Examples of the the word, encouraging , in a Sentence Context

The word ( encouraging ), is the 7004 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Encourage, further distortions of social policy? The indications are not all, encouraging , Richard Bernstein and Charles Murray published a book in 1994 clearly
  2. Of the island, including its cultural heritage. The Trust has programs, encouraging ,Anguilla writers and the preservation of the island's history. The island's
  3. And liberalism, bolstering enthusiasm for separation from Britain, and, encouraging , recruitment for the Continental Army. Paine provided a new and widely accepted
  4. Of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels gave his famous Sportscast speech in Berlin, encouraging ,the Germans to accept a total war which would claim all resources and efforts
  5. And, in a sense, predicted modern environmentalism by condemning pollution and, encouraging ,humankind's role in sustaining ecology. Criticism Alcott's philosophical
  6. In Sīnā's commentaries on Aristotle often corrected the philosopher, encouraging ,a lively debate in the spirit of jihad. In the medieval Islamic world, due to
  7. Simpler (by greatly reducing laundry, diaper rash, cradle cap, etc.),while, encouraging ,the baby to be more confident, mobile,comfortable, healthy and therefore less
  8. Local Baptist churches. Historically, Baptists have played a key role in, encouraging ,religious freedom and separation of church and state. Shared doctrines would
  9. Name "/NP"> America"/> Lincoln had already published a letter name "/IN"> Greeley"/>, encouraging ,the border states especially to accept emancipation as necessary to save the
  10. And animal carcasses scattered everywhere, Heigo forbade him to do so, instead, encouraging , Akira to face his fears by confronting them directly. Some commentators have
  11. Of tilapia in 2005,with 2.5 million projected by 2010. Widespread publicity, encouraging ,fish consumption has led to increases in tilapia consumption by those with
  12. On Christmas Day in 597. Pope Gregory sent more missionaries in 601,along with, encouraging ,letters and gifts for the churches, although attempts to persuade the native
  13. Typically give advice to the boxer on what he is doing wrong as well as, encouraging ,him if he is losing. The cut man is a cutaneous doctor responsible for keeping
  14. Control or influence, he encourages women to live and work freely, as well as, encouraging ,music, sports and allowing for freedom of religion. While Dos tum was ruling
  15. Discussions with Myanmar. " U2 supported her on their 2009 U2 360° Tour by, encouraging ,fans to wear masks with her likeness on them during the band's performance of
  16. The theory holds that open financial systems accelerate economic growth by, encouraging ,foreign capital inflows, thereby enabling higher levels of savings, investment
  17. Efforts proved futile as real estate agents began engaging in blockbusting, encouraging ,white homeowners to sell at rock-bottom prices so that the agents could re-sell
  18. The Deck rings prevent the formation of secondary eddies in the whirlpool, encouraging ,the formation of a cohesive true cone in the middle of the whirlpool. Smaller
  19. 1886 and 1917,Carnegie reformed both library philanthropy and library design, encouraging ,a closer correspondence between the two. The Brooke County Public Library in
  20. Never moved above the heads of even the dullest readers. He led them on gently, encouraging ,them by trivialities and homely observations, making them feel comfortable all
  21. Effect, a hypothesis on how natural selection could contribute to speciation by, encouraging ,the development of barriers against hybridization. Wallace was strongly
  22. Troops ". In a letter to Andrew Johnson, the military governor of Tennessee, encouraging ,him to lead the way in raising black troops, Lincoln wrote," The bare sight of
  23. Students not to live in the area. In September 1992,a report was published, encouraging ,the formation of a zone of tolerance towards prostitution in Balsall Heath.
  24. The Book of Revelation should not be read as an enigmatic warning, but as an, encouraging ,vision of Christ's definitive victory over evil. Seventh-day Adventist view
  25. Of the Basel Convention calls for an overall reduction of waste generation. By, encouraging ,countries to keep wastes within their boundaries and as close as possible to
  26. For treatment of cancer and Alzheimer's Disease, but analyses have not been, encouraging , Mineralized skeletons of Bryozoa first appear in rocks from the latest Cambrian
  27. Nature of LCA the improvement of vision in gene therapy patients is, encouraging ,for researchers. It is hoped that gene therapy may be even more effective in
  28. Plans through governmental expansion of the Couple power station, as well as, encouraging ,private investment in the form of a 4,000 megawatt power station by the
  29. Recent diplomatic visits by the US and other democratic governments, urging or, encouraging ,the Burmese towards democratic reform. U. S. President Barack Obama personally
  30. To launch a broad attack against sexual double standards and to indict men for, encouraging ,women to indulge in excessive emotion. Wollstonecraft wrote the Rights of Woman
  31. Has six teachers working with hundreds of dancers every day, inspiring and, encouraging ,self-esteem, creativity and the love of dance. Sister cities Since 2004
  32. Also to the declarer). There are three types of signals: attitude signals (, encouraging ,or discouraging the suit led),count signals (showing the number of cards
  33. Racial group. Dr. Janssen goes on by saying" We need to do a better job of, encouraging ,African Americans to test. Studies show that approximately one in five black
  34. Ceausescu, leader of Communist Romania, publicly condemns the Soviet maneuver, encouraging ,the Romanian population to arm itself against possible Soviet reprisals. * 1968
  35. Gwyneth Paltrow worked together on a series of public service announcements, encouraging ,use of alternative energy sources and alternative fuel vehicles. Health care
  36. The quality of life God wants his renewed people to enjoy, containing many, encouraging ,promises to them. Chapters 9-14 comprise two" oracles" of the future.
  37. Of this plan, and they have been working with zoos and Aquarian around the world, encouraging ,them to create assurance colonies of threatened amphibians. One such project is
  38. People really concerned about the plight of the Third World should actually be, encouraging ,free trade, rather than attempting to fight it. People in the third world, they
  39. Supporter of the Ottoman Empire's integrity, took secret diplomatic steps, encouraging ,Greek entry into the League in order to counteract Russian influence. At the
  40. About the stranger who came to Athens. Medea tried to have Theseus killed by, encouraging ,Aegean to ask him to capture the Marathon Bull, but Theseus succeeded. She
  41. Measure of market efficiency. Arbitrage tends to reduce price discrimination by, encouraging ,people to buy an item where the price is low and resell it where the price is
  42. In addition to graduate level training the profession also tends towards, encouraging ,conservation students to spend time as an intern. Conservation is an
  43. Natural selection could drive the reproductive isolation of two varieties by, encouraging ,the development of barriers against hybridization. Thus, it might contribute to
  44. Initiative The Bluetooth Innovation World Cup is an international competition, encouraging ,the development of new innovations and ideas for applications leveraging the
  45. Of mourning for the destruction of the city should be kept any longer, and an, encouraging ,address to the people, assuring them of God's presence and blessing. Chapters
  46. And they chose newcomer Lena Anderson to perform. The song won third place, encouraging ,Sting Anderson, and became a hit in Sweden. The first signs of foreign success
  47. Sing spiel troupe. For Joseph and his supports of Imperial reform, besides, encouraging , any first buddings of pan-national pride that would unite his multilingual and
  48. Conferences each year, highlighting Apache projects, related technology, and, encouraging , Apache developers to gather together. History The history of the Apache
  49. Intents to teach patients coping strategies when noticing such symptoms with, encouraging ,results. Mortality Bipolar disorder can cause suicidal ideation that leads to
  50. Their slave property would be secure ". The colonists accused the British of, encouraging ,slave revolts. American advocates of independence were commonly lampooned in

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