Examples of the the word, frozen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frozen ), is the 7007 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. More than 40 kilometers across. They are composed of rock, dust,water ice, and, frozen , gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia. Because of
  2. Boudin is usually made daily as it doesn't keep well for very long, even when, frozen , Boudin is typically stuffed in a natural casing and has a softer consistency
  3. And water, though naturally a good conductor, will not conduct well when, frozen ,into ice. " Oceanography findings An aging Franklin accumulated all his
  4. Of the competition was the reliability of the firearm in the muddy, wet,and, frozen ,conditions of the Soviet front line. Kalashnikov designed a carbine, strongly
  5. Of a crystalline material, under certain conditions, the fluid may be, frozen ,in a noncrystalline state. In most cases, this involves cooling the fluid so
  6. Also record short promotions for his latest investment, the world's first, frozen ,orange juice, sold under the brand name Minute Maid. This investment allowed
  7. When most foods were subject to rationing. In more recent times, pre-prepared, frozen , and tinned versions have become available. Similar dishes * Rumbledethumps
  8. Freeze typically in late January. In 2011,the Gulf of Finland was completely, frozen ,on 15 February. The ice extent depends on whether the winter is mild, moderate
  9. That no bus should be older than 12 years - however, this decision is currently, frozen ,because of the high cost for bus operators. In practice, bus fares are
  10. Isolated North Atlantic island at the end of the last ice age, walking over the, frozen ,sea. The Arctic Fox Center in Slavic contains an exhibition on the arctic fox
  11. The ministerial level were suspended, and EU technical assistance programs were, frozen , Acknowledging the lack of progress in relation to bilateral relations and the
  12. The river's highest water levels usually occur during June floods; it is, frozen ,over an average of forty days per year. Several major rivers flow directly to
  13. Gases like methane, hydrogen,and helium. The interior of Saturn may include, frozen ,crystals of ammonia. It is naturally found on Deimos and Phobos - the two moons
  14. Mountains. For nine months of the year the ground is covered with snow, and the, frozen ,rivers become navigable roads. George Kennan, an American working on the
  15. Winters **Low, evergreen vegetation, without trees, growing over permanently, frozen ,soils Bailey System Robert G. Bailey almost developed a biogeographical
  16. Year, on the last Sunday in April, there is an ice fishing competition in the, frozen ,estuaries waters of the Andy River's mouth. This festival is locally known
  17. Nights, hunting parties from both the hunters' and the prey's point of view, frozen ,landscapes, ice-skating children, and warming winter fires. Each concerto is
  18. Or colloidal solutions, such as extras, human serum albumin, or fresh, frozen ,plasma. In these emergency situations, a plasma expander is a more effective
  19. The aback method of fractional freezing, in which a strong ale is partially, frozen ,and the ice is repeatedly removed, until the desired strength is reached, a
  20. Heat and warmth that only planets in very close orbits around them would not be, frozen ,solid, and in such close orbits these planets would be tidally" locked" to
  21. Image gallery Image: Baozi-Halal-label-2570. JPG|A package of halal-certified, frozen ,food (steamed cabbage buns) from Jiangsu province, China Image: Niuroumian.
  22. With the royal court of Peter I the Great playing bandy on Saint Petersburg's, frozen ,Neva river. Russians played bandy with sticks made out of juniper wood, later
  23. 1909,Bell was present as the Silver Dart flown by J. A. D. McCurdy from the, frozen ,ice of Bras d'Or, made the first aircraft flight in Canada. Bell had worried
  24. The Valley of the Sh moon, Planets Pincus Number 2 and 7,and a miserable, frozen ,wasteland known as Lower Slobbovia, a pointedly political satire of backward
  25. In practice; imperfections, and even entire amorphous materials, simply get ", frozen ,in" at low temperatures, so transitions to more stable states do not occur.
  26. Lukashenko and other high-ranking Belarusian officials should be tracked and, frozen , In 2005,Amnesty International reported a pattern of deliberate obstruction
  27. Or fungal spoilage, oxidation reactions still occur relatively rapidly in, frozen ,or refrigerated food. These preservatives include natural antioxidants such as
  28. Returned to the fireplace, Centurashvili had vanished; who knows, maybe he got, frozen ,somewhere in snow, he was a weak guy (...) The wardens searched for two more
  29. To the Anadyrsky District of Chukka. It is long and has a basin of. It is, frozen ,from October to late May and has a maximum flow in June with the snowmelt. It
  30. Was taken prisoner to Rome. On January 2 366 the Alemannic yet again crossed the, frozen ,Rhine in large numbers, to invade the Gallic provinces, this time being
  31. Clubs (teams) fought out the 1st division. Later, the number of artificially, frozen ,pitches has risen, and the number of clubs has started a slight increase. From
  32. Killed on screen. Also, in the released film the footage of the fight scene is, frozen ,at the critical moment, and a caption appears onscreen marking this as the
  33. They get to the observatory where Freeze and Bane are, Gotham is completely, frozen , Robin and Batgirl confront Bane and defeat him, while Batman and Freeze begin
  34. Observers. Because of this property, the collapsed stars were called ", frozen ,stars," because an outside observer would see the surface of the star frozen
  35. A combination of high winds and snow previously accumulated both on land and on, frozen ,Lake Erie. Snow does not typically impair the city's operation, but can cause
  36. Food industry develop new products requiring minimal preparation, such as, frozen ,entrées. Many of these recipes have become very popular. For example, the
  37. According to tradition, a claim was once made that the shattering of a pumpkin, frozen ,in liquid nitrogen and dropped from a sufficient height would produce a
  38. One side of the planet would be perpetually baked and the other perpetually, frozen , In 2005,the question was brought back to the attention of the scientific
  39. Robert De Niro was one of the patients who emerged from a catatonic (, frozen ,) state. The home of Williams' character was shot not far from Sacks' actual
  40. Sea had been covered with ice. It is known that since 1720,the Baltic Sea has, frozen ,over entirely only 20 times. The most recent case was in early 1987,which was
  41. They are employed during the transportation and storage of ice cream and other, frozen ,foods. Solid carbon dioxide is called" dry ice" and is used for small
  42. Frozen stars," because an outside observer would see the surface of the star, frozen ,in time at the instant where its collapse takes it inside the Schwarzschild
  43. Role would have been the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, designed to study the, frozen ,moons of Jupiter—some of which may have liquid water—had it not been cancelled.
  44. Instant breakfasts, breath mints, cereals,sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, frozen ,desserts, gelatin desserts, juices,laxatives, chewable vitamins supplements
  45. 2010. In recent years prior to 2011,Bosnian Bay and the Bothnian Sea were, frozen ,with solid ice near the Baltic coast and dense floating ice far from it. In
  46. Effect snowstorm in Buffalo in the normal sense of that term (Lake Erie was, frozen ,over at the time),but instead resulted from a combination of high winds and
  47. His monthly stipend,$7 million ($ today) a year, and his Saudi assets were, frozen , His family publicly disowned him. There is controversy over whether and to
  48. In a Annmarie. * Controlled-temperature bains-marie can be used to heat, frozen ,breast milk before feedings. * Bains-marie can be used in place of chafing
  49. Blood as a prominent visual element. Marc Quinn has made sculptures using, frozen ,blood, including a cast of his own head made using his own blood. In genealogy
  50. By researchers at the University of Helsinki. By shining ultraviolet light onto, frozen ,argon containing a small amount of hydrogen fluoride, argon borohydride (

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