Examples of the the word, recruiter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recruiter ), is the 7055 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Until the final confrontation with Don Logan. * Ben Kingsley as Don Logan,a, recruiter ,for the London underworld, who puts people together into teams to pull off
  2. Intensive. This would lead to a practice called" enhance" ( hook) where, recruiter ,would lure workers with advanced pay and other incentives such as alcohol and
  3. School instructor in" History and Moral Philosophy," and Fleet Sergeant Ho,a, recruiter ,for the armed forces of the Terran Federation. Dubois serves as a stand-in for
  4. S army during the Arab Revolt, a task he undertook while employed as a, recruiter ,by the British military administration in Jerusalem and Damascus. The post-war
  5. On attributes other than standardized test scores, salary of graduates, and, recruiter , opinions. The Beyond Grey Pinstripes ranking, published by the Aspen Institute
  6. A $6,000 recruitment fee. When the workers arrive in Sampan, they find their, recruiter ,has vanished and there are no jobs in sight. Hundreds of these destitute
  7. Bin Laden's first trainer," and" Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel-Rahman, a leading, recruiter ,of mujahideen for Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda evolved from the MAK. MAK organized
  8. WIN: European assassin (LS, pages 35,136); also described as an" assassin, recruiter ," (US, page 527). * PENCHANT: Classified CIA program associated with E.
  9. And administration within the EMB. He became a tireless organizer and, recruiter ,for the EMB, enlisting a stable of energetic young filmmakers into the film
  10. S rights, insolvency,reorganization, and small business law. He was minority, recruiter ,and advisor to the Black Law Student Association at Mercer. From 1987 to 1995
  11. State, Hayes would joke that he considered himself to be Notre Dame's best, recruiter ,because if he could not convince a recruit to come to Ohio State instead of
  12. Franc hot,1816–1875,town supervisor, Congressman 19th District, Civil War, recruiter ,and Colonel in 121st NY, Albany & Susquehanna (D&H) RR president and surveyor
  13. Father recalled him to Nebraska. In 1918,despite being sixteen, he deceived a, recruiter ,and joined the United States Army and served in France with the Nebraska
  14. A suit that looks like Guardian's uniform. Sasquatch appears as the group's, recruiter ,and leader. Since the miniseries the team has ceased to exist losing Beta Ray
  15. Journal surveyed recruiter s and ranked NC State number 19 among the top 25, recruiter , picks. Scholarships There are several notable scholarships of North Carolina
  16. Trench war. " The film draws a parallel between sport and warfare, with a, recruiter ,for the Light Horse at the Kimberley Gift race calling war" the greatest game
  17. Playing baseball at the age of three. After the Vietnam War his father became a, recruiter ,for the United States Navy and his family settled in Texas. He attended Angelo
  18. Luther Stairs Leading industrialist, one of John Brown's Secret Six, lead, recruiter , of the 54th and 55th Regiments. * Keith Track, NHL Hockey player (Winnipeg
  19. III in a June 2007 briefing on Guantánamo Bay. *Abu Zubaydah was a trainer,a, recruiter , understood bomb-making, was a forger, a logistical, and someone who made
  20. States with the rank of lieutenant. Miller spent most of the war working as a, recruiter ,and on February 1,1814,he was promoted to captain. He saw his first action at
  21. Are temporarily given a lateral appointment to corporal as an incentive for, recruiter ,duty. In rare cases, soldiers in regular units are permanently promoted to
  22. Joined the United States Army, reportedly nursing a hangover while at the local, recruiter ,'s office. Later, through the military, Franks was able to matriculate to the
  23. Out of the South. During the war, Douglass helped the Union by serving as a, recruiter ,for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. His son Frederick Douglass Jr. also served
  24. Killed, one of the leaders of the killings and a former Ku Klux Klan Lavern, recruiter , was finally indicted for murder and later found guilty of three counts of
  25. City Chiefs owner, league founder *Don Letterman Outstanding player, recruiter ,for the LA/San Diego Chargers and Dallas Texans/Kansas City Chiefs; GM of the
  26. Accused by Blunt in 1964. Ludwig Wittgenstein is alleged to have been a Soviet, recruiter ,at Cambridge by Kimberley Cornish in his 1998 book The Jew of Linz, but his
  27. Interested in Hubbard's life story after an encounter with a Scientology, recruiter , Over the next four years he collected previously undisclosed records and
  28. Conclusive evidence that Gorge in fact did fail to discover it. Kim Philby's, recruiter ,A. Deutsche was also the spymaster of Gestapo officer Will Lehmann, who on June
  29. Head coach, NBA scout and lawyer. Known internationally as an excellent, recruiter ,with contacts with the Senegalese Basketball Federation and is credited with
  30. As Devil is God inverted or A demon is a god reflected. He was an active, recruiter ,for the sect's Isis-Urania temple, and brought in his uncle George Pollen
  31. Years older than Burgess, Maclean,and Philby; he acted as a talent-spotter and, recruiter , Both Blunt and Burgess were members of the Apostles, an exclusive and
  32. She would be a terrific figure model. He gave her the business card of porn, recruiter ,and agent Jim South of World Modeling Talent Agency.
  33. As current bandleader and keeper of the flame. Now 86,Allen also serves as, recruiter ,for new members, and potential converts of Sun Ra’s philosophy, once based on
  34. Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives. *Anwar al-Awlaki, a senior talent, recruiter , planner, and spiritual leader of al-Qaeda, was killed in a targeted killing in
  35. Program January 1978 by actress Michelle Nichols, who was working as a, recruiter ,for NASA. Resnik's first space flight was as a mission specialist on the
  36. Top was killed in a raid by Indonesian police in Solo, Central Java. Top was a, recruiter , bomb maker, and explosions expert for Jamaal Islamic. However, later on his
  37. Under head coach Jack Crowe and established a reputation as an excellent, recruiter , Nut remained with the Razorbacks for three seasons and established
  38. 54th Massachusetts Regiment. His son Frederick Douglass Jr. also served as a, recruiter ,and his other son, Lewis Douglass, fought for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment
  39. From 1952 to 1953. His next coaching assignment was as the line coach and chief, recruiter ,for The Citadel. From 1957 to 1959 Davis was an offensive line coach at the
  40. They need to buy in order to succeed. " It was also revealed that an Amway, recruiter ,featured in the report (Chris Frederick's) made misleading and inconsistent
  41. May 16, 1942–May 14, 1950) was a Hereford swine used by a United States Navy, recruiter ,to raise $19 million in war bonds for the construction of USS Illinois between
  42. referee's main activities, such as his or her own research. To the would-be, recruiter ,'s advantage, most potential referees are authors themselves, or at least
  43. In the area. *The HBO documentary The Recruiter, followed the life of an Army, recruiter ,and several of his recruits from Houma. Mass media The local newspaper is The
  44. 11 hijackers. A former FBI agent identifies Awake as a known" senior, recruiter ,for al-Qaeda ", and a spiritual motivator. Awlaki's sermons in the U. S. were
  45. Who was a conservative. During World War II, Helms served stateside as a, recruiter ,in the United States Navy. In 1945,his first child, Jane,was born. After the
  46. To enlist in the military and emphasize service in the U. S. Army; facilitate, recruiter ,access to cadets in ROTC program and to the entire student body ... and work
  47. The documents, along with FBI documents suggesting that Hansen had met with a, recruiter ,for the Stalinist GPU two years before Trotsky's assassination, and his
  48. Steele from his Canadian command after Steele refused to return to Canada as a, recruiter , He kept his British command until his retirement on 15 July 1918. While in
  49. Was also the quarterback for the Randolph football team, and it was a football, recruiter ,from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) who convinced him to play college
  50. An organizer and shop steward for the United Electrical Workers as well as a, recruiter ,for the SWP. Within the SWP he adhered to the Goldman-Morrow faction, which

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