Examples of the the word, sincere , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sincere ), is the 7014 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A priest and healer, and also a Swabian. Mesmer said that while Gasser was, sincere ,in his beliefs, his cures were because he possessed a high degree of animal
  2. Tithes. Excommunicated members may be re-baptized after a waiting period and, sincere ,repentance, as judged by a series of interviews with church leaders. Some
  3. In the problems he was facing which evoked from the same profound mind and, sincere ,spirit these entirely contrary manifestations. His soul revolted against
  4. Then all of the above votes are sincere , and the following combination is also a, sincere ,vote:: The decision between the above ballots is equivalent to deciding an
  5. Defeat a compromise candidate who would have won if every voter had cast, sincere ,preferences. * If voters are sincere , candidates trying to win an approval
  6. It also votes for anymore preferred candidate. This definition allows a, sincere ,vote to treat strictly preferred candidates the same, ensuring that every voter
  7. Cutoff may be approved or not arbitrarily. Strategy with ordinal preferences A, sincere ,voter with multiple options for voting sincere ly still has to choose which
  8. Their chances of eternal salvation. On 21 September 1856,while calling for, sincere ,repentance, Brigham Young took the idea further, and stated::" I know that
  9. Wrote against this historiography tradition. Seek presented Constantine as a, sincere ,war hero, whose ambiguities were the product of his own naïve inconsistency.
  10. Allowed to give the lectures if they are“ able reverent men, true thinkers, sincere ,lovers of and earnest inquirers after truth ”. He still believed in the
  11. As his correspondence with the prince shows that they were composed with a very, sincere ,sense of inspiration. Mitigate Educator, accounted his masterpiece, composed
  12. His will. Bertha von Suttner was awarded the 1905 Nobel Peace Prize,'for her, sincere ,peace activities '. Nobel's third and longest-lasting love was with a flower
  13. Fine or jail. The latter is usually until such time as a person has performed a, sincere ,act of contrition (i.e., purging the offense) or the order is no longer
  14. As strategy-free). When all voters have dichotomous preferences and vote the, sincere , strategy-proof vote, approval voting is guaranteed to elect the Condorcet
  15. Exposure of fairy cutouts in the grass ", and thus" both ladies can be quite, sincere ,in believing that they each took it ". In a 1985 television interview on Arthur
  16. To understand what is expected of members of the religion and to demonstrate, sincere ,dedication to the faith. Most baptisms among Jehovah's Witnesses are performed
  17. That every voter has at least one sincere vote. The definition also allows a, sincere ,vote to treat equally preferred candidates differently. When there are two or
  18. Others vote. In approval voting, the strategy-proof vote, if it exists, is a, sincere ,vote. Strategy with cardinal utilities Voting strategy under approval is guided
  19. The film, Wood wrote a new autobiographical screenplay titled Glen or Glenda,a, sincere ,and sympathetic study of transvestism. Wood directed and, using the alias
  20. Great detail in her feminist book The Second Sex to show how, despite women's, sincere ,efforts at proving themselves as human beings firmly established in their own
  21. World Headquarters to an uncertain future. Batman's final words express his, sincere ,hope that this" mixing of minds" does more good than it does harm. The Fins
  22. The victims (who were generally intellectuals) to produce detailed and, sincere ,ideological“ confessions ”. For instance, a professor of formal logic called
  23. Then personal security. Protestant interpretation To argue their claim that, sincere ,profession of Christ takes precedence over good works in God's eyes
  24. The Gospel, draw them strongly towards salvation, and enable the possibility of, sincere ,faith. Piccalilli states that" indeed this grace is so close to regeneration
  25. As well. Dichotomous preferences Approval voting avoids the issue of multiple, sincere ,votes in special cases when voters have dichotomous preferences. For a voter
  26. Voter with multiple options for voting sincere ly still has to choose which, sincere ,vote to use. Voting strategy is a way to make that choice, in which case
  27. Is a way to make that choice, in which case strategic approval voting includes, sincere ,voting, rather than being an alternative to it. This differs from other voting
  28. Outcomes for a voting system, approval voting can be considered vulnerable to, sincere , strategic voting. In one sense, conditions where this can happen are robust
  29. Voter has at least three sincere approval votes to choose from. Two of those, sincere ,approval votes do not distinguish between any of the candidates: vote for none
  30. The winner of an approval voting election can change, depending on which, sincere ,votes are used. In some cases, approval voting can sincere ly elect any one of
  31. Alumni base. " Strategic voting Sincere voting Approval voting experts describe, sincere ,votes as those" ... that directly reflect the true preferences of a voter, i.
  32. Him from the dead, you will be saved. That confession of Christ as Lord and, sincere ,belief in his resurrection is sufficient for salvation. The Oxford English
  33. Restitution ... an important step in finding freedom from real guilt '; or by, sincere ,remorse (as with confession in Catholicism or restorative justice). Guilt can
  34. Who would have won if every voter had cast sincere preferences. * If voters are, sincere , candidates trying to win an approval voting election might need to get as much
  35. He was a thorough believer in revelation and in a divine providence, and was a, sincere , law-observing follower of rabbinical Judaism. He would not allow Aristotle,"
  36. When there are two or more candidates, every voter has at least three, sincere ,approval votes to choose from. Two of those sincere approval votes do not
  37. As ordinal systems, and can be completed at the local level. * If voters are, sincere , approval voting would elect centrists at least as often as moderates of each
  38. Characteristically patronizing:" I thought that these verses too had a sweet, sincere ,pathos of their own ". Eventually, though not easily, the sisters reached an
  39. To it. This differs from other voting systems that typically have a unique, sincere ,vote for a voter. When there are three or more candidates, the winner of an
  40. And provincial warlords while having to reconstruct and unify the country. His, sincere , albeit often unsuccessful attempts to build a more powerful nation have been
  41. To be antisemitism. They regard anti-Judaism as a disagreement of religiously, sincere ,people with the tenets of Judaism, while regarding antisemitism as an emotional
  42. And D is the least preferred candidate, then all of the above votes are, sincere ,and the following combination is also a sincere vote:: The decision between the
  43. To their husbands and" all his interests … to show attention and care … and, sincere ,and discreet zeal for his salvation. " A woman’s education often consisted of
  44. Life--will enter God's kingdom. " He further added," All who seek God with a, sincere ,heart, including those who do not know Christ and his church, contribute under
  45. Preferring A to B to C to D, then the following are the voter's possible, sincere ,approval votes:::::: If the voter instead equally prefers B and C, while A is
  46. When there are three or more candidates, every voter has more than one, sincere ,approval vote that distinguishes between the candidates. Examples Based on the
  47. 1612 and 1633. The Chambers Biographical Dictionary describes him as" a, sincere ,but narrow-minded Calvinist ". His brother Robert was Bishop of Salisbury. He
  48. R&B producers won't supply her with Janet Jackson's sense of humor or, sincere ,smile ... Britney's heroes aren't great singers. But they're real singers.
  49. Not report preferences 'falsely. '" They also give a specific definition of a, sincere ,approval vote in terms of the voter's ordinal preferences as being any vote
  50. Preferred candidates the same, ensuring that every voter has at least one, sincere ,vote. The definition also allows a sincere vote to treat equally preferred

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