Examples of the the word, drown , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Lung cancers. There is a tendency for other hypothetical lung cancer risks to, drown ,in the risk of smoking. Results from epidemiological studies must always be
  2. As the river that" oozes rather than flows" and in which a person" does not, drown ,but decays. " Helped spur legislative action on water pollution control
  3. Be crushed in water control structures (navigation locks, floodgates,etc.), drown , in pipes and culverts, and are occasionally killed by entanglement in fishing
  4. Fall off a roof, or someone who ought to be executed by strangulation might, drown , Gentiles and Jewish law Judaism has always held that people who are not Jews
  5. To the croon. * January 6–January 7 – The River Thames floods in London; 14, drown , * January 7 – The moat at the Tower of London, previously drained in 1843 (
  6. Army attempted to follow, God permitted the waters to return upon them and, drown ,them. The people then continued to Maria marching for three days along the
  7. Equipment. It was possible for them to slip off the path into the craters and, drown ,before they could be rescued. The trees were reduced to blunted trunks, the
  8. The Novae Aldi suburb of Grozny, Chechnya. *2004 – Twenty-three Chinese people, drown ,when a group of 35 cockle-pickers are trapped by rising tides in Forename Bay
  9. Across the continent. Monks were killed in the abbey, thrown into the sea to, drown ,or carried away as slaves along with the church treasures. Three Viking ships
  10. Readily detected. (In the visible light spectrum, the glare from the star will, drown ,out the reflected light from a planet. ) Infrared light is also useful for
  11. Away, recirculated,or actively aerated, eliminating anoxic conditions, which, drown , root systems in soil. In soil, a grower needs to be very experienced to know
  12. Song of Solomon 8:7:" Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods, drown ,it. If a man were to give all his wealth for love, it would be utterly scorned.
  13. Urges doing otherwise, Holmes actually watches Stapleton lose his footing and, drown ,in the quicksand. In the epilogue, Holmes reveals his findings about Stapleton
  14. Been accused, in the staged climactic sequence of Man of Ran, of " trying to, drown ,a boatload of wild Irishmen ". Filmography * The Twenty-four Dollar Island (
  15. Of Manhattan). That speed can push casual swimmers out to sea. A few people, drown ,in the waters around New York City each year. The strength of the current
  16. Of faulty navigation. Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovel and thousands of sailors, drown , *1730 – Construction of the Ladoga Canal is completed. *1746 – The College of
  17. Achilles was choking his waters with all the men he killed. The god tried to, drown ,Achilles but was stopped by Hera and Hephaestus. Zeus himself took note of
  18. Claim the ring. Hagen tries to stop them, but they drag him into the depths and, drown ,him. As they celebrate the return of the ring and its gold to the river, a red
  19. On hearing this, splits the rock with his trident, causing Ajax to eventually, drown , Thesis buries him when the corpse washes up on Mykonos. Other versions depict
  20. Faulty navigation. Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovel and at least 1450 sailors all, drown , * October 23 – The Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain first meets in
  21. By Allied aircraft at Sudan Bay, Crete,and sunk. 2,098 Italian prisoners of war, drown ,with it. *1944 – The Soviet Army and Yugoslav Partisans liberate Belgrade, the
  22. Baden. ** The is accidentally rammed and sunk in Lake Michigan; hundreds, drown , * September 10 – Piedmont forces invade the Papal States, hoping to link up
  23. A cross-channel ferry capsizes outside the harbor off Zeebrugge, Belgium; 180, drown , * March 9 – The Irish rock band U2 releases their studio album The Joshua Tree
  24. Of the bulge and 763 soldiers of the 66th Infantry Division (United States), drown , ** The first complete U. S. production of Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker
  25. It is also possible that heavy element cores, such as iron, simply, drown , beneath the surface, leaving only light nuclei like helium and hydrogen cores.
  26. Ashore, in Goode Hoops boat, which smashes against rocks and sinks: 8 sailors, drown ,; 3 more disappear ashore. * December – The pendulum clock is invented by
  27. Horizon run, Left the dim face of this dull hemisphere, All one great eye, all, drown , 'd in one great there. Andrews was a friend of Hugo Grotius, and one of the
  28. Punished Hera by having her hung upside down from the sky when she attempted to, drown ,Heracles in a storm. *Of all the children Zeus spawned, Heracles was often
  29. Writing the novel Hard Times. * January 21 – The RMS Taylor is lost; 380, drown , ( a disaster later dubbed" the first Titanic" ). * February 11 – Major
  30. Collides with the liner Queen Mary off the coast of Donegal and sinks; 338, drown , * October 3 – The first A-4 rocket is successfully launched from Test Stand
  31. Is accused of having wanted to give the king's warriors to Ran,i.e. to, drown ,them: Prose Edda In addition, Snorri tells in Skáldskaparmál that" Rán's
  32. A large kangaroo may use its forepaws to hold the predator underwater to, drown ,it. Another defensive tactic described by witnesses is catching the attacking
  33. Swims farther out than his brother, while Anton runs into trouble and begins to, drown , Vincent saves him, then leaves home shortly thereafter. Due to frequent
  34. Odysseus is given advice by Circe to sail closer to Scylla, for Charybdis could, drown ,his whole ship:" Hug Scylla's crag—sail on past her—top speed! Better by far
  35. The emergence of interesting behavior, by creating a lot of" noise" to, drown ,out any emerging" signal "; the emergent behavior may need to be temporarily
  36. Water, a kangaroo may use its forepaws to hold the predator underwater to, drown ,it. Diet Kangaroos have chambered stomachs similar to those of cattle and sheep
  37. Planet and the sand worms except for the one the Been Dessert escape with. They, drown ,the worm in a mixture of water and spice, turning it into sand trout which will
  38. A low-lying bog, and it was said that the mud in the streets was deep enough to, drown ,a horse. Unable to drain sewage by placing the sewers below ground, Chicago put
  39. The infection acts on the insect's brain and causes it to seek water and, drown ,itself, thus returning the nematomorph to water. They are also remarkably able
  40. Owners would employ means both non-violent (sending in Salvation Army bands to, drown ,out speakers) and violent means to disrupt their meetings. Members were often
  41. Infer that reside in the lake grab at Harry and attempt to drag him down and, drown ,him in the lake. Dumbledore suddenly recovers, thanks to the water, and
  42. Candles. Without a stiff core, the wicks of a container candle could sag and, drown ,in the deep wax pool. Concerns rose that the lead in these wicks would vaporize
  43. On contact with the water. The few who survive the initial impact generally, drown ,or die of hypothermia in the cold water. Most suicidal jumps occur on the side
  44. Mile de Noirmoutier, sinks at the mouth of the river Loire in France; over 450, drown , * June 19 – In an attempt to stop the banking crisis in Central Europe from
  45. Of what would later be called anti-globalization movements. They tried to, drown ,the bankers' parties in noise from outside and held other public forms of
  46. Eagle will be dragged into the water. It may swim to safety, but some eagles, drown ,or succumb to hypothermia. When competing for food, eagles will usually
  47. Or even death. Hedgehogs will welcome water in a garden, but have been known to, drown ,in ornamental ponds. Even though hedgehogs can swim, they can get tired and
  48. But I have: That honorable grief lodged here which burns: Worse than tears, drown , Meaning flows as the lines progress, and the reader’s eye is forced to go on
  49. Sleep, but whales cannot afford to become unconscious for long because they may, drown , It is thought that only one hemisphere of the whale's brain sleeps at a time
  50. Near Arequipa; all 123 people on board are killed. ** At least 81 people, drown ,when a boat capsizes 120 kilometers east of Kampala, Uganda. ** The Bosnian

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