Examples of the the word, flock , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flock ), is the 7008 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hermes drinks along with the ambrosia. Later, Circe mentions to Odysseus that a, flock ,of doves are the bringers of ambrosia to Olympus. *In the Odyssey (ix.345–359
  2. And a multitude of flapping wings heard. The screen was then broken, and a, flock ,of white doves flew out of the TV set. Also, the episode uses gun FM and
  3. Up a decorated spruce at the market square where the young men“ went with a, flock ,of maidens and women, first sang and danced there and then set the tree aflame
  4. Sample iptables rules to allow Neatly access # Neatly needs a, flock ,of ports. # This is the one-line-per-port example, and should work with # older
  5. Mischief, are tossed into a sack of grain, run through a mill and consumed by a, flock ,of geese. Max and Moritz provided an inspiration for German immigrant Rudolph
  6. Passenger pigeon was once probably the most common bird in the world, a single, flock ,numbering up to 2.2 billion birds. It was hunted close to extinction for food
  7. Hemisphere to remain vigilant for predators by viewing the outer margins of the, flock , This adaptation is also known from marine mammals. Communal roosting is common
  8. Who shared Mather’s fears, cited evidence of divine actions to restore the, flock , Such was the social climate of New England when the Goodwin children received
  9. The Christian writer Tertullian had acknowledged their power over the Christian, flock , and was compelled to be blunt: the combats were murder, their witnessing
  10. Was a connection with Dolly being a clone, and that other sheep in the same, flock ,had died of the same disease. The Rosin Institute has stated that intensive
  11. A rumor spread that gladiators were about to be exhibited; the populace, flock ,together, make a tumult, clamor aloud, and fight for their places: meantime, I
  12. city's population; the Patriarch of Aquila Pauli nus fled with his clergy and, flock ,to the island of Grade in Byzantine-controlled territory. From Aquila, Alboin
  13. I must bring them also, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one, flock , one shepherd. ” Though a number of early Christian and medieval commentators
  14. Vision of the Virgin Mary in 1917 by three young children whilst tending their, flock , To the west of Alabama is the well-known fishing village of Nature. Today
  15. So the few" clever" people of the world needed to lead the rest of the, flock , Therefore, the idea was born that only the elite should know the truth in its
  16. The next decade, continues to be the one city in Tanzania which villagers, flock ,to for better opportunities, while on the other hand more Westerners and Asians
  17. He wakes up, he is under the influence of a spell from Athena. He goes to a, flock ,of sheep and slaughters them, imagining they are the Achaean leaders, including
  18. And Sacrament who serves a congregation and exercises" the oversight of the, flock ,of Christ. " The term is traceable to the 1789 Form of Government of the PC (
  19. Has sprung up just now with a few followers, although the leading men of your, flock ,do not agree either with you or among themselves – indeed though you do not
  20. Species as well. Among birds, the white" chinstraps" of Canada geese make a, flock ,in tall grass appear more like sticks and less like birds' heads. In nature
  21. Godzilla attacks the facility and feeds off the reactor, he is distracted by a, flock ,of birds, and leaves the facility almost as quickly as he arrived. Okra and
  22. And urging those ahead of them to make it snappy. Scene 15: Fighting. The men, flock ,to see a boxing match between Trinity Moses and Jim’s friend Alaska Wolf Joe.
  23. Universities of Europe (including St Andrews, Scotland ). Johnson joined his, flock ,in 1597,and in 1604 he and Ainsworth composed An Apology or Defense of such
  24. Then on the table and the room kept warm for their comfort. In Brittany, people, flock , to the cemeteries at nightfall to kneel, bareheaded,at the graves of their
  25. Event for many people on the island, as well as the thousands of tourists that, flock ,to the island to participate in the annual events. The festival includes
  26. This act, applying it to all French colonies. The slaves did not immediately, flock ,to Sonthonax's banner, however. White colonists continued to fight Sonthonax
  27. Indigenous Christian population of Balkans (known as" rajah" or" protected, flock ,") lived under the Ottoman Canon–i–Rajah. The word is sometimes translated as
  28. Culture. Notably, in 1269 they were the first to give public lessons to their, flock , and later they produced the authoritative history on Portugal in a series of
  29. And software compared to the distributed administering requirements with a, flock ,of computers. Challenges Generally a server may be challenged beyond its
  30. Top farm manager Tom Story had made a name for their prize-winning Herd wick, flock , As a Herd wick breeder she won many prizes at the local agricultural shows and
  31. In the summer months, as millions of Poles and European Union citizens, flock ,to the beaches of the Baltic coastline. Major companies in Gdańsk: *
  32. This ability depending upon its position relative to the outside of the, flock , This may allow the eye opposite the sleeping hemisphere to remain vigilant for
  33. Events, tens of thousands of people worldwide — along with criminals — would, flock ,to the scene of anything interesting, hoping to experience or exploit the
  34. Shot by hunters as they gathered about the wounded and dead members of the, flock , This combination of factors extirpated the species from most of its range
  35. On. Scene 2 The news of Mahagonny spreads quickly, and sharks from all over, flock ,to the bait, including the whore Jenny Smith, who is seen, with six other girls
  36. Blood and inheritance, not as a conqueror but as the true shepherd of Christ's, flock ,to cherish and comfort them. Oxford fears were ill-founded, however. In letters
  37. Assets in subsequent years, his bastard daughters cementing alliances with a, flock ,of lords whose lands bordered Henry's. He had many mistresses, and identifying
  38. Influential were his Hymns Against Heresies. Efren used these to warn his, flock ,of the heresies which threatened to divide the early church. He lamented that
  39. Costumes dancing and drinking on the streets. Hundreds of thousands of visitors, flock ,to Cologne during this time. Generally, around a million people celebrate in
  40. Most popular on the West Coast and Southern parts of the United States. Because, flock ,contains flame retardants, a flock ed tree can be placed in a public building in
  41. Was unrivaled. Attributes The birds of Ares (Writhes Real) were a, flock ,of feather-dart-dropping birds that guarded the Amazons' shrine of the god on
  42. Day has for decades been considered as a holiday in the town. People would, flock ,to Guernica not just from the immediate vicinity but from all over the province
  43. Bar, brought them meals every day. Amir, a servant of Abu Bakr, would bring a, flock ,of goats to the mouth of the cave every night where they were milked. The
  44. Busy with work that ranged from giving mass to meeting with the people of his, flock ,and not to mention making it a top priority to make sure people were not
  45. To be leader of one party. Most of the leading knights of the realm, however, flock , to the opposite standard under which Desdichado's vanquished opponents fought.
  46. Are cast into the harbor. Many people enjoy this display, and large crowds, flock ,to see it, with 12,000 attending the 2007/2008 event. In recent years
  47. In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. After using his umbrella to induce a, flock ,of seagulls to smash through the glass cockpit of a pursuing German fighter
  48. Is one of the recreations of Darwin locals. Visitors from around the world, flock ,to Darwin aiming to catch the prized barracuda, an iconic fish for the region.
  49. In one field area, approximately 30 meters apart, so cannot be classed as a, flock ,in the general sense, consisting of birds without a mate or territory. They are
  50. Back-breaking labor; from the age of seven, Constantin herded the family's, flock ,of sheep. He showed talent for carving objects out of wood, and often ran away

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