Examples of the the word, orphan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( orphan ), is the 7057 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Act as receptors for stimuli that have not yet been identified are known as, orphan ,receptors. Whereas, in other types of receptors that have been studied, wherein
  2. Quakers. His father died in 1880,and his mother in 1884,leaving Hoover an, orphan ,at the age of nine. Fellow Quaker Laurie Tatum was appointed as Hoover's
  3. Baker (Marla Hearsay). The character of Tia (Tia Carrier),a Vietnam War, orphan ,now living in the United States, was meant to join the Team in the fifth season
  4. Is going to spend his entire childhood at the orphan age, Wilbur trains the, orphan ,as an obstetrician and then comes to love him. Wilbur's and Homer's lives are
  5. Who violated the charter were labeled pirates as early as 1603. Orphan works An, orphan ,work is a work under copyright protection whose copyright owner is difficult or
  6. The family as a cook and housekeeper. The sixth, Emma,was a four-year-old, orphan ,with a learning disability, accepted by Jackson from an aged widow and
  7. Of Thunder," in which the team is introduced to Tia (Tia Carrier),a war, orphan ,and daughter of fourth season antagonist General Fulbright. Returning to
  8. For free, a tribute to the kindness Weissmann had shown Salary as a penniless, orphan , Salary was committed to medical care and suffered dementia for the last year
  9. Around his heritage or mysterious nature. In many novels the hero is an, orphan ,or unusual sibling, often with an extraordinary talent for magic or combat. He
  10. It is thought to both absorb impurities and take them away. I come as an, orphan ,to you, moist with love. I come without refuge to you, giver of sacred rest. I
  11. Killed by Jaqueline Natal, a recurring character in the series, leaving Lara an, orphan , However, in the Lara Croft movie,Lara's father gets killed by the Illuminati
  12. And Harriet; in the Disney film For the Love of Altadena; and as a troubled, orphan ,taken home with Darrin and Samantha Stephens in Bewitched episode" A Vision of
  13. Then others for some arbitrary reason. If someone decides to donate to help, orphan ,children, but decides to donate less, say,to black children out of a racist
  14. Approximately 1300 people were infected as part of the study (including, orphan ,children). The study was sponsored by the Public Health Service, the National
  15. Jr., the son of Rachel's brother Severn Donelson, and Lincoln, a Creek Indian, orphan ,adopted by Jackson after the Creek War. Lincoln died of tuberculosis in 1828
  16. Wife. In either case Columbus found a mistress in Spain in 1487,a 20-year-old, orphan , named Beatriz Enríquez de Arana. Ambitious, Columbus eventually learned Latin
  17. 2007,when Monet rescued (or abducted, depending on your viewpoint) a French, orphan ,girl named Nicole with the reluctant help of Siren and the clandestine help of
  18. To the Millville Orphanage and returned a few days later to formally adopt the, orphan , giving him as a first name Martha's maiden name," Clark. " In John Byrne's
  19. With whom she plans to elope. In the Sondheim musical, Mrs. Love takes in an, orphan ,boy, Tobias Reign, called Toby, after Todd kills his previous master, Adolfo
  20. Throws). This inscription provides a moralistic metaphor to the story of the, orphan ,boy who in the end overcomes his travails. Geography of the book Faulkner uses
  21. Avatar in the Star Blazers dub),and the transformation of the brash young, orphan ,Subsume Kodak (Derek Wild star) into a mature officer, as well as his budding
  22. To remedy this problem, but results have been inconsistent. As a result,", orphan ,crops ", such as Jeff, millets,cow peas, and indigenous plants, are important
  23. Greek historians believe that 1793 is more probable. Constantine was left an, orphan ,at a young age. Having to support himself, he chose to become a seaman like
  24. In 1918,where Ekaterina was helping orphan s, they adopted a four-year-old, orphan ,boy who they named Petra. They also adopted the children of Mikhail Frunze
  25. Pastoralism were known as trekkers. A common source of trekker labor was, orphan ,children who were captured during raids and whose parents had been killed. 19th
  26. Abortionist after seeing the consequences of back-alley abortions, and his, orphan ,medical assistant Homer who is against abortion. Feminist novels such as
  27. Fantasy #15 (August 1962). Lee and Ditto conceived of the character as an, orphan ,being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and as a teenager, having to deal
  28. The Father of the Universe" and leaving" but a company of children in an, orphan ,asylum ". Emerson was partly influenced by German philosophy and Biblical
  29. Portabello, the main character, Sherine Khalil, is described as a Transylvanian, orphan ,with a Roman mother, in an effort to add to the character's exotic mystique.
  30. Her again by name. For his wife and queen, King Chasers chose Esther,an, orphan ,raised by her cousin Moroccan, to replace the recalcitrant queen Vashti. Esther
  31. Wellington, a dish of beef, pâté, duxelles and pastry Fiction * Name of the, orphan ,boy in the British comic strip The Perishers * Character in The Wombles, a
  32. Byte in the entire file can be owned by at most one section, and there can be, orphan ,bytes which are not owned by any section. Tools *read elf is a Unix binary
  33. And Afghanistan, including a project in conjunction with CharityHelp. Org for, orphan ,sponsorships. Recently RAW restarted its mission inside Afghanistan and
  34. Him in his youth. Clement's mother, Fioretta Goring, also died leaving him an, orphan , Giulio was made a Knight of Rhodes and Grand Prior of Capra, and,upon the
  35. In November 1781,and was buried in an unmarked grave. Jackson became an, orphan ,at age 14. In addition to his legal and political career, Jackson prospered as
  36. Thursday morning he (Mikhail Gorbachev) would sit in his office like a little, orphan ,– I would often be present at this sad procedure – nervously awaiting a
  37. Experience in the commercial trade, the only career open to Muhammad as an, orphan , Little is known of Muhammad during his later youth, and from the fragmentary
  38. Receptors are landed by known endogenous compounds or are classified as, orphan ,receptors. Despite the lack of sequence homology between classes, all GPRS
  39. Hell" ). In 1955,Cesbron's book Chains versus sans collier, the story of an, orphan ,boy and a benevolent judge, was made into a movie starring Jean Gain and
  40. Pirates of Penance, who are all orphan s, on the false plea that he is an, orphan ,himself. The pirates learn of the deception and re-capture the Major-General
  41. In the last line of the book, Ishmael also refers to himself symbolically as an, orphan , which maintains the Biblical connection and emphases the representation of
  42. A was granted to Leighton for modafinil in 1990. The FDA granted modafinil, orphan ,drug status in 1993. The formulation patent expired on 30 March 2006. The
  43. With (as in General American) instead of, so that often sounded close to, orphan ,(See lot–cloth split). The Queen still uses the older pronunciations, but it
  44. Celebration of the landing of the Pilgrims, and Amelia Simmons (an American, orphan ,) wrote a book entitled" American Cookery" which contained a recipe for
  45. Tile placement falls in one of four categories. The tile placed could be an, orphan , adjacent to no other tile on the board. The tile could create a new chain of
  46. Coat of arms included a symbol shaped like a capital 'Y '. John Trenchant is an, orphan ,who lives with his aunt, Miss Arnold. Other notable residents are the sexton Mr
  47. In 1878. That same year, he and his wife temporarily took in a seven-year-old, orphan ,named John Burke, one of 300 abandoned children sent to Maryland families from
  48. The birth of a calf is known as calving. A calf that has lost its mother is an, orphan ,calf, also known as a paddy or poddy-calf in British English. Bobby calves are
  49. And then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court citing that you are an, orphan , " Such a definition is only useful if the reader has some larger context for
  50. Not do it, but worship the Lord. 2 Judge the slave and the widow / Judge the, orphan ,:3 and the stranger. Plead for the infant / plead for the poor and :4 the widow

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