. Many supporters of capitalism do think that policies different
  38. From Guatemala City (travel time: 8 to 10 hours),you have the following, options ,to Belize: Alto buses del North (ADN) http://www.adnautobusesdelnorte.com.
  39. These resources are handled by the Amiga Autoconfigure standard. Other expansion, options ,were available including a bus expander which provided two Zorro-II slots.
  40. Report, amaranth compares well in nutrient content with gluten-free vegetarian, options ,such as buckwheat, corn,millet, wild rice, oats and quinoa. Several studies
  41. A distinctively Argentine nuance. That is why, for example, the scope of pasta, options ,comprises a wide variety of dishes ranging from spaghetti, fusiles (fusible)
  42. Three stands were close to residential properties. After considering various, options , in 2000 Arsenal proposed building a new 60,355-capacity stadium at Ashburn
  43. Customization and multiplayer. Players may customize the game by choosing, options ,at the beginning of the game, using the built-in scenario and map editors, and
  44. Versions were often limited to proximity air burst, albeit with height of burst, options , and impact. Some offered a go/no-go functional test through the fuse setter.
  45. Efficiency. The following types are for vacuum tube transmitters, but similar, options ,are available with transistors. * Plate Modulation. In plate modulation, the
  46. By 1981,Airbus was growing rapidly, with over 300 aircraft sold and, options ,for 200 more planes for over forty airlines. Alarmed by the success of the A300
  47. Treatment There is no cure for either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. Treatment, options ,vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical therapy, lifestyle
  48. By six bits. In a shifted code, some character codes determine choices between, options ,for the following character codes. It allows compact encoding, but is less
  49. Commissions to receive from the court. Salary was left with few financial, options ,and he began casting about for new opportunities. Italian tour (1778–1780)
  50. See the anti-globalization movement as a threat to their jobs, wages,consuming, options ,and livelihoods, and that a cessation or reversal of globalization would result

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