Examples of the the word, trench , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trench ), is the 7002 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Took their place. The Germans also made use of blocking obstacles, erecting a, trench ,and earthen wall to hinder Roman movement along the route of the killing zone.
  2. Profanity, discussion of sexuality and graphic descriptions of the war and of, trench ,life. There was extensive censorship in England and many war novels had been
  3. It did not. When there was a great fire on the island, it is said that he dug a, trench ,and stayed the flames. Prior to his death he foretold that there would be no
  4. Columbia Mountains in BC. For its first, the Columbia flows northwest along the, trench ,through Winder mere Lake and the town of Interfere, a region known in BC as the
  5. Times for industrial / goth music fans these days as a result of yet another, trench ,coat killing ", implying that Gill was involved in the goth subculture.
  6. War I, directly or indirectly causing over 75 % of casualties. The onset of, trench ,warfare after the first few months of World War I greatly increased the demand
  7. Dirt. The two ends of the trench have ramps or entrances at right angles to the, trench , so that gamma rays cannot enter (they can travel only in straight lines). To
  8. By a fellow student to be into the goth culture: wearing" a big old black, trench ,coat," and listening to heavy metal music (as opposed to gothic rock). Was
  9. Dug. A tall exhaust chimney is constructed in the center. Half or more of the, trench ,is filled with" green" ( unfixed) bricks which are stacked in an open
  10. Darker in tone than the other Black adders; it details the depredations of, trench ,warfare as well as the infamous incompetence and life-wasting strategies of the
  11. And seamounts: *Puerto Rico Trench, in the North Atlantic, is the deepest, trench ,at *Laurentian Abyss is found off the eastern coast of Canada *Romance Trench
  12. Slot-shaped depression in the bottom of a considerably larger crescent-shaped, trench , which itself is an unusually deep feature in the ocean floor. The closest land
  13. Of the tank in World War I and the tank did not fulfil its promise of rendering, trench ,warfare obsolete. Nonetheless, it was clear to military thinkers on both sides
  14. Of casualties. German and Allied armies produced essentially a matched pair of, trench ,lines from the Swiss border in the south to the North Sea coast of Belgium.
  15. With a strong roof buried by c. 1 m (3 ft) of dirt. The two ends of the, trench ,have ramps or entrances at right angles to the trench , so that gamma rays
  16. To the west, the Andes end at the Pacific Ocean, although the Peru-Chile, trench ,can be considered its ultimate western limit. From a geographical approach the
  17. Were that the generals commanding the army were blind to the realities of, trench ,warfare, ignorant of the conditions of their men and were unable to learn from
  18. Ceiling, while the boom microphones were hidden above the cloth and even dug a, trench ,into the floor to allow the low-angle shot to be used in the scene where Kane
  19. Arcs of fire came to prominence during World War I where it was a feature of, trench ,warfare. Machine guns were placed in groups, called machine-gun nests, and they
  20. Strong walls, which were washed by the sea on one side and protected by a wide, trench ,on land. In 1540 Baku was again captured by the Safavid troops. In 1604 the
  21. Then the Spanish fighters and had been warned against standing against the, trench ,parapet. Unable to speak, and with blood pouring from his mouth, Orwell was
  22. By British engineer W. Bull in the late 19th century. An oval or circular, trench , 6–9 meters wide,2-2.5 meters deep, and 100–150 meters in circumference, is
  23. Wood, oil,debris, and so on. ) through access holes in the roof above the, trench , The advantage of the BTK design is a much greater energy efficiency compared
  24. Canal, Panama Canal). Features At their simplest, canals consist of a, trench ,filled with water. Depending on the stratum the canal passes through, it may be
  25. Were mowed down when standing in lines in the open. This led to the adoption of, trench ,warfare, a style of fighting that defined the better part of World War I. The
  26. War. On the Eastern Front of World War I, where combat did not bog down into, trench ,warfare, German and Russian armies fought a war of maneuver over thousands of
  27. By eye (for example, in France and Belgium, defined by opposing defensive, trench ,systems). Typical current conflicts are vastly different, characterised by
  28. Round House – Roundhouse – Roving bridge – Royal Fine Art Commission – Rubble, trench ,foundation – Ruin value – Mumford fireplace – Rustication – Rio de La Plate
  29. Often mistake fans of heavy metal for goth, particularly those who wear black, trench ,coats or wear" corpse paint" ( a term associated with the black metal music
  30. After barely two months of mobile operations, in contrast to the four years of, trench ,warfare of the First World War. The French president of the Ministerial Council
  31. The First World War, on the Western front, the two sides had been locked in a, trench ,war, where kill zones by overlapping fire of machine guns and barbed wire
  32. Austria during that war collapses when the Germans and the Austrians forsake, trench ,warfare and adopt blitzkrieg twenty years in advance. Kingsley AMIS set his
  33. Confederate army in the Siege of Petersburg, where the two armies engaged in, trench ,warfare for over nine months. Grant finally found a commander, General Philip
  34. Into the American Civil War. A new style, during World War I, known as, trench ,warfare, developed nearly half a century later. This also led to radio for
  35. S gone all quiet on the Western Front / Male Angels sigh / ghosts in a flooded, trench ,/ As Germany dies" ). Theatre In 2009,Nottingham Playhouse commissioned a
  36. Which the bricks are loaded, fired,and unloaded gradually rotate through the, trench , Dry pressed bricks The dry press method is similar to mud brick but starts
  37. Which at the end of the war had seen some breakthroughs in the Western Front's, trench ,war, and the maneuver warfare which dominated the Eastern Front. Return to
  38. Line in the Somme Valley in France on his nineteenth birthday, and experienced, trench ,warfare. On 15 April 1918,Lewis was wounded and two of his colleagues were
  39. Century by British explorer John Walter Gregory to the continuous geographic, trench , approximately in length, that runs from northern Syria in Southwest Asia to
  40. For close-quarters engagements such as inside buildings, in urban areas or in, trench ,complexes. A related class of firearm is the" Personal Defense Weapon" or PDW
  41. By 1024 times (210). Usually, an expedient purpose-built fallout shelter is a, trench , with a strong roof buried by c. 1 m (3 ft) of dirt. The two ends of the
  42. Had survived an engagement. When he and the other characters are trapped in a, trench ,under heavy attack, Bertinck, who has been injured in the firefight, spots a
  43. Beats him because of it and when a lieutenant comes along looking for men for a, trench ,charge, Himmelstoß joins and leads the charge. He carries Have Wests' body
  44. Of siege warfare. Improvements in transportation and the sudden evolving of, trench ,warfare, with its siege-like nature during World War I in the 20th century
  45. Between a kind of no man's land was created with fighting very similar to the, trench ,warfare of World War I. Finally the standoff was broken by a traitor in Caesar
  46. Was a long-held stalemate between the German Army and the Allies in dug-in, trench ,warfare. Further German attempts to break through deeper into France failed at
  47. Much more important as precise operations became vital. Instead of the locked, trench ,warfare of World War I, during World War II, a dynamic network of battles
  48. Velocity rifles and machine guns like the foot soldiers, who at least had a, trench ,to protect them. Present Today, ballistic vests, euphemistically known as a
  49. The original expedition ship. This survey recorded the deepest part of the, trench ,using echo sounding, a much more precise and vastly easier way to measure depth
  50. Level – and the adjoining Columbia Wetlands form the river's headwaters. The, trench ,is a broad, deep,and long glacial valley between the Canadian Rockies and the

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